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Health Assess

HEENT Abdominal Nutrition Male/female Genitalia

AnDroid Obesity Excess body fat that is placed prodominantly within the abdomen and upper body
Anergy A less than expected or absent immune reaction in response to the injection of antigens within the skin
Anthropometry measurement of the body (height, weight, circumference etc)
Diet History A detailed record of dietary intake obtainable from 24 hr recall, food frequency questionares, food diaries, etc.
Gynoid Obesity Excess body fat within hip and thighs
Kwashiorkor Primarily a protein deficency characterized by edema, growth failure, and muscle wasting
Malnutrition May mean any nutrition disorder but usually refers to long term nutritional excess/inadequacies
Marasmic Kwashiorkor combination of chronic energy deficit and chronic/acute protein deficiency
Nitrogen Balance Condition in which nitrogen losses from the body are equal to nitrogen intake; the expected state of the healthy adult
Nutritional Monitoring Assessment of dietary or nutritional status at intermittent times with the aim of detecting changes in the dietary or nutritional status of a population
Nutrition screening A process used to identify individuals at nutrition risk/with nutritional problems
Serum Proteins Proteins present in serum that are indicators of the body's visceral protein status
The balance between nutrient intake and nutrition requirements is described as Nutritional Status
To support the synthesis of maternal and fetal tissue during pregnancy, a weight gain of _____ pounds is recommended Recommendation depends on the BMI of the mother at the start of the pregnancy
Which of the following are normal, expected changes with aging decrease in height
Which of the following data would be obtained as part of a nutritional screening weight and nutrition history
Current dietary guidelines recomend that omplex carbohydrates compromise ___% of total calorie intake 60%
The 24 hr recall of dietary intake Is a questionare/interview of everything eaten within the last 24 hrs
The nutritional needs of a patient with trauma/major SX Maybe 2-3 times greater than normal
Mary (15 yr old) has come for a school physical during the interview, the examiner is told that menarche has not occured. An explanation to be explored is Nutritional deficiency
Older adults are at risk for alteration in nutritional status. Select the individuals who appear the least at risk A 65 yr old widower who visits a senior center with a meal program 5 days a week
Body weight as a percentage of ideal weight is calculated to assess for malnutrition. Severe malnutrition is DX when current body weight is Less than 70% ideal body weight
The examiner is completing an initial assessment for a pt being admitted to a long term care facility. the pt is unable to stand for a measurement of height in order to obtain this important anthropometric information the examiner may Measure arm span
A skin testing or anergy panel has been ordered for a patient, the test is done to Assess for immunocompetence
Which assessment finding indicates nutrition risk Serum-albumin= 2.5 g/dL
Marasmus is ofent characterized by Low weight for height
Which BMI category in adults is indicative of obesity 30-39
Aneurysm defect or sac formed by dialation in artery wall due to atherosclerosis trauma, or congenital defect
Anorexia Loss of appetite for food
Ascites Abnormal accumulation of serous fluid within the peritoneal cavity, associated with CHF, cirrhosis, cancer, or portal hypertension
Borborygmi Loud gurgling bowel sounds signaling increased motility or hyperperistalis, occurs with diarrhea etc
Bruit Blowing, swoshing, sound heard through a stethescope when an artery is partially occluded
Cecum First/proximal part of large intestine
Cholecystitis Inflamation of the gallbladder
Costal Margin Lower border of rib margin formed by the medial edges of the 8th, 9th, and 10 ribs
Costovertebral angle angle formed by the 12th rib and the vertebral colom on the posterior thorax, overlying the kidney
Diastasis Recti Midline longitudinal ridge in the abdomen, a separation of abdominal rectus muscles
Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing
Epigastrium Name of abdominal region between the costal margins
Hepatomegaly abnormal enlargement of liver
Hernia Abnormal protrusion of bowelthrough weakening in abdominal musculature
Linea Alba Midline tendinous seam joining the abdominal muscles
Peritoneal Friction rub rough grating sound heard through the the stethescope over the site of peritoneal inflammation
Peritonitis Inflammation of peritoneum
Pyrosis Heartburn--burning sensation in upper abdomen, due to reflux of gastric acid
Rectus abdominis muscle midline abdoninal muscles extending from rib cage to pubic bone
Schaphiod abnormal enlargement of spleen
Striae Stretch marks--stretching of the abdominal skin as with pregnancy/obesity
Suprapubic Name of abdominal region just superior to pubic bone
