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Inflammation Heart

Inflammation Heart Disorders

Rheumatic Heart Disease? Systemic inflammatory disease Abnormal immune response to pharyngeal infections
what cause Rheumatic Heart Disease? Group A beta hemolytic strep (GABHS)
Rheumatic Heart Disease cause what? Damages heart valves
Risk Factors for Rheumatic Heart Disease? Crowded living conditions ; Malnutrition ; Immunodeficiency ; Poor access to health care ; Possibility of a genetic factor in susceptibility
Stenosis a narrowing of the valve and sometimes fused valve leaflets. This can obstruct forward blood flow.
Regurgitation occurs when the valve fails to close properly (becomes incompetent) and allows blood to flow backward through the valve. The valves on the left side of the heart are usually the most affected. So the Mitral valve and the aortic valve.
Manifestations of trep infection? 2 – 3 weeks after strep infection ; Fever ; Migratory joint pain initially ; Rash known as erythema marginatum ; Neuro symptoms rare ; Cardiac symptoms
Cardiac symptoms of trep infection Chest pain ; Tachycardia ; Pericardial friction ;rub Evidence of heart failure
s/s of aspirin toxicity? tinnitus and vomiting or GI bleeding
what s/s to monitor for GABHS can also cause glomerular nephritis and lead to kidney failure Monitor for coca cola colored urine and fatigue and hypertension. Restrict sodium.
Incidence/ Risk Factors for endocarditis previous heart damage ; valve prosthesis ; congenital deformities ; IV drug abuse is big risk factor ; Central venous catheters ; Indwelling urinary catheters ; Dental procedures and poor dental health ; Recent heart surgery
most of risk factor for endocarditis effect to the right or left of the heart? Most of these causes affect the left side of the heart, except IVDA which affects the right side of the heart.
Treatment for Rheumatic Heart Disease Antibiotics for strep immediately Penicillin Erythromycin May continue on abx for 5 – 7 years NSAIDS Corticosteroids
Diagnoses for endocarditis? Blood cultures Echocardiography CBC, ESR, Chem panel Chest x ray ECG
Manifestations of endocarditis? Fever / chills ; Flu like symptoms general malaise, fatigue ; Cough and shortness of breath ; Joint pain ; Anorexia / abdominal pain ; Heart murmur ; Petechiae and Splinter hemorrhages ; Splenomegaly
Assessment for endocarditis? Health history : Flu like symptoms, SOB, heart defects ; Assessment : Vitals signs, lung sounds heart tones, petechiae or splinter hemorrhages.
what cause Myocarditis? Usually results from infectious process Viral (coxasackievirus B) Can also occur from radiation or toxic drugs (chemotherapy
Incidence for myocarditis? common in men or women ? More common in men than women
1 risk factor for myocarditis? Malnutrition ; ETOH use ; Immunosuppressive drugs ; Exposure to radiation ; Stress ; Complication of rheumatic fever ;
1Manifestations of myocarditis Fever, fatigue, general malaise ; Dyspnea ; Palpitations ; Arthralgias ; Murmur ; Pericardial friction rub ; Chest pain
1what can differentiate between AMI and myocarditis. ? Endomyocardial biopsy
1Treatment for myocarditis? Antiviral therapy Immunosuppressive therapy Corticosteroids Treat Heart failure as needed
1what kind of activity for client with acute myocarditis? We generally put these patients on bedrest during the acute inflammatory process to reduce myocardial work load Exertion will be restricted for as long as 6 months.
1what are importance Nursing Care Directed at reducing myocardial work load And maintaining cardiac output ECG monitoring Activity tolerance Perfusion of organs Monitor for and report any early signs of heart failure
1what cause Pericarditis? Usually viral ; Post cardiotomy syndrome is when fluid collects in the pericardial sac after open heart surg
1 what organ most lead to pericarditis? Seen in 40 – 50% of patients with end stage renal disease
1Pericarditis - Causes ? Infections Viruses fungi Bacteria syphilis Tuberculosis parasites
1Pericarditis - Causes what are non infectious? Injury to heart ; autoimmune disorders ; Uremia ; rheumatic fever ; Neoplasms ; drugs ; Radiation ; trauma or surgery
Created by: tp667
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