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mo3 ch4 musculoskele

epiphyseal plate growth plate
-physis growth
oste/o bone
crani/o head/skull
cervic/o neck
spondyl/o vertebra
lumb/o loin/lower back
brachi/o arm
dactyl/o finger
carp/o wrist
cost/o rib
femor/o femur (thigh bone)
tibi/o tibia (shin bone)
tars/o ankle0
chondr/o cartlidge
arthr/o joint
burs/o bursa
ten/o, tendon (connective tissue connecting muscle to bone)
tend/o tendon (connective tissue connecting muscle to bone)
tendin/o tendon (connective tissue connecting muscle to bone)
myos/o muscle
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
fasci/o fascia (fibrous connective tissue binding muscles together)
ton/o tone/ tension
kinesi/o movement/motion
kinet/o movement/motion
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
ankyl/o stiff, bent
costalgia rib pain
metatarsalgia pain in foot bones
ostalgia bone pain
osteodynia bone pain
tibialgia tibia (shin) pain
ankylosis joint stiffness
arthrodynia joint pain
cervicodynia neck pain
crepitation crackling sound heart in joints
genu valgum knocked knee
genu varum bow legged
bradykinesia slow movement
dyskinesia inability to control movement
dystaxia poor coordination
dystonia poor muscle tone
graphospasm writers cramp
hyperkinesia increase muscle movement or activity
hypertonia increased muscle tone or tightness
hypokinesia decrease in muscle movement or activity
hypotonia decrease in muscle tone or tightness
myalgia muscle pain
myasthenia muscle weakness
myodynia muscle pain
myospasm muscle weakness
tenalgia tendon pain
arthrocentesis puncture of a joint
arthroscope instrument for looking into a joint
arthroscopy procedure of looking into a joint
electromyogram a record of the electrical activity of a muscle
electromyography procedure for measuring the electrical activity of a muscle
myography procedure for studying muscles
arthrogram visual record of a joint
arthrography procedure used to examine a joint
computed axial tomography (CAT or CT) imaging procedure using a computer to produce cross sections along an axis
kyphosis humped back; abnormal forward curvature of the upper spine
lordosis sway back; abnormal forward curvature of the lower spine
scoliosis crooked back; abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
carpitis wrist inflammation
craniomalacia softening of the skull
exostosis an abnormal growth of bone out of another bone
fracture a bone break
osteodystrophy poor bone development
osteolysis bone loss
osteonecrosis death of bone
osteosclerosis abnormal hardening of bone
polydactyly having more than the normal number of fingers (or toes)
spondylitis vertebra inflammation
spondylomalacia softening of the vertebra
syndactyly fusion (sometimes called webbing) of fingers (or toes)
tarsoptosis flat feet
bursolith a stone in a bursa
effusion fluid buildup
hemarthrosis blood in the joint
hydrarthrosis water (fluid) in the joint
pyarthrosis pus in the joint
atrophy underdevelopment, decrease, or loss of muscle tissue
hypertrophy Definition overdevelopment of muscle tissue
myocele hernia of muscle tissue
myolysis loss of muscle tissue
myomalacia softening of a muscle
myosclerosis hardening of muscle
myotasis stretching of a muscle
myotonia muscle tone
ankylosing spondylitis a stiffening inflammation of the vertebrae
chondro-osteodystrophy poor development of bones and cartilage
craniosynostosis the premature fusing of the skull bones
dactylitis finger inflammation
hypertrophic spondylitis overdevelopment of the vertebrae causing inflammation
osteitis bone inflammation
osteochondritis inflammation of bone and cartilage
osteogenesis imperfecta a disease in which the bones do not develop correctly, also known as brittle bone disease
osteomalacia softening of the bone
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marro
osteopathy bone disease
osteopenia reduction in bone volume
osteoporosis loss of bone density
spinal stenosis abnormal narrowing of the spine
spondyloarthropathy joint disease of the vertebrae
spondylolisthesis slipping or dislocating of vertebra
spondylolysis loss of vertebra structure
spondylosis vertebra condition
rheumatoid arthritis inflammation of the joints; it is called rheumatoid because its symptoms resemble those of rheumatic fever
septic arthritis Definition inflammation of the joint caused by infection
