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Conner MT1

med terms ch 5

antigen against production;a substance when introduced to the body stimulates the production of a substance called an antibody
antibody a substance which will prevent, relieve or destroy the effects of infections or poisonous substances in the blood of tissues
antacid something that counteracts or neutralizes acidity
antiemetic prevents of relieves nausea or vomiting
anticoagulation a substance that suppresses or opposes the coagulation of the blood
bilitary pertaining to the bile or pertaining collectively to the bile, bile ducts, and gallbladder
biliary canal a tube (duct) through which the bile passes from the liver; hepatic duct; biliary duct
biliary tract the region that secrets and transmits bile; the bile duct and gallbladder
biliousness a discomfort characterized by constipation, headache, and indigestion, attributed to an excess production of bile
arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint
cardicentesis surgical puncture or incision of the heart
pericardicentesis surgical puncture of the tissues surrounding the heart
lacrimal pertaining to tears
lacrimal glands the glands that secrete tears
lacrimal ducts the ducts that convey the secretion of tears of the lacrimal glands to the corner of the eye (canthus)
lacrimotomy incision into the lacrimal duct
lacteal pertaining to milk
lactation the secretion of milk
lactogenic stimulating the production of milk
lactigenous producing or secreting milk
superlactation secretion of milk in a greater than normal amount for a longer than normal period of time
macula a spot of blotch
macule a macula
maculation the condition of being spotted
meningeal pertaining ot the meninges
meninges membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
meningoencephal form for the meninges and brain
meningitis inflammation of the meninges of the spinal cord
cerebral meningitis inflammation of the meninges of the brain
mycete a fungus
mycosis a condition of fungus (infection)
mycetoma a tumor containing fungus cells
dermatomycosis a fungus infection of the skin included "athlete's feet" and ringworm
acromycosis a condition of fungus infection of the extremities
meningomyel the spinal cord and the membranous covering
myelomeningo the spinal cord and the membranous covering
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
encephalomyelopathy any disease of the brain and spinal cord
myeloencephalitis inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
oncology the study of tumors
oncolysis the destruction of tumors or tumor cells
oncogenesis the production or cause of tumors
-oncus designation for swelling or tumor
arthroncus swelling of a joint
blepahroncus a tumor of the eyelid
cheiloncus a tumor of the lip
glossoncus a swelling of the tongue
mastoncus a tumor of the breast or mammary gland
onychectomy a surgical removal of the nail or nail bed
onychogenic forming or producing nail substance
onychia inflammation of the nail bed resulting of a loss of the nail
onychitis inflammation of the nail bed resulting of a loss of the nail
onychium indicates regions and conditions of the nails
onychia indicates regions and conditions of the nails
eponychium the ctuicle
leukonychia whitish spots or discoloration of the nails
orad toward the mouth
circumoral the area around the mouth
parotid situated near the ear as the parotid gland
epiotic situated on or above the ear
entotic situated in or arising in the ear
ovum the female reproductive cell
ova eggs, plural form of ovum
ovary name for the sexual gland in the female where the ova are formed
ovariogenic produced in or arising in the ovary
ovariocentesis the surgical puncture of the ovary
nephropexy surgical fixation of the kidney
gastropexy surgical fixation of the stomach
hysteropexy surgical fixation of the uterus
pylic pertaining to the portal vein
pylethrombosis a condition of clotting in the portal vein
pyloric pertaining to the pylorus which is the opening of the stomach into the intestines
gastropylor pertaining to the stomach and pylorus
gastropylorectomy excision of the pyloris portion of the stomach
sphenoid resembling a wedge
sphenoid bone an irregular wedge shaped bone at the base of the cranium
sphenocephaly a developmental abnormality characterized by a wedge shaped head
spiroid resembling a spiral or coil
spiradeno interchangeable with hydradeno a spiral shape of the sweat gland
squama a scale or platelike structure
squamous scaly or platelike
squamate scaly, or having or resembling scales
subdermal under the skin
subnormal below or less than normal
sublingual beneath the tongue
subglossal beneath the tongue
subinflammation a slight or mild inflammation
submania mania of a moderate type
thorax chest
thoracic pertaining to the chest
thoracogastric pertaining to the chest and stomach
thoracicoabdominal pertaining to the chest and abdomen
suprathoracic situated above the thorax
hemothorax a collection of blood in the lung cavity
vesica bladder
vesical pertaining to the urinary bladder
vesico pertaining to the urinary bladder
vesicle a small bladder, sac or blsiter containing fluid
vesicula small sac or bladder
vesicular constructed likea small sac or bladder, made up of small saclike bodies
visceral pertaining to an internal organ especially in the abdomen
viscera name for the internal organs espicially in the abdomen
viscerad toward the viscera
visceroptosis dropping or falling down of the viscera due to the weakness of the abdominal walls
Created by: pamconner
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