Tympany High-pitched, musical, drumlike percussion note heard when percussing over stomach and intestine
Umbilicus depression on the abdomen marking site of entry of umbilical cord
Viscera Internal Organs
Sequence of technique used during an examination of the abdomen inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation
Which of the following may be noted through inspection of the abdomen venous pattern, peristalic waves and abdominal contour
RUQ tenderness may indicate pathology in the Liver, pancreas, or accending colon
Hyperactive bowel sounds are high pitched, rushing, tinkling
The absence of bowel sounds is established after listening for 5 full minutes
Auscultation of the abdomen may reveal bruits of the ______ arteries aortic, renal, iliac and femoral
The range of normal liver span in the right midclavicular line in the adult is 6-12 cm
The LUQ contains Spleen
Straie, which occur when the elastic fibers in the reticular layer of the skin are broken following rapid/prolonged stretching, have a distinct color which is silvery white
Auscultation of the abdomen is begun in the RLQ because bowel sounds are always normally present here
A dull percussion note forward of the left midaxillary line is indicative of splenic enlargement
Shifting dullness is a test for ascites
Tenderness during abdominal palpation is expected when palpating Sigmoid Colon
Murphy's sign is best described as pain felt when taking a deep breath when the examiner's fingers are on the approx location of the inflamed gallbladder
Goiter increase in size of thyroid gland that occurs with hyperthyroidism
Lyphadenopathy enlargement of the lymph nodes due to infection allergy or neoplasm
Macrocephalic abnormally large head
Microcephalic Abnormally small head
Normocephalic Round symmetric skull that is appropriately related to body size
Torticollis Head tilt due to shortening/spasm of one sternomastoid muscle
Vertigo Dizziness
Identify the facial bone that articulates a joint instead of a suture Mandible
Identify the BV that runs diagonally accross the sternomastoid muscle External jugular vein
The isthmus of the thyroid gland lies just below the Cricoid cartilage
What is true regarding cluster headaches maybe precipitated by alcohol and daytime napping
select the symptom that is lease likely to indicate a possible malignancy Tenderness
Providing resistance while the pt shruggs the shoulders is a test of the status of cranial nerve IX
Upon examination, the fontanels should feel Firm slightly concave and well defined
If the thyroid gland is enlarged bilaterally which of the following maneuvers is appropriate Listen for a bruitt over the thyroid lobes
It is normal to palpate a few lymph nodes in the neck of a healthy person. what are the characteristics of these lobes Mobile, soft, nontender
Cephalhematoma is associated with Subperiosteal hemorrhage
Normal cervical lymph nodes are smaller than 1 cm
A throbbing unilateral pain associated with nausea, vomiting and photophobia is characteristic of migrain headache
Accommodation Adaptation of the eye for near vision by increasing the curvature of the lens
Anisocoria Unequal pupil size
Arcus senilis gray-white arc or circle around the limbus of the iris that is common with aging
Argyll Robertson Pupil Pupil does not react to light; does constrict with accomodation
Astigmatism Refractive error of vision due to differences in curvature in refractive surfaces of the eye
A-V Crossing Crossing paths of an artery and vein in the ocular fundus
Bitemporal Hemianopsia Loss of both temporal visual fields
Blepharitis Inflammation of the glands and the eyelash folicles along the margin of the eyelid
Cataract Opacity of the lens of the eye that develops slowly with aging and gradually obstructs vision
Chalazion infection or retention syst of a meibomianland showing as a beady nodule on the eyelid
Conjunctivitis infedction of conjunctiva "pinkeye"
Diopter unit of strength of the lens settings on the ophthalmoscope that changes focus on the eye structures
Diplopia Double vision
Drusen Benign deposits on the ocular fundus that show as round yellow dots and occur commonly with aging
Ectropion Lower eyelid loose and rolling outward
Entropion Lower eyelid rolling inward
Exophthalmos Protruding eyeballs
Fovea area of keenist vision at the center of the macula on the ocular fundus
Glaucoma A group of eye diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure
Hordeolum (Stye) red painful pustule that is localized infection of hair follicle at eyelid margin
Macula Round, darker area of the ocular fundus that mediates vision only from the central visual field.
Microaneursym Abnormal finding of round red dots on the ocular fundus that are localized dialations of small vessels
Miosis constricted pupils
Mydriasis Dialated pupils
Myopia (nearsighted)
Nystagmus Involuntary rapid rythmic movement of the eyeball
OD Oculus Dexter (right eye)
Optic Atrophy Pallor of the optic disk due to partial or complete death of optic nerve.
