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CSII- Rost

Musculoskeletal System

Skeltal system the bones that comprise the framework of the body
Muscles contractile units that produce movement
Joint a place where two or more bones meet
Ligaments fibrous tissue that connecting bones or supporting organs
Tendons tough bands of connective tissue that attach muscle to a bone or other structure
Bursa a small fluid-filled sac located in some joints as a cushion
Cartilage "gristle" tough fibrous tissue covering ends of bones and forming some parts of the body (e.g. nose and outer ear)
Fibrous (fixed) joint no movement between the bones (skull bones)
Cartilage joint permits a little movement (ribs)
Synovial joint a freely movable joint (knee, elbow, hip, shoulder, etc)
Flexion bending
Extension straightening
Adduction to move toward the body
Abduction to move away from the body
Rotation to move in a circular motion
Ambulation walking
Ambulatory aids use of canes, crutches, walkers, etc. to assit with walking
Contracture a permanent shhortening (contraction) of a muscle
R.O.M. Range of Motion exercises
Arthritis inflammation of a joint
Osteoporosis condition in which bones weaken and become more brittle due to lack of calcium
THA Total Hip Arthroplasty (hip replacement)
Bursitits inflammation of a bursa within a joint. This occurs when mineral deposits form inside the bursa.
Strains the over-use or over stretching of a muscle or tendon.
Sprains the over-stretching of a joint or ligament
Dislocations one or more of the bones of a joint is pushed out of proper position, resulting in discomfort, limited movement, swelling, discoloration (red at first, then "black and blue" color).
Fractures a broken bone.
Osteoarthritis caused by "wear and tear" on a joint. Either due to injury or aging, the cartilage that protects the ends of the bones begins to deteriorate.
Rheumatoid arthritis the joint becomes inflamed, causing the membranelining inside the oint (synovial membrane) to thicken in response to the inflammation.
Muscular Dystrophy a genetic condition where the muscles contain fat depositis. This makes the muscles look enlarged but in reality, they are much weaker.
Contractures a permanent shortening of the flexor muscles due to a lack of use.
Created by: maryorost
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