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Chap. 10 muscle/skel

Chapter 10 Muscloskeletal system Dwana

appendage any body part attached to a main structure
articulation place of union between two or more bones.
arthritis inflammation of a joint
cruciate ligaments ligaments that cross each other forming an X within the notch between the femoral condyles.
hematopoiesis production and development of blood cells, normally in the bone marrow.
meatus an opening or passage through any part of the body.
ankyl/o stiffness; bent, crooked
arthr/o joint
kyph/o hill, mountain
lamin/o lamina
lord/o curve, swayback
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
ped/o foot; child
ped/i foot; child
scoli/o crooked, bent
thorac/o chest
acromi/o acromion
brachi/o arm
calcane/o calcaneum
carp/o carpus
cephal/o head
cervic/o neck; cervix
clavicul/o clavicle
cost/o ribs
ccrani/o cranium
dactyl/o fingers;toes
femor/o femur
fibul/o fibula
humer/o humerus
ili/o ilium
ischi/o ischium
lumb/o loins
metacarp/o metacarpus
metatars/o metatarsus
patell/o patella
pelv/i pelvis
pod/o foot
phalang/o phalanges
pub/o pelvis bone
radi/o radiation, x-ray
spondyl/o vertebrae
vertebr/o vertebrae
stern/o sternum
tibi/o tibia
leiomy/o smooth muscle
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
rhabd/o rod-shaped
rhabdomy/o rod-shaped muscle
chondr/o cartilage
fasci/o band,fascia membrane supporting and seperating.
fibr/o fiber
synov/o synovial membranes
ten/o tendon
tend/o tendon
tendin/o tendon
-asthenia weakness, debility
-blast embryonic cell
-clasia to break, surgical fracture
-clast to break, surgical fracture
-desis binding, fixation
-malacia softening
-physis growht
-porosis porous
-scopy visual examination
a- without
sub- under, below
supra- above
syn- union, together, joined
ankylosis stiffening and immobility of a joint as a result of disease, trauma, surgery, or abnormal bone fusion.
carpal tunnel syndrome painful condition resulting from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel.
claudication lameness, limping
contracture fibrosis of connective tissue in skin, fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint.
Created by: dwanaVPHS
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