Optic Disk Area of ocular fundus in which BV exit and enter
OS Oculus Sinister (left eye)
Papilledema Stasis of blood flow out of the ocular fundus sign of increase intracranial pressure
Presbyopia decrease accomodation that occurs with aging
Pterygiun Triangular opaque tissue on the nasal side of the conjunctivia that grows towards the center of the cornea
Ptosis Drooping of upper eyelid over the iris
Strabismus (squint, crossed eyed)
Xanthelasma Soft raised yellow plaques occuring on the skin at the inner corners of the eyes
The palpebral fissure is The open space between the eyelids
The corneal reflex is mediated by cranial nerves V and VII
The retinal structures viewed through the ophthalmascope are The optic disk, the retinal vessels, the general background, and the macula
The examinar records positive consensual light reflex. This is The simultaneous constriction of the other pupil when one eye is exposed to bright light.
Several changes occur in the eye with the aging process. The thinckening and the yellowing of the lens is referred to as Senile cataract
Be alert to symptoms that may constitute an eye emergency. Identify the symptoms that should be referred immediately. Sudden onset of vision changes.
Visual acuity is assessed with The snellen eye chart
The cover test is used to assess for Muscle weakness
When using the ophthalmoscope, you would remove your own glasses and approach the patient's left eye with your left eye
The 6 muscles that control eye movement are innervated by cranial nerves II, III, V
Conjunctivitis is always associated with absent red reflex
A pt has blurred periferal vision. You suspect glaucoma, and test the visual fields. A person with normal vision would see your moving finger temporarily at 90 degrees
A person is known to be blind in the L eye what happens to the pupils when the R eye is illuminated by a penlight beam No pupils constricts
Use of the ophthalmoscope: and interuption of the red reflex occurs when there is an opacity in the cornea or lens
One cause of visual impairment in aging adult is Glaucoma
Annulus Outer fibrous rim encircling the eardrum
Atresia Congenital absence or closure of ear canal
Cerumen Earwax
Cochlea Inner ear structure containing the central ear apparatus
Eustachian Tube Connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx and allows passage of air
Helix Superior, posterior free rim of the pinna
Malleus "hammer" first of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear
Incus "anvil" middle of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear
Mastoid bony prominence of the skull located just behind the ear
Organ of Corti Sensory organ of hearing
Otalgia Pain in the ear
Otitis Externa Inflammation of the outer ear and ear canal
Otitis Media Inflammation of the middle ear and tympanic membrane
Otorrhea Discharge from the ear
Pars Flaccida Small, slack, superior section of tympanic membrane
Pars Tensa Thick, taut central/inferior section of tympanic membrane
Pinna outter ear
Stapes "stirrup" inner of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear
Tinnitus ringing in the ear
Tympanic Membrane "eardrum"
Umbo knob of the malleus that shows through the tympanic membrane
Using the otoscope the tympanic membrane is visualized. The color of a normal membrane is Pearly gray
Sensorineural hearing loss may be related to A gradual nerve degeneration
Prior to examining the ear with the otoscope, the _____ should be palpated for tenderness Pinna tragus and mastoid process
During the otoscopic examnination of a child less than 3 years of age, the examiner pulls the pinna down
while viewing with the otoscope, the examiner instructs the person to hold the nose and swallow. During this maneuver, the eardrum should Flutter
To differntiate between air conduction and bone conduction hearing loss, the examiner would perform The rinne test
In examining the ear of an adult, the cannal is straightened by pulling the auricle Up and back
Darwins's tubercule is a conjenital painless nodule at the helix
When the ear os being examined with an otoscope, the pt's head should be tilted away from the examiner
The hearing receptors are located in the Cochlea
The sensation of vertigo is the result of Pathology in the semicircular canals
A common cause of a conductive hearing loss is impacted cerumen
The rinne test, the 2-1 ratio referrs to the lengths of time until the pt stops hearing the tone by air conduction and by bone conduction
Upon examination of the tympanic membrane, visualization of which of the following findings indicates infection of acute purulent otitis media absent light reflex, reddened drum, buldging drum
In examining a young adult woman, you observe her tympanic membrane to be yellow in color. You suspect she has Serum in the middle ear
Risk reduction for acute otitis media includes eliminating smoking in the house and car
Aphyhous Ulcers "canker sores"--small, painful round ulcers in the oral mucosa of unknown cause
Buccal CHEEK
Candidiasis Wite, cheesy, curdlike patch on bucall mucosa due to superficial fungal infection
Caries Decay in the teeth
Crypts Indentations on surface of tonsils
Cheilitis red, scaling, shallow, painful fissures at corners of mouth
Choanal atresia closure of nasal cavity due to congenital septum between nasal cavity and pharynx
Epistaxis nosebleed
Epulis fibrous nodule of the gum
Fordyce's granules white/yellow papules on oral mucosa
Herpes simplex "Cold sores"--clear vesicles with red base that evolve into pustules, usually at lip-skin junction.
