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Chapter 18 Potter

Spiritual Health

An awareness of one's inner self and a sense of connection to a higher being, nature, or to some purpose greater than oneself. spirituality
An important factor that helps to achieve the balance needed to maintain health and well-being and to cope with illness. spirituality
Nursing care involves helping patients to use their ________________ as they identify and explore what is meaningful in their lives and to find ways to cope with illness and life's stressors. spiritual resources
The ________________ shows that healing soften takes place b/c of believing. placebo phenomenon
________________ improve individuals' immune function and perceptions of pain and anxiety. relaxation exercises & guided imagery
________________ raises pain thresholds, boosts antibodies, reduces stress hormones, relieves tension, and elevates mood. laughter
Researchers found that attending ________________ was associated with decreasing the risk of heart diesease in patients with diabetes. religious services
A person's inner beliefs and convictions are powerful resources for ________________. healing
Our ________________ enables us to love, to have faith and hope, to seek meaning in life, and to nurture relationships with others. spirituality
________________ offers a sense of connectedness intrapersonally (connected with oneself), interpersonally (connected with others and the environment), transpersonally, (connected with God, the unseen, or a higher power). spirituality
Through ________________, patients are able to move beyond the stressors of everyday life and find comfort, faith, hope, peace, and empowerment. connectedness
Someone who does not believe in the existence of God atheist
Someone who does believes that any ultimate reality is unknown or unknowable. agnostic
________________ search for meaning in life through their work and relationships with others. atheists
B/c ________________ feel they are alone, they sense a strong responsibility for themselves. atheists
Defined as a cultural or institutional religion, such as Buddhism, Christianity, or Islam. faith
A relationship with a divinity, higher power, authority, or spirit that incorporates a reasoning belief and a trusting action. faith
The manner in which a person chooses to life life, which enables action. faith
When providing ________________ to patients, you need to know the differences between religion and spirituality. spiritual care
________________ care helps patients maintain their faithfulness to their belief systems and worship practices. religious
________________ care helps people maintain personal relationships and a relationship to a higher being or life force, in order to identify meaning and purpose in life. spiritual
A multidimensional concept that gives comfort while a person endures hardship and personal challenges. hope
________________ is energizing, giving individuals a motivation to achieve and the resources to use toward that achievement. hope
________________ begins as children learn about themselves and their relationships with others. spirituality
An ability to care meaningfully for others and self is evidence of a ________________. healthy spirituality
________________ also occurs when there is conflict between a person's beliefs and prescribed health treatment plan or the inability to practice usual rituals. spiritual distress
During acute illness, ________________ is common, and patients sometimes express it against God, their families, themselves, and their nurses or other health care providers. anger
Patients who have a sense of ________________ have a much better chance to reestablish a self-identity and live to their potential. spiritual well-being
________________ commonly causes fear of physical pain, isolation, the unknown, and dying. terminal illness
________________ work with an interdisciplinary health care team to assist patients and their families with having a peaceful death. hospice nurses
________________ is a holistic event that encompasses the patient's physical, social, psychological, and spiritual health. dying
A ________________ is a psychological phenomenon of people who have either been close to clinical death or have recovered after being declared dead. near-death experience
Realized the importance of refraining from expressing your ________________ about religion or spirituality when they conflict with that of the patient. opinions
________________ are standards of critical thinking that ensure you explore the issues that are most meaningful to patients and most likely to affect their spiritual well-being. significance and relevance
The ________________ state that you need to assess the patient's denomination, beliefs, and spiritual practices. JCAHO requirements
As a nurse you promote ________________ that respects your patients' values, customs, and spiritual beliefs. an environment
To be ________________ is to "enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness with other human beings." compassionate
Nurse researchers developed the ________________ to provide nurses and other health care professionals with a simple tool for assessing a patient's spiritual well-being. JAREL spiritual well-being scale
The ________________ helps a nurse explore any perceptions or concerns a patient has. JAREL tool
The role of a nurse is not to solve the ________________ of patients but to provide an environment where the patients can express spirituality. spiritual problems
________________ motivates people to face challenges in life. hope
Be ________________ of icons, medals, prayer rugs, or crosses that patients bring to a health care setting, and make sure they are not accidentally lost or misplaced. respectful
Being ________________ does not eliminate spirituality as an important resource for a patient. an atheist or agnostic
Created by: chaptravelman
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