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EBP Ch.11 M8

Principles of Measurement

Construct validity Extent to which an instrument or test measures an intended hypothetical concept or construct
Content validity Extent to which an instrument or test measures an intended content area
Continuous variable Variable that takes on an infinite number of different values presented on a continuum
Criterion-related validity Extent to which an instrument or test measures a particular concept compared with a criterion
Cronbach's Alpha (coefficient alpha) Widely used index of the extent to which a measuring instrument is internally stable
Dichotomous variable A nominal variable that consists of 2 categories
Instrument A device, piece of equipment, or paper-pencil test that measures a concept or variable of interest
Interval level of measurement Level of measurement characterized by a constant unit of measurement or equal distances between points on a scale
Measurement The assignment of numerical values to concepts according to well-defined rules
Nominal level of measurement Lowest level of measurement, which consists of assignments numbers as labels for categories. These numbers have no numerical interpretation
Operational definition A definition that assigns meaning to a variable and the terms or procedures by which the variable is to be measured
Ordinal level of measurement Level of measurement that yields rank-ordered data
Predictive validity The ability to predict future events, behaviors, or outcomes
Psychometric evaluation Evaluating properties of reliability and validity in relation to instruments being used to measure a particular concept or construct
Ratio level of measurement Highest level of measurement, characterized by equal distances between scores having an absolute zero point
Reliability Value that refers to the consistency with which an instrument or test measures a particular concept. Different ways of assessing reliability include test-retest, internal consistency, and interrater
Test-retest reliability An approach to reliability examining the extent to which scores are consistent over time
Validity Value that refers to the accuracy with which an instrument or test measures what it is supposed to measure. Different types of validity include content, criterion, and construct
Created by: jessmgar
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