Koplik's spot early sign of measles
Leukoplakia white, thich raised patch on sides of tongue; precancerous
Malocclusion upper/lower dental arches out of alignment
parotid glands pair of salivary glands in the cheeks in front of the ears
pharyngitis inflamation on the throat
Plaque debris on teeth
Polyp smooth, pale gray nodules in the nasal cavity due to chronic allergic rhinitis
Rhinitis red swollen inflamation of nasal mucosa
Thrush oral candidiasis in the newborn
Turbinate one of 3 bony projections into nasal cavity
Uvula Free projection hanging down from the middle of the soft palate
The most common site of nosebleeds is Kiesselbach's Plexus
THe sinuses that are accessible to exam are Frontal and maxillary
The frenulum is The midline fold of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth
The largest salivary gland is located within the cheeks in front of the ear
A 70 yr old woman complains of dry mouth. The most frequent cause of this problem is Related to medications she maybe taking
Because of a HX if HA, the examiner uses rtransillumination to assess for an inflamed sinus. The findings in a healthy individual would be A diffuse red glow
During an inspection of the nares, a deviated septum is noted. The best action is to Document the deviation in the medical record in case the pt needs 2 be suctioned
Oral malignancies are most likely to develop Under the tongue
In a medical record, the tonsils are grades as 3+. The tonsils would be Touching the uvula
The friction of the nasal turbinates is to Warm the inhaled air
The opening of an adult's parotid gland (stensen's duct) is oposite the Upper 2nd molar
A nasal polyp may be distinguished from the nasal turbinates for 3 reason, which is false The polyp is highly vascular
An abdomen that is bulging and stretched in appearance is described as Protuberant
The term hepatomegaly refers to enlarged liver
The examiner tests for rebound tenderness by Slowly pushing on an area of the abdomen then lifting up wuickly
The incidence of lactose intolerance is higher in adults of whcih ethnic group Blacks
Why is it important to ask a person what meds they are taking when doing a nutritional assessment Certain drugs affect the metabolism of nutrients
Optimal nutritional status is best defined as Sufficient nutrients to provide for daily body requirements as well as for increased metabolic demands
Deep palpation is used to determine Organomegaly
Whcih of the following factors is most likely to affect the nutritional status of an 82-year old female Living alone on a fixed income
Of the following people who is at greatest risk for undernutrition A 5-month old infant
The main reason auscultation preceeds percussion and palpation of the abdomen is To prevent distortion of bowel sounds that might occur after percussion and palpation
The 2 major neck muscles are_______ and are innervated by cranial nerve________ Sternomastoid & Trapezius---------XI spinal accessory
The sternomastoid muscle arises from_________and extends diagonally across the neck to ________ Sternum and middle clavicle---------------Mastoid process
The sternomastoid muscle accomplishes head rotation and flexion
The trapezius move the shoulders and extend and turn the neck
The anterior angle infront of sternomastoid muscle; at the body's midline
The posterior angle Behind the sternomastoid muscle and infront of the trapezius muscle.
