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Med term chapter 9

the urinary system

Medulla the inner region of the kidney which contains most of the urine-collecting tubules
Nephron Functional unit of the kidney that form urine by the processes of filtration
Ureters Two narrow tubes about 10-12 inches ong that transport urine from the kidney to the bladder
Uremia Uremic poisoning. A toxic condition resulting form renal failure in which kidney function is compromised and urea is retained in the blood
Hyperpronteinuria The presence of abnormaly high concentration of protein in the urine. Often associated with hypoproteinemia
Hydronephorosis The dilation of one or both kidneys.
Nephrectasis The distention of the pelvis of the kidney
Nephrolithiasis The presence of stones in the kidney
Cystolith A stone located within the urinary bladder
pylonephritis An inflammation of both the renal pelvis and of the kidney
Cystalgia Pain in the urinary bladder
Paraspadias Congenital abnormality in males in which the urethral opening is on the side of the penis
Diuresis The increased output of urine
Dysuria Difficult or painful urination
Nocturnal enuresis Urinary incontinence during sleep
polyuria excessive urination
Catheterization The insertion of a tube into the bladder in order to procure a sterile specimen for diagnostic purposes
Nephropexy The surgical fixation of a floating kidney
Lithotripsy To crush a stone
Ureteroplasty The surgical repair of a ureter
Cystopexy The surgical fixation of the bladder to the abdominal wall
Created by: 1131524426
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