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physical signs

Stack #204555

Babinski sign extension of the large toe, instead of the normal flexion, with stimulation of ;the plantar surface of the foot. Indicative of pyramidal tract disease.
battle sign ecchymosis begind the ear associated with basilar skull fractures
bouchard's nodes hard, non-tender nodules on the dorso-lateral aspects of the proximal interphalangeal joints. Associated with osteoarthritis.
brudzinski's sign flexion of the neck causes the hips to flex. Seen in meningitis
cheynes' stokes respirations repeating cycles of gradual increase in depth of breathing followed by gradual decrease to apnea. Seen with CNS disorders, uremia, and some normal sleep patterns.
chvostek's sign tapping over the facial nerve causes facial spasm in hypocalcemic states (tetany)
cullen's sign ecchymosis aroud the umbilicus associated with severe intraperitoneal bleeding
doll's eye conjugated movement of both eyes in one direction as the head is briskly turned the other direction in comatose patients. Test the oculocephalic reflex and indicates an intact brainstem.
grey-turner's sign ecchymosis on the flanks associated with retroperitoneal hemorrhage
heberden's nodes hard, non-tender nodules on the dorso-lateral aspects of the distal interphalangeal joints. Seen in osteoarthritis.
hegar's sign softening of the distal uterus. Seen in early pregnancy.
homan's sign calf pain with forcible dorsiflexion of the foot. Associated with venous thrombosis.
janeway's lesion erythemotosus or hemorrhagic lesions seen on the palm or sole. Seen in sub-acute bacterial endocarditis.
kernig's sign when the thigh is flexed at a right angle, complete extension of the leg is not possible. Seen in meningitis.
kussmaul respirations deep, rapid respiratory (attern seen in coma or diabetic ketoacidosis.
levine's sign clenched fist over chest with describing chest pain. Associated with angina and acute myocardial infarction.
McBurney's point point located 1/3 the distance from the right anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus. Tenderness at this point is associated with acute appendicitis
moro relex abduction of the hips and arms with extension of the arms when an infant's head and upper body is suddenly dropped several inches while being held; normal reflex in early infancy
murphy's sign severe pain and inspiratory arrest with palpation of the right upper quadrant. Associated with cholecystitis.
phalen's test prolonged maximum flexion of the wrists while opposing the dodrsum of each hand against one another. A positive test results in pain and tingling in the distribution of the median nerve, associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
pulsus alternans fluctuation of pulse pressure with every other beat. Seen in aortic stenosis and congestive heart failure.
Quincke's sign alternating blushing and blanching of the fingernail bed following light compression. Seen in aortic stenosis and congestive heart failure.
trousseau's sign carpal spasm produced by inflating a blood pressure cuff around the arm to above the systolic pressure in hypocalcemia
drop arm test rotator cuff test
Created by: CWal6512
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