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Medical Terminology

-al pertaining to
-ic pertaining to
-itis inflammation
-logy study of
-meter measure/instrument used to measure
-ous pertaining to
-pathy disease
-scope instrument used
-scopy process of viewing
-emesis vomitting
-malacia softening
-opsy view of
-oxia condition of oxygen
-phil or -philia loving, infinity for
-phagia eating/swallowing
-phasia speech
-physis growth
-plegia paralyzed
-oma tumor
-stasis standing still
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness
-cele hernia/swelling/protrugen
-dynia pain
-ia condition of
-osis condition of
-ism condition of
-penia decrease amount
-phobia fear
-plasia formation/growth
-rrhagia abnormal discharge
-rrhea discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis condition of hardening
-spasm sudden involuntary muscle movement
-ad towards
-a singular
-ae plural
-emia condition of blood
-ary pertaining to
-ous pertaining to
-iartry specialty
-centesis surgical puncture
-clasia; -clast; -clasis to break apart
-desis surgical fixation/fusion
-ectomy surgical removal
-gram record or image
-graphy instrument used to record
-graphy process of recording
-meter process of measuring
-pexy surgival fixation
-phylaxis protection
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhaphy suturing
-stomy surgical creation of an opening
-tome cutting instrament
-tomy incision
-tripsy surgical crushing
-ion process of
a- without
ab- away from
bi- 2
endo- within/inside
hyper- excessive/abnormally high
hypo- low/below
intra- within
post- to follow/ after
pre- before
sub- below
anti- against
con- joint/together/with
contra- against
meta- after
ambi- both
di- ; dipl- double
hemi- half
mono- 1
multi- many; alot
nulli- none; never
pan- all
poly- many; excessive
primi- first
quadri- 4
tetra- 4
semi- half; partial
tri- 3
uni- 1
ad- towards
ana- up; towards
ante- before
dia- through
dis- away
ec-; ecto- outside
endo- inside
ep-; epi- above
eso- above
ex-; exo- outisde
extra- beyond
infer- below
inter- between
intra- in
para- along side/abnormal
peri- around
post- before
pre- after
sub- under
super-; supra- above
sym-; syn- together; join
an- additional
circum- around
dys- difficult; bad
eu- normal
heter-; hetero- opposite
macro- large
mal- bad
mega-; megalo- big
micro- small
neo- new
pseudo- false
trans- through
ultra- beyond/abnormal
abdomen/o abdomen
anter/o front
brachi/o arm
cardi/o heart
caud/o tail
cephal/o head
cervic/o neck
chondri/o cartilage
cran/o skull
cyt/o cell
dist/o distant
dors/o back
femor/o thigh
gastr/o stomach
glute/o butt
hom/o same
ili/o going/hip
infer/o below
inguin/o groin
later/o side
lumb/o lower back
medi/o middle
organ/o tool
pelv/o bowl; basin
physi/o nature
pleur/o rib
poster/o back
proxim/o near
super/o above
thorac/o chest
tom/o to cut
umbilic/o navel
ventr/o belly/front
sagittal creates a left and right
midsgittal creates a perfect left and right
atom basic form of anything
cell basic form of life
aden/o gland
aut/o self
cutane/o skin
cyan/o blue
derm/o skin
follicul/o little follicle
kerat/o hard
onuch/o nail
seb/o sebum (oil)
dermis deepest layer
epidermis middle layer
abrasion scrape
suppuration forming pus
purulence condition of/containing pus
cicatrix scar/scar tissue
contusion swollen and bruised
cyanosis condition of turning blue
cyst closed sac/pouch
