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Toddler: 1 to 3 years

rate of growth in the toddler years is slower than in infancy but follows the same general principles, head to foot, center to outward, from general to specific movements the chubby look of infancy is gone by the 12 to 15 month
by age 2.5 years all the 20 deciduous teeth are present walking, climbing stairs (2 yrs), hopping (3yrs), beginning to scribble (2yrs), copying a circle (3yrs)
pulse 90 to 120 BPM
Blood pressure 80-100 systolic and 64 diastolic
Temp 98-99 degrees
Respiration 20 to 30 breaths per minute
begins toilet training at 18-24 months bowel control is achieved first and bladder control begins at the same time but takes loner, nighttime control may be achieved after daytime control is established.
the toddler is an uninhibited, energetic little person, always seeking attention, approval, and personal goals. the toddler is independent but is frightened easily ritualistic behavior and repetitive rituals are self-consoling behaviors at this stage. they enjoy the same stories, same foods, rituals decrease their anxiety.
toddlers need many experiences of being able to choose among alternatives. the child should know that any choice is acceptable Erickson says that children dont have the wisdom to know what behaviors are acceptable or unacceptable. teach limits and impulse control
pre operational thought stage when the child focuses on the use of language as a tool to meet needs, the child has an emerging ability to think mentally
the child uses trial and error to discover new traits and characteristics. Piagets states this stage extends from 2 to 7 years the toddlers concept of time is limited to the present, the childs thinking is egocentric wanting and demanding things.
the child identifies objects by use, at age 2.5 the toddlers has a vocab of 450 words and two word sentences consisting of a verb and a noun. the toddler needs 24 oz of milk per day, toddlers need less food per unit of body weight than they did during infancy. one tablespoon of each solid food for each year.
No and Me are oft-repeated holo phrases of 2 and 3 year olds toddlers require 12 hours of sleep and a nap
toddlers play style is parallel play- playing along side of others but not with them this age group is naturally curious about how things work
about 90% of accidents that occur in the home are believed to be preventable develpmental task of toddleers- recognizes self as a separate person, develops attention span, develops self control
Created by: Nicknack10
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