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Peds Ch 2

Test 1

Family Systems Theory *A change in any one part of a family system affects all other parts of the family system (circular causality) *Characterized by periods of rapid growth and periods of stability *Focus on interaction of family members within larger environment
Family systems theory application *Mate selection *courtship process *family communication *boundary maintenance *power and control w/i family *parent-child relationships *adolescent pregnancy and parenthood
Family stress theory *Explains how families react to stressful events and suggests factors that promote adaptation to stress. *Stress has a cumulative affect on families. *Potential to predict family behaviors in response to stressors and develop effective interventions.
Family stress theory application *transition to parenthood *single-parent families *work-related stressors *acute or chronic childhood illness *death *divorce *teen pregnancy
Developmental Theory *Has developmental stages *Performance at one stage influence the next stage. *Family in disequilibrium when entering a new life cycle, must strive towards homeostasis. *Oldest child marks transitions *Nurse provides anticipatory guidance for transitions
Developmental theory application *anticipatory guidance * educational strategies *developing & strengthening family resources for transition into parenthood * fam adj to children entering school *empty nest and retirement
Duvall's stage 1 *Marriage & Independent Home *Joining of the families *Reestablish couple identity *Make decisions about parenthood
Duvall's stage 2 Families with infants *Integrate infants into family unit, maintain marital bond
Duvall's stage 3 Families with preschoolers *Socialize children *Parent adjust to seperation
Duvall's stage 4 Families with school children *develop peer relations
Duvall's stage 5 Families with teenager *children develop autonomy *parents focus on midlife marital and career concerns
Duvall's stage 6 Families as launching centers *young adults est independent identity *parents renegotiate marital relationship
Duvall's stage 7 Middle -aged families *reinvest in couples identity *deal with disabilities or death
Duvall's stage 8 Aging families *retirement *prepare for death of spouse, siblings and peers
Traditional nuclear family married couple and their biological children
Nuclear family 2 parents and their children (biologic, step, adoptive, or foster)
blended family (reconstituted) at least 1 stepparent, step-sibling, or half-sibling
extended family at least 1 parent, 1 or more children, and 1 or more members other than parent or sibling
binuclear family parents continuing the parenting role while terminating the spousal unit
polygamous family multiple spouse
communal family *may have divergent beliefs, practices, and organization *share common ownership of property *goods ad services are shared without monetary consideration
LGBT families families with same sex-parents
family function interaction of family members, quality of relationships and interactions
roles learned thru socialization process * structuring initially takes place w/i family unit and are shaped primarily by parents
authoritarian parenting *unquestioned mandates *do it because i said so *children tend to be shy, self-conscious, submissive *may be assoc with defiant, antisocial behaviors
permissive parenting *exert little or no control over child's actions *lax, inconsistent discipline, rarely punish child, and do not prevent child from upsetting home routine
authoritative parenting *Mix of authoritarian and permissive *emphasizing reason for rules *respect individuality of child and allow to voice objections *control is focused on issue *foster inner-directedness *children have high self-esteem and interact w/ others
discipline *to teach *a set of rules governing conduct *action taken to enforce the rules after noncompliance
limit setting est the rules or guidelines for behavior
setting limits and discipline help to... *test limits of control *achievement in area appropriate for level *channel undesirable feelings *protect from danger *learn socially acceptable behavior
reasoning *explaining why an act is wrong *appropriate for older children
response burst occurs when the desired behavior increases after ignoring is initiated because the child is testing the parents to see if they are serious about the plan
natural consequences occur without any intervention, such as being late and having to clean up the dinner table
logical consequences directly related to the rule, not being able to play with 1 toy until another is put up
unrelated consequences imposed deliberately, no playing until homework is complete or use of time-out
flaws of spanking *teaches that violence is ok *can physically harm if resulting from parental rage *children can become accustomed requiring an increase in punishment
foster care placement of a child in a stable and approved environment with a non-related family. Most states require training and continued education to foster.
ecological framework individuals adapt in response to changes in their surrounding environments. A person's behavior results from the interaction of their traits and abilities with the environment.
external assets that youth receive from the community 1. support 2. empowerment 3. boundaries and expectations 4. constructive use of time
internal assets that youth receive from community 1. Commitment to learning 2. positive values 3. social competencies 4. positive identity
race groups people together by their outward, physical appearance
ethnicity group individuals by common characteristics that differentiate them from others in society. Unique cultural, social, and linguistic heritage.
ethnocentrism attitude that one's ethnic group is superior to others, that one's values and beliefs are correct and best.
social class family's economic and educational level. Does not include strength of family relationships.
physical poverty lack of money or material resources, including poor nutrition, insufficient clothing, poor sanitation, and deteriorating housing.
invisible poverty social and cultural deprivation such as limited employment opportunities, lack of healthcare services, and absence of public services.
absolute standard of poverty delimit a basic set of resources needed for adequate existence
relative standard poverty reflects the median standard of living, what appears to be deprivation in one area may be norm in another
spirituality concerns the deepest level of human experience, meaning of our lives, relational consciousness
religion particular and culturally influenced representation of human spirituality
social learning theory emphasizes learning thru observation and imitation
script theory media provides youth with a script or directions for how to behave in new situations
super-peer theory media is a source of extreme peer pressure on youth to participate in what is shown to be normal behavior
culture characterizes a group with its values, beliefs, norms, patterns, and practices that are learned, shared, and transmitted from one generation to another
gender individuals self-identification as a man or woman
sex biological designation of male or female
cultural humility lifelong commitment to self-reflection and critique *addressing power imbalances in nurse-client relationship * developing mutually beneficial partnership with the community in which one is working
Created by: tkulwicki
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