edema swelling/fluid buildup
erythema redness
fissure crack in skin
furuncle abscess in a hair follicle
macule discolored spot on the skin
uticaria hives
contact dermatitis allergic reaction
seborrheic dermatitis
actinic dermatitis rash caused by overgrowth of lesions
atopic dermatitis is AKA eczema
herpes type 1 oral
herpes type 2 genital
impetigo contagious, infectious, yellow crust (on lips)
Kapesis sarcoma skin cancer; common with AIDS
onychocryptosis ingrown nail
onychomycosis fungus of the nail
paronychia around the nail-an inflammation
pediculosis head lice
psoriasis autoimmune disorder
scleroderma thickening/hardening of skin
xerodermal abnormally dry skin
debridement cleaning a wound
abras/0 to rub away
rhytid/o wrinkle
-ion process
dermautoplasty using patients own skin for themselves
arthro/o joint
articul/o sac
burs/o sac
carp/o wrist
chondr/o cartilage
condyl/o knuckle of joint
cost/o rib
cran/o; crani/o skill
fasci/o fascia (membrane)
femor/o thigh/femor
fibr/o fiber
fibul/o fibula
ischi/o jip joint
meisc/o meniscus (knee)
muscul/o muscle
my/o; myos/o muscle
myel/o bone marrow
orth/o straight
ost/o bone
pariet/o parietal skull
patell/o knee
ped/o child; foot
petr/o stone
phalang/o phalanges
phys/o growth
pub/o pertaining to pubis
radi/o radius
sacr/o pertaining to sacrum
skelet/o skeleton
spondyl/o vertebra
stern/o pertaining to chest/sternum
synov/o synovial fluid
tas/o tarsals (toes)
ten/o; tendon/o tendon
arthr/o joint
kinesi/o movemnet
tax/o reaction to a stimulus
troph/o development
orthopedics branch that specializes in skeletal and muscle
carcin/o cancer
dyph/o hump
lord/o bent forward
po/o hole
sacr/o meat/flesh
scoli/o curved
-cele hernia
-genesis origin or cause
-ptosis drooping
how many in each vertebrae? A. cervical B. Thoracic C.Lumbar A. 7 B. 12 C. 5
blast/o developing cell; germ
hem/o blood
immune/o immune; immunity
leuk/o white
lymph/o lymph; clear water
path/o disease
slen/o spleen
thromb/o clot
thym/o thymus
tox/o toxic; poison
an- without
iso- equal
macro- large
cyt/o cell
poikil/o irregular
-emia condition of blod
-ia condition of
-lysis dissolve; loosen
-megaly abnormal enlargement
-penia difficult; reduction
-rrhage discharge
ana- up; towards
globin/o protein
-iartry physican
idi/o individual
necr/o black; death
nosocom/o hospital
Angi/o Vessel
Aort/o Aorta
Arter/o Artery
Atri/o Atrium
Cardi/o Pertaining to heart
Coron/o Heart
My/o; myos/o Muscle
Pector/o Chest
Valvul/o Valves
Vas/o Vessels
Vascul/o Vessel
Ven/o Vein
Ventricul/o Ventricles
Sten/o Narrow
-a Singular
Arther/o Fatty
Isch/o To hold back
Phleb/o Vein
Scler/o Hardening
Sept/o Wall
Tampon/o Plug
Tens/o Pressure
-genic Forming
-sis State of
Thromb/o Clots
Varic/o Dilated veins
Aneurism Building of a vessel wall
Man/o Thin
Son/o Sound
Sphygm/o Pulse
Arteries carry blood..... AWAY from the heart; Oxygenated blood
Veins carry blood.... TO the heart; Deoxygenated blood
Alve/o Alveoli
Bronch/o Corn husks/ airway
Laryng/o Larynx. “Voice box”
Lob/o Lobe
Muc/o Mucous
Nas/o Nose
Ox/i Oxygen
Pharyng/o Pharynx. “Throat”
Phragm/o Partition
Pleur/o Ribs
Pneum/o Air/lung
Pulmon/o Lung
Rhin/o Nose
Sept/o Wall
Sinus/o Cavity
Thorac/o Chest
Trachea/o Trachea. “Windpipe”
-capnia Condition of carbon dioxide
-phonia Condition of sound/voice
-ptysis To cough up
-rrhagia Abnormal discharge
-staxis Dripping
-dys Difficult; bad; painful
Eu- Normal
