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Micro Skin/eye

micro diseases

skin largest organ, 1st barrier of protection
2 layers of skin epidermis-out dermis-in
exanthems widespread skin rash accompanied by systemic symptoms
enanthems rashes on mucous membranes
systemic symptoms fever, malaise, headache
macular rash flat and red, less than 1cm in diameter
papular rash small, solid, and elevated
pustular rash papule filled with pus
maculopapular papule that is red
vesicular small blisters
Measles (Rubeola) - Single stranded RNA virus - direct contact transmission - 8-10 day incubation - flu like symptoms and Koplik's spots - rash due to viremia (damage from Tc cells) - supportive treatment + vaccine - complications ADEM and SSPE
German Measles (Rubella) - single stranded RNA - 3 day measles - inhalation - 12-23 incubation - pinpoint maculopapular rash beginning on head - worse for adults (lymph swelling) - congenital rubella syndrome: hearing loss, retardation - supportive treatment + MMR
Chickenpox - double stranded DNA (Varicella-zoter) - inhalation transmission - latency in dorsal root ganglia - can lead to shingles - MMRV vaccine - Maculopapules, scabs - aspirin never used > Reye's syndrome - treat with antihistamines
Shingles - reactivation of VZV - dermatome - older adults - vaccine to prevent chickenpox - Acyclovir used for it
Cold sores/ genital herpes - double stranded DNA - HSV 1/HSV 2 - direct contact (kissing, sex) - primary infection: replicate in mucosal surfaces then go Ito latency, may be asymptomatic - reactivation: VP16 protein that reactivates virus, always results in symptoms
HSV 1 - causes cold sores - no vaccines - causes erythematous - abreva helps sores go away - gladiatorum= herpes spread by wrestlers
HSV 2 - genital herpes - antivirals - for primary= acyclovir - for reactivation= topical
Warts (Papillomas) - double stranded DNA - HPV - direct contact - tissue specific - cells replicate uncontrollably - treatment = freezing, burning, surgical - HPV 16/18 = cervical cancer
Smallpox - DNA virus - Variola virus (major and minor) - eradicated - humans = reservoir - direct/indirect transmission - replicates in lymph nodes - pox postules
S. aureus of hair follicles - folliculitis = superficial - bolis = abscess of hair follicle - carbuncles = combined boils
Impetigo - caused by S. aureus - nonbullous = honey crusted lesions - bullous = fluid filled blister - young children -sometimes by b-hemolytic strep
Toxic Shock Syndrome - caused by Staph strains that make superantigens
Scalded Skin Syndrome - caused by exfoliative toxin - skin peels off
MRSA - caused by S. aureus - two kinds = nosocomial and community acquired - alters penicillin binding protein
Step pyogenes - normally associated with sore throat - group A, b-hemolytic - has capsule - M protein - SPE superantigen
Necrotizing fasciitis - by Strep. pyogenes - type 1= polymicrobial - type 2 = only 1 organism - treatment by removing tissue and aggressive antibiotics - can become systemic = death
Acne Vulgaris - most common disease (bacterial) - by Propionibacterium acnes - open = blackhead - closed = whitehead - proinflammatory cytokines released - cystic is under the skin
Dermatophytes - fungi that love skin - treated by antifungals
tinea capitis fungal scalp infection
tinea corporis fungal body infection
tinea curris fungal jock itch
tinea pedis fungal foot infection
tinea unguium fungal nail infection
Dry gangrene - affect fingers and toes - from severe frostbite, diabetes, autoimmune - amputation
Wet gangrene - due to an infection - can affect body internally or externally - caused by Clostridium species that produce gas - amputation
saprophyte live off dead material
conjunctivitis -pink eye - inflammation of conjunctiva
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
endophthalmitis - infection of inner structure - uncommon
viral conjunctivitis associated with respiratory tract infections
viral keratitis - caused by HSV 1 - can cause blindness
bacterial conjunctivitis - affects 1 eye - acute, painful - can have discharge - H. influenzae, C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhoeae
Created by: paloomaa
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