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Foundations of Nsg

Ethics, Chapter 5 - Alison Miles

Ethics consideration of standards of conduct or study of philosophical ideals of right and wrong
Laws guide public behavior that affects others; preserve community
Morals judgement about behavior; similar to values
Values personal beliefs about worth of a given idea or behavior
Bioethics study of ethics involving healthcare
Autonomy independence; self-determination; self-reliance
Justice fairness; equity
Fidelity faithfulness; striving to keep promises
Beneficence actively seeking benefits; promotion of good (ex: immunizations uncomfortable, but far less than disease)
Nonmaleficence actively seeking to do no harm
Code of ethics set of ethical principles that all members of professions accept (ANA, ICN set ours)
responsibility execution of duties associated w/a nurse's particular role (ex: responsible for assessing patient's need for drug, giving it safely and correct, and evaluating patient's response to it)
accountability ability to answer for your actions
Confidentiality not disclosing personal healthcare information
Judgement ability to form an opinion or draw sound conclusions
Advocacy educating your patient and supporting their decisions
Competence specific knowledge and skills necessary to perform a task
Ethical dilemma the "right" thing to do isn't clear and healthcare team can't agree on a solution
Institutional ethics committee multidisciplinary; goal is to educate, recommend policy, review special cases (include patient & their family in process)
Deontology traditional theory of ethics-proposes to define actions as right or wrong based an the characteristics of fidelity to promises, truthfulness, and justice (conventional use of ethical terms such as justice, autonomy, beneficene, and non-maleficence)
Point of view way of looking at issues that reflects an individual's culture and societal influences
step 1 (processing ethical dilemma) ask: Is this an ethical dilemma? (can not be resolved by scientific data)
step 2 (processing ethical dilemma) Gather all related information
step 3 (processing ethical dilemma) examine own opinions/values (distinguish between your own values and those of others involved)
step 4 (processing ethical dilemma) state problem clearly
step 5 (processing ethical dilemma) consider possible courses of action
step 6 (processing ethical dilemma) negotiate the outcome
step 7 (processing ethical dilemma) evaluate the action; critical thinking & nursing judgement
Created by: txladybug70
Popular Nursing sets




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