osteoarthritis inflammation of the joints, specifically those that bear weight
arthrocele hernia of a joint
arthrodysplasia abnormal joint development
arthropathy joint disease
arthrosclerosis hardening of the joints
bursitis inflammation of the bursa
bursopathy disease of the bursa
subluxation partial dislocation of a joint
achondroplasia a defect in the formation of cartilage
chondromalacia abnormal softening of the cartilage
costochondritis inflammation of the cartilage of the rib
fasciitis inflammation of the fascia
muscular dystrophy disorder characterized by poor muscle development
myoclonus violent muscle contraction
myopathy muscle disease
myasthenia muscle weakness
myofasciitis inflammation of muscle and fascia
myositis muscle inflammation
necrotizing fasciitis inflammation of the fascia, causing the death of tissue
polymyositis inflammation of multiple muscles
tardive dyskinesia condition characterized by the loss of muscle control
tendinitis tendon inflammation
tendonitis tendon inflammation
chondroma a tumorlike growth of cartilage tissue
myoma a muscle tumor
myosarcoma a cancerous muscle tumor
osteocarcinoma bone cancer tumor
osteochondroma a tumor made up of bone and cartilage, also known as an exostosis made up of cartilage
osteosarcoma cancerous tumor arising out of bone cells
analgesic a drug that relieves pain
antiarthritic a drug that opposes joint inflammation
anti-inflammatory a drug that opposes inflammation
antipyretic a drug that opposes fever
carpectomy removal of all or part of the wrist
costectomy removal of rib
craniectomy removal of a portion of the skull
craniotomy removal of a portion of the skull
external fixation the fixation of a fractured bone from the outside (i.e., using casts, splints, stabilizers)
internal fixation the fixation of a fractured bone from the inside (i.e., using screws, pins, plates)
closed reduction returning bones to their proper position without the use of surgery
open reduction returning bones to their proper position through the use of surgery
metacarpectomy removal of a bone in the hand
orthotics Definition a device that aids in the straightening or stabilizing of a part
ostectomy removal of a bone
osteectomy removal of a bone
osteoclasia the surgical breaking of a bone (often done to remedy a deformity)
osteoplasty reconstruction of a bone
osteotomy incision into a bone
prosthesis a device that is added to a body to replace a missing part or lost function
spondylosyndesis fusing together of multiple vertebrae
sternotomy incision into the sternum
tarsectomy removal of all or a portion of the ankle
tarsoclasia surgical fracture of the ankle (i.e., to treat clubfoot)
arthrectomy removal of a joint
arthroclasia the therapeutic breaking of a joint to allow for increased mobility
arthrodesis surgical fixation of a joint
arthrolysis loosening a stiff joint
arthroplasty reconstruction of a joint
arthrotomy incision into a joint
bursectomy removal of a bursa
bursotomy incision into a bursa
chondrectomy removal of cartilage
chondroplasty reconstruction of cartilage
fasciectomy removal of fascia
fasciodesis binding of fascia
fascioplasty reconstruction of fascia
fasciorrhaphy suturing of fascia
fasciotomy incision into fascia
myectomy removal of muscle
myodesis binding of a muscle
myomectomy removal of a muscle tumor
myoplasty muscle reconstruction
myorrhaphy muscle suture
myotomy incision into muscle
tendectomy removal of a tendon
tendoplasty reconstruction of a tendon
tenodesis binding of a tendon
tenolysis removal of a tendon
tenoplasty reconstruction of a tendon
tenorrhaphy suture of a tendon
tenotomy incision into a tendon
Hx history
Fx fracture
Tx traction or treatment
ACL anterior cruciate ligament
MCL medial collateral ligament
LCL lateral collateral ligament
PCL posterior cruciate ligament
C1–C7 cervical (of the neck) vertebrae
T1–T12 thoracic (of the chest) vertebrae
L1–L5 lumbar (of the loin) vertebrae
S1–S5 sacral vertebrae
DTR deep tendon reflexes (this is what doctors are testing when they tap the knee with a reflex hammer)
EMG electromyogram
FROM full range of motion
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
OA osteoarthritis
ORIF open reduction internal fixation
PT physical therapy
RA rest, ice, compression, elevation
ROM range of motion
WB weight bearing
WBAT weight bearing as tolerated
Created by: Aharrissmith
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