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care of the child

child health promotion/safety

According to Freud what stage is the child in when the infant derives pleasure from the mouth Oral
Freud theory of the child's pleasure centere3d in the anal area, control of body secretions Anal-1-3 years
Frued theory of sexual energy becoming centered in the genitalia as child works out relationships with parents Phallic: 3-6 yrs
Freud theory of sexual energy at rest Latency: 6-12 yrs
Freud theory of mature sexuality achieved Genital: 12-adulthood
Erikson's theory of trust vs mistrust birth to one year: task of the first year to establish trust in people providing care. Food, clean clothes, touch, and comfort
Erickson's Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt 1-3 years: toddlers sense of autonomy or independence is shown by controlling body secretions, saying no, and directing motor activity
Erickson's Initiative vs. Guilt 3-6 yrs: initiates new activities and considers new ideas. Criticism leads to feelings of guilt and lack of purpose
Erickson's industry vs. inferiority 6-12 yrs: Development of new interests and involvement in activities. if can't accomplish will result in inferiority
Ericksons identity role vs. role confusion 12-18 yrs. new sense of identity. if unable to establish confusion of one or more roles in life can exist
Piagets sensorimotor stage birth-2 yrs: learn about the world by input obtained through senses and by motor activity
Piates Preoperational stage 2-7 yrs: child thinks by using words as symbols, but logic in not well developed
Piagets concrete operation 7-11 yrs: transuctive reasoning has given way to amore accurate understaning of cause and effect
Piagets operational 11-adult: fully mature intellectual thinking
Object permanence knowledge that something continuies to exist even when out of sigh
Kohlberg's preconventional stage 4-7 yrs. Decisions based on desire to please others and avoid punishment
Kohlberg's conventional 7-12 yrs. Concience or internal set of standards become important.
Kohlberg's postconventional 12-adult: internalized ethical standards on which to base decisions
ability to funcion with healthy responses, even when faced with stress and adversity resilience
protective factors provede strength and assistance in dealing with crises
risk factors promote to challenges
adjustmant phase disorganizations and unsuccessful attempts at meeting the crisis.
adaptation phase meet the challenge and use resources to deal with the crisis
Birth weight of 7 lbs at five months 14 lbs
birth weight of 7 lbs at one year 21 lbs
erupted teeth around 6 mo.
6-8 teeth one year
solitary play playing by themselves; infant
parallel play playing side by side; toddler
expressive jargon unintelligible words
associative play one child cuts out colored paper while friend gluesin on paper in a design;preschool
dramatic play living out drama of human life; preschoold
conservation matter in not changed when its form in altered; school aged
cooperative play ability to play a part and contribute to unified whole; school aged
Resiliency theory crisis that leads to adaptation and development of inner strenths and ability to handle future crises
ecologic theory mutual interactions between the child and various settings
infant rolls over, sits up, stangs, one or two words, pincer grasp
toddler walks up stairs, undresses self, scibbles, kicks ball, 1000 words
preschooler use scissors, rids bike with training wheels, throws ball, writes a few letters
school aged readidng, two wheeled bike, jumps rope, plays sports
adolescent fine motor skills developed, gross motor skills inrove, abstract thought
health promotion activities that increase well-being and enhance wellness or health
health maintenance activities that preserve an individuals present state of health and prevent disease or injury occurance
health supervision services that focus on disease and injury prevention
pediatric healthcare home site of comprehensive healthcare by a pediatric healtcare prof. to ensure optimal health
components of health promotion/wellness visits general observations, growth and development, nutrition, physical activity, oral health, mental and spiritual health, relationships, disease prevention, injury prevention
screening procedure to detect possible presence of health condition before symptoms are apparent.
