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Micro Respiratory

micro respiratory

upper respiratory tract nasal passage, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx
lower respiratory tract diverging tubes in alveoli, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, mucocilliary escalator
mucin helps trap microbes from goblet cells
Common Cold - most common viral infection of URT - by more than 200 viral subtypes - spread by contact/ inhalation - Rhinovirus most common cause - scratchy throat, runny/congested nose
Viral Sinusitis - infection upper airway spread to sinus - causes a lot of pressure - bacterial is worse than viral
Croup - laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB) - Parainfluenza virus: 2 types - children 6mo - 5yrs highest risk - fever, runy nose, barking cough - treated by humidifier/ steroids or oxygen treatment
Otitis Media (middle ear infection) - by virus or bacteria - Strep. pneumoniae, H. influenza, M. catarrhalis - rarely cultured - kids are susceptible - treated with antibiotics
Bacteria Sinusitis - by same pathogens that cause AOM and pneumonia - obstructs mucus flow - pressure behind eyes, foul smelling mucus - antibiotics
Pharyngitis inflammation of pharynx
Tonsillitis inflammation of tonsils
Laryngitis inflammation of larynx
Peritonsillar abscess in the pharynx
Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep Throat) - by strep. pyo - very contagious, person to person spread, indirect contact - no cough - sudden high fever and sore throat - self limiting and antibiotics
Scarlet fever - by Strep. pyo that make exotoxin - strawberry tongue and rash starts on head/neck
Diphtheria - by Corynebacterium diphtheriae - must be reported to CDC - has to be lysogenized - Dtx gene becomes toxin - sore throat and a pseudomembrane - person to person - antibiotics/antitoxin - DTaP vaccine
Whopping cough - by Bordetella pertussis - though inhalation of droplets - 3 phases: catarrhal, paroxysmal, convalescent - 7-21 incubation - vaccines available - makes it hard to breathe
Catarrhal stage of pertussis UR infection symptoms
Paroxysmal stage of pertussis repeating cough "whooping", vomiting
Convalescent stage of pertussis recovery
Bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi - bacterial or viral - productive cough (5 days) - viruses are most common cause - bacteria like Mycoplasma - COPD
Community Acquired pneumonia - inflammation of lung - outside of hospital - typical or atypical - atypical affects more than lung
Pneumococcal Pneumonia - by S. pneumoniae = 25% community acquired - 91 serotypes (antibodies) - humans are reservoir - lobar pneumonia - vaccine available PPSV
Legionellosis - by Legionella pneumophila - fever, productive cough with blood - via inhalation - cultured on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar - antibiotics - grows inside amoeba
Hospital acquired pneumonia - P. aeruginosa = most common - antibiotic resistant
Tuberculosis - M. tuberculosis - multi-drug resistant - person to person - primary pathogen - vaccine available
Latent TB - trapped by immune system - can reactivate to TB - not infectious/sick - positive skin test
Pulmonary TB - productive cough that lasts 3 wks - pain in chest - coughing up blood - fever - weight loss - untreated TB = calcification of lung tissue
Created by: paloomaa
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