The thyroid gland is rich in blood supply and synthesizes the hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine whcuh stimulate the rate of cellular metabolism
The 2 lobes of the thyroid gland lye over the 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings
The cricoid cartilage is AKA upper tracheal ring
Name of the 3rd occasional lobe of thyroid gland pyramidal lobe
The palpable notch of the thyroid cartilage is AKA The adam's apple
The highest bone in the neck Hyoid bone
Atrophy of the lymph nodes in children begin at age 10-11
Are the lymph nodes in children under 10 normally palpable without signs of illness yes
The greatest supply of lymph nodes are located in Head and neck
Which lymph nodes in the body are accessible to exam head and neck, arms, axillae and inguinal region
The posterior triangle shaped fontanel in the neonate closes at 1-2 months of age
The anterior diamond shaped fontanel in the neonate closes at 9months-2 years
The most appropriate question to use when gathereing HA HX is any unusually frequent or unusually frequent headaches?
alveoli smaller structure of mammary gland
Areola Darkened area surrounding the nipple
Colostrum Thin, yellow fluid, percursor of milk, secreted for a few days after birth
Cooper's ligaments Suspensory ligament, fibrous bands extending from the inner breast surface to the chest wall muscles
Fibroadenoma Benign breast mass
Gynecomastia Excessive breast development in the male
Intraductal Papilloma Serosanguineous nipple discharge
Inverted Nipples that are depressed ot invaginated
Lactiferous Conveying milk
Mastitis Inflammation of the breast
Montgomery's Glands Sebaceous glands in the areola, secrete protective lipid during lactation, also called tubercles of Montgomery
Paget's disease intraductal carcinoma in the breast
Peau d'orange orange-peel appearance of breast due to edema
Retraction dimple or pucker on the skin
Supernumerary Nipple minute extra nipple along the embryonic milk line
Tail of Spence Extension of breast tissue into the axilla
The reservoirs for storing milk in the breast are Lactiferous sinuses
The most common site of breast tumors is Upper outer quadrants
During a visit for a school physical, the 13 year old girl being examined questions the asymmetry of her breast. The best response is One breast may grow faster than the other during development
When teaching the breast self exam, you would inform the woman that the best time to conduct breast self examination is On the 4th-7th day of the cycle
The examiner is going to inspect the breast for retraction. The best position for this part of the exam is sitting with hand pushing onto hips
A bimanual technique maybe the preferred approach for a woman With pendulous breasts
During the examination of a 70 year old man, you note gynecomastia. You would Review the meds for drugs that have gynecomastia as a side effect
During a breast exam, you detect a mass, Identify the description that is most consistent with cancer rather than benign breast disease Irreglar, poorly defined, fixed
During the exam of the breast of a pregnant woman, you would expect to find A blue vascular pattern over both breasts
Which of the following should not be referred to a physican for further evaluation A 25 yr old with asymmetrical breasts and inversion of nipples since adolescence
Breast asymmetry Maybe normal
Gynecomastia is enlargement of the male breast
Which is the 1st physicalchange associated with puberty in girls Breast bud development
Chancre Red round superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge that is a sign of syphillis
Condylomata Acuminata soft, pointed, fleshy papules that occur on the genitalia and are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV)
Cystitis Inflammation of the urinary bladder
Epididymis congenital defect in which urethra opens on the dorsal side of the penis instead of at the tip
Hernia weak spot in abdominal muscle wall through which a loop of bowel may protrude
Herpes genitalis A sexually transmitted disease characterized by clusters of small painful vesicles, caused by a virus
Hydrocele cystic fluid in turnica vaginalis surrounding testis
Hypospadias Congenital defect in which urethra opens on the ventral (under) side of the penis rather than at the tip
Orchitis acute inflammation of testis usually associated with mumps
Paraphimosis foreskin is retracted and fixed behind the glans penis
Peyronie's disease nontender, hard plaques on the surface of the penis assoiciated with painful bending of penis erection
Phumosis Foreskin is advanced and tightly fixed over the glans penis
Prepuce (foreskin) the hood ot flap of skin over the glans penis that often is surgically removed after birth by circumcision
Pirapism Prolonged painful erection of penis w/o sexual desire
Spermatocele retension cyst in epididymis filled with milky fluid that contains sperm
Torsion sudden tortuous varicose veins in the spermatic cord
Varicocele Dialated tortuous varicose veins in the spermatic cord
Vas deferens duct carring sperm from the epididymis through the abdomen and then into the urethra
The examiner is going to inspect and palpate for a hernia. During this exam, the man is instructed to Bear down when the examiner's finger is at the inguinal canal
during exam of the scrotum a normal finding would be The left testicle hangs lower than the right