stranger anxiety infant cries when another holds them besides caregivers
separation anxisty inconsolable crying and distress when parents are not present
self-regulation process of dealing with feelings, learning to soothe self, and focusing on activities for incresing periods of time
Child has 20 decidious teeth 2 years
Child begins to lose decidious teeth 6 years
early childhood caries one or more decayed, missing, or filled tooth in child 71 months or younger
night terrors child cries out and appears frightened, not fully awake and appears disoriented
self-concept mental idea that one has of the self
self-esteem feelings and belifs of children about their competence and worth as individuals
most poisonings occur here in the home
poisoned with corrosives (cleaners, batteries, bleach) Do not induce vomiting! Dilute with water and give activated charcoal
poinsoned with acetaminophen induce vomiting or perform gastrcic lavage, admin. charcoal
poisoned with asprin induce vomiting, IV sodium bicarbonate, fluids, and vit. K
Nursing management for poisoning provide emotional support and prevent recurrence
Nursing care for ingestion of foreign object breath sounds, prepare for radiologic studies, explain procedures and reassure child and family
Nursing care for lead poisoning screening, education, and follow-up.
mild lead toxicity 10-15 ug/dL
moderate lead toxicity 16-69 ug/dL
Severe lead toxicity >70 ug/dL
anterior fontanelle closes 12-18 months
posterior fontanelle closed 2 and 3 months
tense fontanelle bulging above morgin and indicated increased intracranial pressure
soft fontanelle sunken below margin and associated with dehydration
hypertelorism widely space eyes, can be a nrmal vairation in children
Asian children or down-syndrome eye feature mongonlian slant
coloboma keyhole-hsaped pupil cuased by a notch in the iris, can indicate other congenital abnormalitites
eye moves in cover-uncover test means muscle imbalance
retractions depression of sections of the chest wall with inspiration; resp. distress
primary breathing muscle in young children diaphragm
crepitus crinkly sensations palpated on the ches surface, caused by air escaping into the subcutaneous tissue
tactile fremitus crying and taking produce vibrations; should be equal
vesicular breath sounds; normal low-pitched, swishing, soft, short expiratory sounds
bronchovesicular breath sounds; normal medium-pithced, hollow, blowing sounds heard equally
bronchail/tracheal breath sounds; normal hollow and higer pitched than vesicular breath sounds
stridor noise from air moving through a narrowed trachea and larynx
wheezing noise resulting from the passage of air through mucus or fluids in a narrowed lower airway
sinus arrhythmia childs heartrate is faster on inspiration and slower on sxpiration.; normal
lift sensation of the heart lifting up against the chest wall
thrill rushing vibration that feels like a cat's purr
S1 firt heart sound, by closure of the tricuspid and mitral valves wehnt the ventricular contraction begins
s2 second heart sound, by the closrue of the aortic and pulmonic valves
apical pulse in infants third or fourth intercostal space
apical pulse in children fifth intercostal space
folls over from prone to supine position 4 months
sits without support 8 months
pulls self to standing position 10 months
walks aroound room holding on 11 months
walks alone well 15 months
kicks ball 24 months
jumps in place 30 months
throws ball overhand 36 months
simian crease downs syndrome
abnormal knee distance 1.5 in
measure with knock knees stand with knees together, no more than 2 in. between ankles
Direct transmission physical contact between source of infection and new host
indirect transmission pathogens survive outside humans before causing disease
infectious disease any communicable disease caused by microorganisms that are commonly transmitted
communicable disease illness directly or indirectly transmitted from one person or anmial to another by contact with body fluids, contaminted intems, or by vectors
vulnerabilty of children to illness immune system not fully mature at birth; passively acquired maternal antibodies provide lmited protection, disease protection through immunization is not complete
DTaP side effects redness, pain, swelling, nodule at injection site, temp to 101 f, drowsiness, irritability, fussy, anorexia
MMR s.e. elevated temp, rendenss at site, rash, joint pain
hep. b s.e. pain at site, headache, photophobia, altered liver enzymes
fever patho. hypothalamus control center for regulation.
diptheria s/s low grade fever, anorexia, malaise, rhinorrhea with fould odor, cough, sore throat, hoarseness
coxsackievirus s/s fever, sore throuat, lesions(hand foot and mouth disease)
Fifth disease flulike(stage 1), rash on cheeks(stage 2)
lyme disease bulls eye rash, fatigue, stiff neck, muscle and joint aches
Created by: doerrd
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