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Test 4-2381

Mood disorders.Depression/bipolar disorders-char ch 18,19,32-11/18

What are two assessment tools for depression? Beck depression inventory, zung's self-rating depression scale
Approximately 2/3 of suicidal peole contemplate suicide and __% actually follow through. 15%
4 main areas to assess with depression: mood, physical changes, vegatative signs and cognition
Aspects of mood I should assess (depression) anhedonia, angergia (lack of energy), anxiety, feelings of worthlessnes, guilt, helplessness, anger and irritability
Physical changes to observe (depression) posture, facial expressions, sadness and dejection, weeping or cant, no eye contact or monotone voice, flat affect, yes/no responses (poverty of speeech)psychomotor retardation/agitation
Vegitative signs to observe (snap shot of depression) eating changes, sleeping (early waking or in the night) elimination (constipation) sexuality, self care
Cognition to observe (depression) slow thinking, memory/cog affected, dwell on faults & fail to recognize strengths, poor judgement, indecisive, delusional (wicked so should die)
What else should I assess for with a depressed patient? med & neuro eval, Hx of depression, supports, trigger event, cultural beliefs about mental health and spiritual practices
Depressed patients, do they like change? Do they seem to respond to nursing interventions? no
What emotions do nurses experience when working with depressed patients? frustration, hopelessness, annoyance, angry, hurt, anxious and incompetent.
Who do psyche nurses have unrealistic expectations for? patients and self
What do nurses need to remember about patients depression? it has a lot to do with neurotransmitters
What nursing diagnoses have to do with the vegetative signs? imbalanced nutrition, disturbed sleep pattern, constipation, sexual dysfunction.
What is a basic level intervention with a depressed person? silence, open statements, concrete words, time for patient, listen for covert messages, ask about suicide plans and avoid trite remarks
With a depressed patient help identify: cognitive distortions and negative distortions
exercise, supportive relationships and spiritual referrals can help patients with depression
Help depressed patients by questioning their underlying beliefs and consider alternative explainations
what teaching is important for family and individual faced with depression teach about biological Sx, psychosocial/cog changes, suicide s/s, meds, aftercare and relapse prevention
for patients who aren't eating: increase high protien snacks and drinks and fluids. Encourage family to bring in thier favorite foods.
What can I do for sleep patterns of a depressed person? provide restful environment at night and encourage being awake in the day
Self care for a depressed person: encourage ADL's, may need step by step.
what are suicide precautions? 15 min checks, scrubs, and 1:1's
What items are restricted on a psyche floor? plastic bags, shoe laces or belts, no cords of any kind, hair appliances with supervision
What are the four main charicteristics of mania? mood, behavior, thought processes, and cognitive function
Bipolar mood is euphoric labile, get rich schemes, or desire for power, paranoid and hostile
Bipolar behavior is: hyperactive, grandiose, finanial issues, manipulative, busy, poor concentration, starts many projects yet finishes few, highly distractible
Thought processes of bipolar: flight of ideas, rapid speech, circumstancial communication (polititian), verbosity (constant talk), clang associations, grandiousity
Cognitive function of a person with bipolar onset preceded by high cognitive fxn., 1/3 of pts. have cog issues, verbal mem/sustained attn. contributes to relational trouble
other assessments for bipolar: danger to self and others?, hosp. needed?, medical causes? (thyroid, lupus)dehydration, exhaustion, cardiac collapse?, families understanding
bipoler possible dx: risk 4 injury, coping, r/f violence, impaired communication, isolation, nutrition, sleep, self care deficit etc.
Phases of bipolar treatment: phase one:acute prevent injury (2-6 months)phase two: continuation of treatment lasts 4-9 months, with relapse prevention andphase 3-maintenance treatment phase (begins at about 6 months)
Phase one for bipolar (prevent injury): hydrate w/in 24 hrs, maintain cardiac status, maintain tissue integrity, sufficient sleep and 10 min rest every hour, encourage self control, medicate if needed
Phase two for bipolar (cont. of Treatment) education for pt. and family includes:disease, signs of relapse, meds, substance addiction info
What kinds of pychosocial interventions are there for bipolar support groups (critical), CBT for coping skills, communication and problem solving skills training.
Phase three for bipolar (maintenance treatment phase) med compliance is big, community resources such as NAMI, follow up with provider (lithium levels)
NAMI national alliance 4 the mentally ill
Health teaching for a bipolar person focuses on: med compliance & follow up, Sx of impending episodes, regular eating,sleeping and exercize, day hospitalization or home care, NAMI or Manic Depression organization
Created by: 500946117
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