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Oral med-Life span

List four ways to effectively aminister oral medications to an infant. 1. A syringe or dropper2. A medication nipple which allows the infant to suck the medication from it.3. Mixed in small amounts of food4. A spoon or medication cup for older children.
Why do we never mix medications in food that are essential? Since the infant may associate the food with an unpleasant taste and refuse the food in the future.
Why do we place a small amount of medication along an infants cheek and then wait for them to swollow it before given more medications? To prevent aspiration or spitting out the medication.
What do we have to do with medication that is thrust outward by an infants tongue when using a spoon to administer? We retrieve and refeed the medication.
What kind of choices do we give children when given medications? they can choose between a spoon, dropper, or syringe to take their medications with.
Medications can be diluted with a small amount of what for children? Why would we not use a large amount? Water. If a large amount is used the child may refuse the rest of the water and not get the full dose of the medicine.
Most childrens oral medicaitons are more pallitable because they are prepared;If they are not; you should: in sweetened liquid. If not, crush medications and mix them with substances available on most pediatric units, such as honey, flavored syrup, jam, or fruit puree.
Why should necessary foods such as milk or orange juice never be used to mask the taste of medications? The child may develop unpleasant associations and refuse that food in the future.
Where should you place a young child to administer oral medications? On yours or a parents lap.
Why would we give a child a carbonated beverage with finely crushed ice right before or immediately after given a child a medicaiton? to prevent nausea
Why would we follow a medication given to child with a drink of water, juice, a soft drink, a popsicle or frozen juice bar? to remove any unpleasnt aftertaste.
What do you administer medicaitons to children in? measuring spoon, plastic syringe, medicine cup.
What are children who take sweetened medications on a long term bases at risk for? Dental carries
List 5 examples of physiological changes associated with aging that influence medicaiton administration and effectiveness. 1. Altered Memory 2. less acute vision 3. decrease in renal function 4. less complete and slower absorption in the GI tract 5. Decreased liver function
Elders usually require _______ doses of drugs. Especialy ___________ and other ______ __________. Less. Sedatives. CNS depressants.
__________ _________ such as lack of transportaion and decreased finances may influence obtaining medications when needed. Socioeconomic factors
Include _______ _______ and ______ in medication history. vitamins, herbs, supplements.
Created by: onthesnap53
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