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Barkley Review: RA

Risk Assessment

Complete Physical Exam Height/weight, skin check, oral cavity, hearing, abuse/neglect, blood pressure
When does the complete risk assessment for adolescents Three visits 1st-11-14yrs, 2nd- 15-17yrs, 3nd- 18-21yrs for adolescents
When can Tetanus-diptheria (TD) or Tdap be given Early as 7years, every 10 years
Meningococcal vaccine All adolescents age 11-18, revaccination x1 only for high risk
Pap Smear Age 21, every 3 years cytology , after age 30 HPV Co-test every 5 years
HPV vaccine 1. Gardasil- (11-26yrs), 2. Garasil 9 (9-26 yrs), 3. Cervarix (10-25 yrs) Series of 3 vaccinations for over 6 months
Total Cholesterol and HDL Age 20, every 5 years unless >200
Mammography Anually for ages 45-54, every 2 years after age 55, continue after 75 as long as the woman is in good health
Digital Prostate Exam Beginning age 40, PSA at 40 for family hx, Age 50 all must have PSA and exam
ECG baseline Age 40
Colorectal Cancer Screening Age 50 , FOBT, Flex Sig every 5 years, colonoscopy every 10 years
Glaucoma Screening Age 40, scan with Tonometry
Herpes Zoster Age 50-60 years and older, x1 vaccine
PCV13 Age 65 or older high dose pneumonia
Sensitivity True Positive, degree to which those whose have a disease screen that test positive
Specificity True negatives, the degree to which those who do not have a disease screen/test that is negative
Incidence The frequency with which a disease or disorder appears in a particular population or area at a given time; the rate in which new cases occur during a specific time period
Prevalence The proportion of a population that is affected by a disease or disorder at a particular time
Top 4 killers of adults in the United States 1. Heart Disease 2. Colonrectal Cancer 3. Lower Respiratory Compromise 4. CVA
Highest Mortality cancer in women and men Lung CA
Leading GYN cancer Ovarian Cancer
Highest incidence other than skin cancer Breast Cancer
Primary Prevention Includes measures, to promote health prior to the onset of any recognizable problems : diet, exercise, seat belts, avoid drugs and smoking, immunizations, safety initiatives
Secondary Prevention Focuses on early identification and treatment of an existing problem . EX: pap smear, screening, prostate, lab work
Tertiary Prevention Includes rehabilitation and restoration of health : EX rehab, physical therapy, changes to medications
Dietary Carbohydrates 55-60%
Dietary Fats <30% total calories, <10 percent being saturated fats
Dietary Protein 0.8-1.0 g/kg/day
Antigens Substances capable of inducing a specific immune response
Antibodies Molecules synthesized in reaction to an antigen
Active immunity Conferred by antibody formation stimulated with specific antigen such as typhoid fever immunization and toxoids
Passive Immunity Conferred by the introduction of antibody proteins such as gamma globulin injections or maternal immunity transferred to the fetus
Hepatitis A vaccine 2 vaccination series, non live vaccination, military personal, travelers, sexual activity men with men, open to many who desire vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine Should be given to all health care workers, high risk patients include sexually active adults
Mumps vaccine Born before 1957 : x1 dose After 1957: x2 doses
Meningococcal vaccine Ages 2-55, routinely for ages 11-12 yrs, "catch up " dose for high risk
Ginger Use: Nausea, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Colic Warning: Increase risk for bleeding, do not take ASA or warfarin
Ginseng Lower cholesterol, reduce fatigue, enhance libido Warning: increase risk for bleeding, change in BP,
St. John Wort Depression, Anxiety, Sleep, Improve BPH Warning: MAny drug interaction- SSRI, oral contraceptives, narcotics, reaction to light-cause cataract
Echinacea Reduce symptoms of the common cold Warning: Anaphylaxis, Hepatotoxicity, Nephrotoxicity, cause increased sedation
Gingko Biloba Memory and concerntration enhancer, improving Alzheimers Warning: increase bleeding risk, increase in BP
Black Cohosh Improving premenstrual and menopausal discomfort Warning: large amounts-may cause seizures, visual disturbances, bradycardia, mimic estrogen effects , increase risk for bleeding
Evening Primrose Improving Premenstrual and menopausal discomfort Warning: elevate BP, increase risk for epilepsy when taking antipsychotics, increase risk for seizure
Kava Kava Improve Relaxation without disturbing mental clarity WArning: High doses- HTN, liver damage, visual impairment, worsen PArkinsons, Alochol increases toxic effects
Garlic Improves indigestion, respiratory complaints, increase energy levels Warning: Increase risk for bleeding
Created by: ktebbin
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