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Head Injuries

types of head injuries, skull fx,brain, TBI

Scalp bleed a lot, infection the main concern
closed skull injury dura mater intact
open skull injury dura mater torn
linear skull fractures nondisplaced cracks in bone
Commimuted skull fracture bone broken into fragments
Depressed skull fracture bone fragments pressing into intracranial cavity
Basilar fracture fx. of the bone in the base of the skull. Can easily tear dura mater= CSF leakage from ears and nose
Basilar fractture clinical signs include: raccon eyes, battle's sign and CSF leakage.
Injury caused by a moving object striking the head.( acceleration
Injury caused by head moving and strikes solid object(ex.dashboard) deceleration
Hyperextension, hyperflexion of head, causes twisting of cerebrum in brainstem(ex. whiplash) rotational injury
Direct penetration of an object into brain tissue(ex. bullet) penetrating
Coup impact of head aganist an object
conttrecoup caused by impact of brain aganist opposite side of the skull
Transient neurological defict caused by shaking of brain, with immediate loss of consciousness concussion
Contusion bruising of the brain
Tearing of cortical tissue cerebral lacerations
Epidural Hematoma collection of blood between dura mater and skull
Collection of blood between the dura mater and arachnoid Subdural hematoma
Hematoma that has three phases subdural heamatoma. acute( within 48 hours of injury), subacute(2-14 days following injury), chronic(2 weeks to months following injury.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage bleeding directly into the brain, the ventricles, or subarachinoid space.
A bleed caused by multiple hemorrhages around a contused area intracerebral bleed
Posturing due to lesions in cerebral hemisphere decorticate-flex arms, adduct upper extremity, extened LE
Posturing due to brain stem injury decerebrate-arching back, backward flexion of the head, adduction, hyperpronation of arms, ext of feet
Created by: gmcghee
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