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MedTemCP 3 Words

MedTem Cp 3 Words

Hernia a protrusion of an organ or the muscular wall of an organ through the cavity that normally contains it.
Hiatal hernia Occurs when the stomach protrudes upward into the mediastinum through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm.
Inguinal hernia Occurs when part of the intestine protrudes downward into the groin region and commonly into the sacotal sac in the male
Rectocele The protrusion of a portion of the retum toward the vagina through a week part of the vaginal wall muscles.
Omphatocele a heroiation of the intestines thorough the navel occurring in the infeants at birth
Cystocele Occurs when part of the urinary bladder herniates through the vaginal wall as result of weakness of the pelvic muscles.
Amminocentesis A needle through the uterus wall and amnion(the membrane surrounding the fetus) into the amnotic cavity. Aminitotic fluid, containing fetal cells, is withdrawn for analysis.
Streptoccus a berry-shaped bacterium, grows in twisted chains. Can cause "strep throat", tonsillitis, rhenumayic fever and certain kidney ailments. Some can also efect teeth, in sinuses, and valves of the heart.
Staphylocci other berry-shaped bacteria grow in small clusters, like grapes. Can cause lesions of external skin abscesses(boils, styes) or internal abscesses(in bone and kidney.
Abscess a collection of pus, white blood cells, and protein that is present at the site of infection.
Diaplocci berry-shaped bacteria orgainzed in two parts; pneumococci and gonococci.
Pneumococci Lung bacterial pneumonia.
Gonococci Invade the reproductive organs, causing gonorrhea.
Erythrocyes Red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs through the blood to all body cells
Leukocytes white blood cells.
Granulocytes Polymorphonuclear cells that formed in the bone marrow.
Eosinphils (granules stain red) active and increase in number in allergic conditions. About 3% are in lukocytes.
Basophils (granules stain blue with basic stain) number increase in the healing phase of inflammation. Less than 1% are in lukocytes.
Neutophills (granules stain blue and red with neutral stain) Important disease-fighting cells. They are phagocytes, about 50% to 60% are in lukeocytes.
Phagocytes engulf and didgest bacteria.
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes many shape or multilobed nucleus.
Mononclear leukocytes one large nucleus and gew granules in their cytoplasm. The are produced in the bone marow as well as lump nodes and spleen.
Lympocytes fight disease by producinf antibodies, destorying foreign cells. There are tyo types of Lymocytes, T cells and B cells.
Monocyte very large nucleus, engulf and destory cellular debris after neutrophils have attaced foreign cells.
Macrophages Monocytes that leave the bloodstream and enter tissue.
Thrombocytes or platelets clotting cells formed in the bone marrow and neccessary for blood clotting.
Anemia no blood. When the bone marrow fails to produce not olnly erythrocytes but leukocytes and thrombocytes.
Aplastic no formation.
Ischermia to hold back from a part of a body.
Ischemic tissue loses its normal flow of blood and becomes deprived of oxygen. Caused by mechanical injury to a blood vessel, by blood clots lodfing in a vessel or by the closing off of a vessel caused by a collection of fatty tissue.
Acromegaly a endocrine disorder. Occurs when the pituitary gland produces an exccesive amout of growth hormones after the completion of puberty. Also it grows a tumor in the pitritary gland.
Pitritary Gland attached to the base of the brain.
Splenomegaly Ocures with the development of high nlood pressure in hepatic vein and hymolytic blood disease.
Achondroplasia a inherited disorder in which the bones of the arms and legs fail to grow to normal size because of a defect i both cartilage and bone. It results in a type of dwarfism charactiezed very short limbs.
Laparoscopy or Peritoneoscopy A lighted telescope instrument is insered through an incision in the abdomen near the navel, and gas is infused into the peritional cavity to prevent injury to abdominal structure during suregery. Also to examine abdominal viscera.
Minimally invasive surgery a visual examination of the abdominal(peritoneal) cavity using a laparoscope.
Laparoscope for tubal ligation preventing future pregnancy.
Tenaculum little scisors that grabs the cervis dowing laparoscopy.
Vaginal speculum clamps keep the vaginal cavity open doing laparoscopy.
Uterine cannula a tube place into the uterus to manipulate the uterus during the procedure of the laparoscopy.
Forceps a clamp that is place through the laparoscope, grasp or move tissure.
Trachetomy a incision into the trachea to open it below a blockage.
Tracheostomy a opening into the trachea through which an indwelling tube is inserted. The tube is required to allow air to flow into the lungs or to help remove secretions(mucus) form the bronchial tubes.
Arterioles capillartes(the tiniest blood vessels).
Venules small veins.
Adenoids small maseses of lymphatic tissue in the part of the pharynx(throat) near the nose and nasal passages.
Artery carries blood rich in oxygen from the heart to organs of the body.
Capillaries the smallest blood vessels which oxygen leaves the blood and enters cells.
Venukes small veins carry blood poor in oxygen.
Vein brings oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.
Created by: Yugipie
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