Atel/o Incomplete
Coccidiod/o Bacteria
Carcin/o Cancer
Cyst/o Bladder
Embol/o Plug
Glott/o Opening into the windpipe
Myc/o Fungus
Py/o Pus
Sphyx/o Pulse
Sten/o Narrowing
Tubercul/o Little swelling
Pertussis “Whooping cough”
An/o Anus
Bil/i Bile
Cec/o Cecum
Chol/e Bile/gallbladder
Col/o Colon
Cyst/o Bladder
Dent/o Teeth
Duoden/o Duodenum
Enter/o Small intestine
Gingiv/o Gums
Gloss/o Tongue
Hepat/o Liver
Ile/o Ilium
Jejun/o Jejunum
Lingu/o Tongue
Or/o Mouth
Peps/o Digestion
Peritone/o Peritineum
Proct/o Rectum/anus
Pylor/o Pylorus
Sail/o Saliva
Stomat/o Mouth
Flux/o Flow
Halit/o Breath
Hemat/o Blood
Phag/o Eat/swallow
Steat/o Fat
N&V Nausea and vomitting
Cheil/o Lip
Chol/e Bile
Cholecyst/o Gallbladder
Choledoch/o Common bile duct
Cirrh/o Orange
Lip/o Fat
Lith/o Stone
Orex/o Appetite
Parot/o Paratid gland
Polyp/o Small groth
Albumin/o Protein albumin
Blast/o Developing cell
Glomerul/o Glomerus
Gluc/o; glyc/o Sugar
Meat/o Opening/passage
Nephr/o Kidney
Pyel/o Renal pelvis
Ren/o Kidney
Ureter/o Ureter
Urethr/o Urethra
Ur/o Urine
Azot/o Nitrogen
Ket/o Keytones
Olig/o Few in numbers
Py/o Pus
-uresis Urination
-Uria Pertaining to urine/urination
Spadias/o Rip/tear
-ptosis Drooping
-pexy Surgical fixation
Amni/o Amniotic
Andr/o Male
Balan/o Glands penis
Cervic/o Neck/cervix
Chori/o Membrane
Cyes/o Pregnancy
Epididym/o Epididymus
Episi/o Vulva
Fet/o Fetus
Gravid/o Pregnancy
Mamm/o; mast/o Breast
Orchi/o Testes
Pen/o Penis
Prostat/o Prostate
Semin/o Seed/sperm
Test/o Teste
Vas/o Vessel
Olig/o Few in number
Zo/o Living
Crypt/o Hidden
Salping/o Trumpet
Metr/o Uterus
Colp/o Vagina
Oophor/o Ovaries
Cephal/o Head
Cerebell/o Cerebellum
Cerebr/o Brain/cerebrum
Crani/o Skull/cranium
Encephal/o Brain
Gangli/o Swelling/knot
Mening/i Membrane
Myel/o Spinal cord
Neur/o Nerve
Phren/o Mind
Psych/o Mind
Radic/o Nerve root
Vag/o Vagus nerve
Ventricul/o Little belly; ventricle
CNS contains the..... Brain and spinal cord
PNS contains the.... Nerves and ganglia
-par Alongside/abnormal
Esthesi/o Sensation
Phasi/o To speak
-algesia Pain
-asthenia Weakness
Epi- Above; upon; on top; over
Ather/o Fatty
Narc/o Numbness
Poli/o Grey
Scler/o Hard
-lepsy Seizure
Troph Development
-us Pertaining to
Dur/o Hard
Ech/o Sound
Encephal/o Brain
-lysis Loosen/dissolve
-rrhaphy Suturing
-tome Cutting instrament
-tomy Incision/ to cut
Ment/o Mind
Phren/o Mind
Schiz/o To divide/split
Somat/o Body
-lexia Pertaining to a word/phrase
-mania Madness/frenzy
Blephar/o Eyelid
Conjuctiv/o To bind together
Dacry/o Tear
Ir/o Iris
Ocul/o Eye
Ophthalm/o Eye
Opt/o Eye
Ot/o Ear
Asthen/o Weakness
Cor/o Pupil
-opia Condition of vision
-ptosis Drooping
-rrhagia Abnormal discharge
Dipl- Double
Kerat/o Hard/cornea
Presby/o Old age
Stigmat/o Point
-iasis Cocndition of
-ism Condition/disease
-plegia Paralysis
Ocul/o Eye
Radi/o Radius
-metrist One who measures
-acusis Hearing condition
Mastoid/o Resembling a breast
Med/o Middle
Audi/o Hearing
Labyrinth/o Inner ear
Myring/o Membrane/ear drum
Tympan/o Ear drum
Aden/o Gland
Crin/o To secrete
Gonad/o Sex gland
Hormon/o To set in motion
Ren/o Kidney
Thyr/o Thyroid
Acid/o A solution substance with a pH LESS than 7
Acr/o Extremity
Dips/o Thirst
Hirsut/o Hairy
Carcin/o Cancer
Myx/o Mucus
-penia Abnormal reduction in number; deficiency
Endo- Within
Syncope Fainting
Created by: kayd
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