H.T. has come to the clinic for a f/u visit. 6months ago he was started on a new med. The class of med is most likely to cause impotence as a side effect; therefore, med classes explored by the nurse is antihypertensives
Prostatic hypertrophy occurs frequently in older men, the symptoms that may indicate this problem are straining, loss of force, and sense of residual urine
A 64 year old man has come for a health exam. a normal age related change in the scrotum would be pendulous scrotum
During palpation of the testes the normal finding would be firm, rubbery, and smooth
A 29-yr-old man has indicated that he does not perform testicular self-exam. One of the facts that should be shared with him is that teste cancer, though rate does occur in men aged 15-34
During the exam of a full-term newborn male a finding requiring investigation would be absent testes
how sensitive to pressure are normal testes somewhat
the congenital displacement of the urethral meatus to the inferior surface of the penis is hypospadias
an adhesion of the prepuce to the head of the penis making it impossible to retract is phumosis
the 1st physical sign associated with puberty in boys is testes enlargement
Fissure painful longditudinal tear in tissue
hemorrhoid flabby papules of skin or mucus membrane in the anal region caused by a varicose vein of the hemorrhoidal plexus
Melena blood in the stool
Pruitus itching or burning sensation in the skin
Steatorrhea exxcessive fat in the stool as in gastrintestinal malabsorption of fat
valves of houston ine of 3 semilunar trasverse folds that cross one half of the circumference of the rectal lumen
The gastrocolic reflex is a peristaltic wave
the incidence of benign prostatic hypertrophy is highest among African American
select the best description of the anal canal a 3.8 cm long outlet of the gastrointestinal tract
while good nutrition is important for everyone foods believed to help reduce risk of colon cancer are high in fiber
which finding in the prostate gland suggests prostate cancer diffuse hardness
the bulbourethral gland is assessed during the exam of a male pt
inspection of stool is an important part of the rectal exam normal stool is brown in color and solid in consistency
which symptom suggest benign prostatic hypertrophy diff initiating urination and weak stream
a false positive may occur on fecal occult blood test of the stool if the person has injested significant amt of red meat
Adnexa accessory organs of the uterus i.e. ovaries and ft
amenorrhea absence of menstruation
bartholin's glands vestibular glands located on either side of the vaginal orifice that secrete a clear lubricating mucus during intercourse
bloody show dislodging of thick cervical mucus plug at end of pregnancy which is a sign of the begining of labor
caruncle small, deep red mass protruding from urethral meatus, usually due to urethritis
Chadwick's sign bluish discoloration of cervix that occurs normally in pregnancy at 6-8 wks gestation
Chancre red, round, superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge that is a sign of syphilis
Cystocele prolapse of urinary bladder and its vaginal mucosa into the vagina with straining or standing
Dysmenorrhea abdominal cramping and pain associated with menstration
Dyspareunia painful intercourse
Dysuria Painful urination
Endometriosis aberrant growths of endometrial tissue scattered throughout pelvis
fibroid (myoma) hard painless nodules in uterine wall that cause uterine enlargement
Gonorrhea std charaterized by purulent vaginal discharge or may have no symptoms
hegar's sign softening of cervix that is a sign of pregnancy occuring at 10-12 wks gestation
hematuria red tinged or bloddy urination
hymen menmbranous fold of tissue partly closing vaginal orifice
Leukorrhea whitish or yellowish discharge from vaginal orifice
Menopause cessation of the menses usually occuring around 48-51
Menorrhagia excessively heavy menstral flow
Multipara condition of having two or more pregnancies
Nullipara condidtion of first pregnancy
Papanicolalu test painless test used to detect cervical cancer
Rectouterine Pouch (CUL-DE-AC of douglas) deep recess formed by the peritoneum between the rectum and the cervix.
Rectocele prolapse of rectum and it's vaginal mucosa into vagina with straining or standing
Salpingitis inflammation of fallopian tubes
Skene's glands paraurethral glands
Vaginitis inflammtion of the vagina
Vulva external genetalia of female
Vaginal lubrication is provided during intercourse by Bartholin's glands
A woman who has not had any children would have a cervix that appears smooth and circular
A woman has come for an exam because of a missed period and a positive preg test. Exam reveals a cervix that appears scyanotic. This is Chadwick's Sign
During the exam of the genetalia of a 70 year old woman, a normal finding would be thin and sparse pubic hair
For a woman, history of her mother's health during preg is important. A med that requires frequent f/u is Diethylstillbestrol
A woman is complaining of a thick, white, discharge with intense itching. These symptoms suggest Candidiasis
To prepare the vaginal speculum for insertion, the examiner Lubricates it with warm water
To insert the speculum as comfortably as possible, the examiner Presses the introitus down with one hand and inserts the blades obliquely with the other.
