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Med. term. Quiz # 4

Sx of MI Symptoms of Myocardial Infarct or heart attack
Denial Psychological defense
Angina Pectoris Chest pain
Radiating discomfort arm, jaw, shoulder, and/or back ache
nausea sensation of impending emesis
Vertigo dizziness
Pallor Paleness
Diaphoresis excessive perspiration
SOB Shortness of breath
Dyspepsia difficult/painful digestion
fatigue despite adequate rest
kyphosis condition of hunchback spinal curvature
Scoliosis condition of S shaped spinal curvature
lordosis condition of convex spinal curvature
sternum chest bone
scapula shoulder bone
clavicle collar bone
humerus upper arm bone
radius lower arm bone on the thumb side
ulna lower arm bone on the pinky side
Metacarpals hand bones
Metatarsals Foot bones
Tibia Lower anterior leg bone
Fibula Lower posterior leg bone
Femur Thigh bone
Phalanges Finger/toe bones
atrophy no growth or developement process
ataxia no muscular coordination
atonic no muscle tone
aneurysm a dilated, ballooning part of a vessel
angioplasty p/p of reconstruction of a vessel
bradycardia slow heart rate
Tachycardia Fast heart rate
cyanosis condition of blueness
diastolic lower blood pressure number when ventricles relax
Systolic Upper bloop pressure number when ventricles contract
Hypercholestemia High blood cholesterol
Ischemia Insufficient blood and oxygen going to the tissues
Syncope Fainting or temporary loss of consciousness
Aspiration To breathe in stomach contents or choke
anoxia no oxygen
apnea no breathing
COLD Chronic obstructive lung disease
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Effusion a flowing out of liquid or air
Epiglottis flap that covers the trachea
Epistaxis Nose bleed
Intubate tube insertion
Patent blocked
Sputum lung production
Tachypnea Fast breathing
Dyspnea difficult/painful breathing
Tuberculosis communicable condition of tubercules
Created by: happykitten23
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