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Med Term exam CS

Medical Terminology exam

a without, away from
anti against
cardio heart
dys difficult
hemo blood
im used before, inside, within
myo muscle
nephro kidney
neuro nerve, nervous system
peri around
post after
pseudo false
pre before
psycho mind, mental process
pyelo pelvis
retro backward, behind
sub under, beneath
supra axilla, under arm
vaso vessel, blood vessel
brady slow
hyper above, excessive
tachy swift, rapid
algia pain, suffering
centesis puncture of cavity
cide causing death
emia blood condition
genic related to or caused by genes
itis inflammation of
lysis the gradual decline of a fever or disease
oma tumor
ostomy a created mouth or outlet
penia decrease, deficiency
plasty surgical repair
scopy examination
megaly enlargement of a body part
tripsy intentional crushing
uria urine
apnea temporary cessation of breathing, absence
diaphoresis profuse sweating
hypotension a decrease of systolic and diastolic pressure below normal
Korotkoff sounds sounds heard in auscultation of blood pressure
palpate to examine by touch
pulsus alternans a weak pulse alternating with a strong one
pulse deficit difference between the apical and radial pulse
pulsus paradoxus paradoxical pulse, pulse becomes weaker as one inhales and stronger as one exhales
atelectasis a collapsed or air less condition of the lung
apnea temporary cessation of breathing and, therefore, of the body's intake of O2 and release of CO2
Biotts shallow breaths interrupted by apnea
Bronchodialation Aerosol or vapor inhalations for sputum mobilization
cyanotic blue, gray, slate or dark purple discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes
cheyne stokes a breathing pattern marked by a period of apnea lasting 10-60 sec followed by gradual increasing deapth and frequency of respirations
dyspnea air hunger resulting in labored or difficult breathing
expectoration the act or process of spitting out salivia or coughing up materials from the air passageways
hyperpnea an increased respiratory rate or breathing that is deeper than usual
hypoxia an O2 deficiency in body tissues
Kussmaul's a very deep gasping type of respiration associated with severe diabetic ketoacidosis
mucosa a mucous membrane or moist tissue layer that lines the hollow organs and cavities of the body that open to the environment
sonorous giving fourth a loud and rounded sound
sputum mucus expelled from the lung by coughing
tachypnic abnormally fast respirations, more than 24 respirations per minute
antipyretic an agent that reduces fever
bacteriostatic inhibiting or retarding bacterial growth
bolus a mass of masticated food ready to be swallowed
cathartic an active purgative, producing bowel movements
compatible the ability to combine 2 medicines without interfering with their action
contamination the introduction of pathogens or infectious material into or on normally clean or sterile objects, spaces or surfaces
depilatory an agent used to remove hair
emetic an agent that promotes vomiting
narcotic a drug that depresses the central nervous system, thus relieving pain and producing sleep
opiod any synthetic narcotic not derived from opium
subungual situated beneath the nail of a finger or toe
systemic Rel. or pert. to a system, pert. to blood flow
toxicity the extent, wuality, or degree of being poisonus
interaction mutual or reciprocal action or influence
elixer a sweetened aromatic hydroalcoholic liquid used in the compounding of oral medicines
enteric coded a drug coding that keeps the pill from disolving
therapeutic effect intended effect of a drug
generic name name given before drug becomes an officially approved medicine
trade name name given by manufacture also sometimes called brand name
inhalation the act of drawing breath, vapor, or gas into lungs
nursing implication things you need to be aware that may occur and that you need to watch and monitor
side effect an action or effect of a drug other than that is desired
suppository a semi-solid substance for introduction into the rectum, vagina, or urethra, where it dissolves
topical pert. to a definite surface area, local
ac before a meal
pc after a meal
OS left eye
os by mouth
BRP bathroom privelages
s (line above s) without
hs hours of sleep
q2h every 2 hours
bid twice a day
NPO nothing by mouth
adlib freely, as desired
OU both eyes
SL sublingual
prn as needed
d/c discontinued/discharged
L.O.C level of consciousness
qid four times a day
qs quanity sufficient
WNL within normal limits
mcg microgram
OD right eye
stat immediately
c (with a line above) with
gtt drops
po orally
tid three times a day
aseptic a condition free of germs, infection, and any form of life
dorsal indicating a position toward the back, pertaining to the back
intradermal intracutaneous, in the dermal layer just beneath the epidermis
intravenous within or into a vein
parenteral denoting any medication route other than the alimentary canal such as intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, or mucosal
sterile free from living microorganisms
subcutaneous beneath the skin
sublingual beneath the tongue
vasodialator causing relaxation of blood vessels
Ventro combining from meaning abdominal or ventral (anterior)
cellulitis diffuse and especially subcutaneous inflammation of connective tissue
decubitus a pressure sore, lying down
dehiscence a bursting open, seperation of layers of a surgical wound
erythemia of unknown cuase that is marked by an increase in total blood volume, redness of skin
evisceration extrusion of the internal organs
excoriation loss of the superficial layer of the skin
evisceration extrusion of the internal organs
exudate a fluid that has escaped from blood vessels during the inflammatory process and is deposited in the tissues or on tissue sutures
fissure deep groove that occurs as a result of dryness and cracking of the skin
necrosis localized death of living tissues
primary intention tissue surfaces are approximated (closed) and there is minimal or no tissue loss, formation of minimal granulation tissue and scarring
secondary intention wound in which the tissue surfaces are not approximated and there is extensive tissue loss, formation of excessive granulation tissue and scarring
tertiary intention wounds left open 3-5 days to allow edema or infection to resolve or exudate to drain and are closed with sutures, staples, or adhesive skin closure
dysuria painful or difficulty urination
glycosuria the presence in the urine of abonormal amounts of sugar
incontinence a temporary or permanent inability of the external sphincter muscles to control the flow of the urine from the bladder
micturation the process of emptying the bladder (urination)
polyuria the production of large amounts of urine by the bladder without increased fluid intake
sepsis/septic the presence of pathogenic organisms or their toxins in the blood or body tissues
turbid thick or opague with or as if with roiled sediment (cloudy)
uria presence of a specified substance in the urine
void evacuate the bowels or bladder
Created by: sjbedel
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