Before withdrawing the speculum, the examiner swabs the cervix with a swab soaked in acetic acid. This examination is done to assess for human papillomavirus
Select the best description of the uterus pear shaped, thick walled organ flattened anteroposteriorly
In placing a finger on either side of the cervix and moving it side to side, you are assessing Cervical motion tenderness
Whhich of the following is normal common finding on inspection and palpation of the vulva and perineum Labia Majora that are wide apart and gaping
Which of the following is the most common bacterial STD in the U.S. Chlamydia
You are performing a eye assessment on an 80-yr-old patient. Which of the following findings is considered abnormal Unequal pupillary constriction in response to light
The 2 pairs of salivary glands that are accessible to exam on the face parotid and submandibular
Which of the following would be true regarding the otoscopic exam of the newborn the normal membrane may appear thich and opaque
You are going to auscultate the thyroid for the presence of a bruit. A bruit is a soft whooshing pulsatile shound best heard with the bell of the stethoscope
Which of the following is considered objective data Yellow sclera
The nuscles in the neck that are innervated by CN XI are the sternomastoid and trapezius
Which of the following is true in relation to a newborn The maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are the only ones present at birth
What is the best way to palpate lymph nodes in the neck using gentle pressure, palpate with noth hands to compare the 2 sides
Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible for conducting nerve impulses to the brain from the organ of corti CN VIII
Accomotation refers to Pupillary constriction when looking at a near object
Which of the following is objective data regarding the abdomen Symmetrical abdominal contour
Optimal nutritional status is best defined as Sufficient nutrients to provide for daily body requirements as well as for increased metabolic demands
It would be normal to elict a_____percussion note in the 7th right intercostal space at the midclavicular line because this is the location of the_____ dull, liver
Which structire is located in the LUQ of the abdomen Spleen
Why is it important to ask a pt what meds they are taking when doing a nutritional assessment Certain drugs can affect the metabolism of nutrients
eep palpation is used to determine organomegaly
Which of the following is the cause of ascites Fluid
Which structure is located in the LLQ of the abdomen Sigmoid colon
Which of the following would you expect to find when examining the eyes of an African-American pt A dark retinal background
The middle ear functions to conduct vibrations of sounds to the inner ear
Which of the following statements regarding the outter layer of the eye is true The outer layer of the eye is very sensitive to touch
Which of the following is a risk factor for ear infections in young children Second-hand cigarette smoke
Which of the following statements concerning the eustachian tube is true It helps equalize air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane
At what age can the infant fixate on a single image with both eyes simultaneously 3-4 months
The portion of the ear that consists of movable cartilage skin is called auricle
Which of the following statements is true concerning air conduction it is the most efficent pathway for hearing
Which of the following is objective data regarding the abdomen Symmetrical abdominal contour
Optimal nutritional status is best defined as Sufficient nutrients to provide for daily body requirements as well as for increased metabolic demands
It would be normal to elict a_____percussion note in the 7th right intercostal space at the midclavicular line because this is the location of the_____ dull, liver
Which structire is located in the LUQ of the abdomen Spleen
Why is it important to ask a pt what meds they are taking when doing a nutritional assessment Certain drugs can affect the metabolism of nutrients
eep palpation is used to determine organomegaly
Which of the following is the cause of ascites Fluid
Which structure is located in the LLQ of the abdomen Sigmoid colon
Which of the following would you expect to find when examining the eyes of an African-American pt A dark retinal background
The middle ear functions to conduct vibrations of sounds to the inner ear
Which of the following statements regarding the outter layer of the eye is true The outer layer of the eye is very sensitive to touch
Which of the following is a risk factor for ear infections in young children Second-hand cigarette smoke
Which of the following statements concerning the eustachian tube is true It helps equalize air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane
At what age can the infant fixate on a single image with both eyes simultaneously 3-4 months
The portion of the ear that consists of movable cartilage skin is called auricle
Which of the following statements is true concerning air conduction it is the most efficent pathway for hearing
The most common site of nose bleeds is Kiesselbach's Plexus
Which cranial nerve do the receptors for smell merge into Olfactory nerve, CN I
What a a major function of the paranasal sinus Lighten the weight of the skull bones.
Name the 2 sinuses acessable to exam relative to the nose. Frontal (in frontal bone) and maxillary (cheekbone).
Which 2 sinuses are the only ones present at birth maxillary and ethmoid
Created by: tsjohn3
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