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Erikson's Stage

DCCC, Erikson's Stage ~ Test 2, S1

Trust vs. Mistrust Stage 1 (Infancy to about Age 1)
Complete DEPENDENT/rely on caregivers, during this Stage Trust (Stage 1)
Needs not being met , during this Stage Mistrust (Stage 1)
Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt Stage 2 (Toddler to Age 1-3)
Self-control & self-confidence based on encouragement and limit setting w/o rejection, being own PERSON, during this Stage Autonomy (Stage 2)
Overprotective or have expectations that are too high; Feeling of inadequacy, may develop, during this Stage Shame & Doubt (Stage 2)
Initiative vs. Guilt Stage 3 (PreSchool to Age 4-6)
Exploration and manipulation of the environment based on encouragement and tolerance; Initiative in learning & self-reliant, during this Stage Initiative (Stage 3)
Over protection from or punishment for exploration; Experiences restrictions or reprimands, guilt results and hesitates to attempt more challenging skills, during this Stage Guilt (Stage 3)
Industry vs. Inferiority Stage 4 (School Age to Age 6-12)
Self-Esteem; Complete productive work and master developmental tasks; Gains pleasure from finishing projects and receiving recognition for accomplishments, during this Stage Industry (Stage 4)
Not accepted by peers or cannot meet parental expectations, feeling and lack of self-worth, during this Stage Inferiority (Stage 4)
Identity vs. Role Confusion Stage 5 (Adolescence to Age 11-18 “21”)
Who am I?; Sense of identity based on success; Rebellion normal behavior; Separating self from FAMILY, Puberty, during this Stage Identity (Stage 5)
Unable to establish identity and sense of direction, during this Stage Role Confusion (Stage 5)
Intimacy vs. Isolation Stage 6 (Young Adulthood to Age 20-30) (MOST IMPORTANT STAGE)
Self-identity; Ability to relate intimately; Love relationship age group; Success at WORK, during this Stage Intimacy (Stage 6)
Fear results in loneliness; Fear of Commitment; Fear of dependence, during this Stage Isolation (Stage 6)
Generativity (Growth) vs. Stagnation Stage 7 (Middle Adulthood to Age 40-50) (IMPORTANT STAGE)
Caring; Freedom from self-preoccupying pressures; Becoming concerned for next generation and desiring to make a contribution, during this Stage Generativity (Growth) (Stage 7)
Self-absorbed and obsessed own needs; Self-Centered Person, during this Stage Stagnation (Stage 7)
Ego Integrity vs. Despair Stage 8 (LATE Adulthood to Age 65-DEATH)
Satisfaction about PAST; Reminiscence about life; Not be fearful of dying, during this Stage Ego Integrity (Stage 8)
Life has been a series of failures or missed directions, during this Stage Despair (Stage 8)
Created by: aznmonke
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