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Eating disorders 17

Eating disorders

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Anorexia Nervosa the person refuses to maintain a minimally normal weight for height and express intense fear of gaining weight.
Bulimia Nervosa the person engage in repeated episodes of binge eating by inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, fasting or excessive exercise
Binge eating the person engages in repeated episodes of binge eating, after which they experience significant distress. They do not use the compensatory behaviors.
Prevalence: more common in women than in men
Co morbidity: - with anorexia; Cluster C d/o= avoidant and OCD -with bulimia; Cluster B and C d/o= borderline and avoidant.-Hx of sexual abuse is more common-may be related to depression
S&S of Anorexia Nervosa -low weight(caloric restriction)-yellow skin(hypercarotenemia)-cold extremities(starvation)-peripheral edema (hypoalbuminemia)-low BP,P, and temp (electrolyte imbalance)-abnormal lab values (low thyroxine levels)-constipation-amenorrhea-lanugo
S&S of Bulimia Nervosa -dental caries(vomiting)-parotid swelling(increased serum amylade levels)-gastric dilation, rupture (binge eating)-scars on hand=Russell's sign (self indused vomiting) hypokalemia,hyponatremia,elec imbalance(induced vomiting,laxative)
Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa Inpatient (electrolyte imbalance and cardiac problems-Milieu therapy-Counceling-health teaching-psychotherapy-psychopharmacology
Medication used to treat Anorexia Nervosa 1)Antidepressant medication (SSRIs=Prozac to reduse the occurance of rlapse)2)Atypical antipsychotics (zyprexa=to improve mood and decrease obsessional behavior)
Medication used to treat Bulimia nervosa Antidepressant= SSRIs= Prozac
cognitive distortions in eating d/o 1-overgeneralization 2-all-or-nothing thinking 3-catastrophizing 4-personalization 5-emotional reasoning
example of Overgeneralization "He didn't ask me out. Ith must be because i'm fat." "I was happy when wore asize 6. i must get back to that weight."
Example of all or nothing thinking " If i have one popsicle, i must eat five." "if i allow myself to gain weight, i'll blow up like a balloon."
example of catastrophizing "If i gain weight, my weekend will br ruined." "When peoople say i look better, i know they think i'm fat."
example of personalization "I know everybody is wathcing me eat.""i think people won't like me unless i'm thin."
example of emotional reasoning " i know i am fat because i feel fat." "When i am thin, i feel powerful
Created by: nimo
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