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brief contact with a hot object, low voltage electricity, scalding, or UV radiation (sunburn) Superficial Burns (1st degree)
What type of burns are painful but will BLANCH WITH NO SCARRING superficial
burn caused by more prolonged contact with hot objects, liquids, or chemicals. Involve ALL LAYERS OF THE DERMIS, but does not destroy sweat glands, hair follicles, or basal cells Partial thickness burns (2ND degree)
where are new skin cells produced basal cells
burn that is red, mottled, or white in color and may contain fluid filled vesicles or bliiae (blisters) which form rapidly. These burns are wet and glistening. Any hairs left if place would remain firmly in place if yanked on Partial thickness burns (2nd degree)
Destruction of both the entire dermis and epidermis - due to a prolonged contact with flame, electricity, chemicals, hot liquids or objects Full thickness burns (3rd degree)
burns appear black, waxy white, cherry red, or tan. Very leathery, dry, and hard. Blanching does not occur and hairs pull out easily. Full thickness burns
what forms scar tissue collagen
1-3 days after burn injury. Goal is to maintain respiratory function EMERGENT PHASE
what is a major cause of death from burns in the emergent phase due to carbon monixide poisoning respiratory failure
colorless/odorless gas from fires within an enclosed space, carbon monoxide poisoning
carbon monoxide replaces O2 in the cells resulting in hypoxemia
clinical manifestation of carbon monoxide poisoning cherry red appearance of mucous membranes
decreased O2 - CO2 exchange hypoxia
Created by: Beezle
Popular Nursing sets




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