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Nervous,Ear, Ear tes

Nervous System responsible for the perception, behavior and memories and initiates all voluntary movements
Nerve Impulse self transmitting wave of negativity that travels along the surface of a membrane of a nerve fiber, carries information away from the nerve cells to the brain and spinal cord
Nerve bundle of nerve fibers, small blood vessels, connects the brain, spinal cord and other parts
Nerve Fiber nerve cell extensions
Neuroglia type of neural tissue that does not transmit impulses
Astrocytes most abundant form of neuroglia cells, Largest in size
Microglia stationary neuroglia cells in the brain that has an injury, These pahgocize bacteria cells and reproduce to fight inflammation
Ependymal Cells form the inner lining of the central canal, form the membrane inside the ventricles, regulates the composition of cerebral spinal fluid
Oligrodendrocytes cluster around the nerve cell bodies and produce a myelin sheath
Schwann Cells only in peripheral nerve system, These also make myelin
Neurons react to physical and chemical changes, conduct impulses
Dendrites part of a neuron, conducts impulses to the cell body
Receptors located at the distal end of the dendrites
Cell Body largest part of a neuron
Nissl Bodies same as the rough ER, make protein, part of cell body
Nuerofibrils fine fibers that extend thru the dendrites, provide support and form skeleton of neurons
Microtubles move nutrients to and from cell body
Axon conduct impulses away from the cell body
Sensory Neurons transmit impulses to the spinal cord
Motor Nuerons transmit away from spinal cord or brain to glands or muscles
Interneuron lies b/w sensory and motor neurons
Potential/Polarized resting state, not conducting impulses
Depolarized no difference in the inner and outer, neutral no charge
Action Potential impulses is being conducted
Refractory Period time when cell cannot generate another impulse and needs to repolarize
Polarized negative inside, positive outside
Action Potential negative outside, positive inside
Threshold when impulse must decrease from resting level
Synapse contact point between the end of the axon of one neuron and dendrite/cell body of another neuron
Acetlycholine most abundant transmitter, body part excitement, inhibits the heart
Cholinesterase deactivates acetylcholine
Dopamine transmitter, inhibits motor function
Nor Epinephrine transmitter, helps create a sense of well being
Seratonin excreted by small intestines, vasoconstrictor, affects mood control
Histamine dialates blood vessels and stimulates gastric juices
Glutamate excitatory effect
Enkephalines, endorphins and dynorphins involved in pain relief
Spinal Cord extends from foramen magnum to the 2nd lumbar vertebrae
16/18 inches spinal cord length
Gray matter little clusters of cell bodies, contains reflex centers
Dura Mater outer covering of the brain
Arachnoid middle layer of the brain
Pia Mater inner most covering layer of the brain, adheres directly
Epidural Space between dura mater and vertebral column
Subdural Space between dura mater and arachnoid
Subarachnoid b/w arachnoid and pia mater
Occipital lobe of the brain responsible for vision
Temporal lobe of the brain responsible for hearing
Parietal lobe of the brain responsible for translating speech and writing into thought
Frontal lobe of the brain responsible for motor functions
Forebrain largest portionof the brain, made up of cerebrum, fissures
Basal Ganglia located at the base of the brain
Hindbrain known as cerebellum, 2nd largest part of the brain, balance
medulla actually attached to the cord, center for the heart and respiratory and vital signs, the brain stem
Pons regulates respiration and relay stuff around
Cerebrum part of the brain all about balance
Reticular Formation central core of the brainstem, life cycle regulation
Limbic System survival mode, emotional and visceral brain
Hippocampus memory
Amydala emotions from thought
Blood brain barrier – blood flows to the brain mainly by blood vessels that branch and make up the circle of Willis at the base of the brain
Peripheral Nervous System voluntary nervous system made up of cranial and spinal nerves
12 number of cranial nerves
31 pairs number of spinal nerves
8 pairs number of cervical
12 pairs number of thorasic
5 pairs number of lumbar
5 pairs sacrum number
1 pair coccyx number
Autonomic nervous system control center in the medulla) involuntary controlled, Affects RR and HR
Enteric Nervous System controls GI, esophagus, stomach and intestines
Parasympathetic slows down the response
Sympathetic speeds up response
Created by: digitaldane
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