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Stack #198318

Diagnostic Studies of the Nervous System: quiz 2

What is a lumbar puncture? Most common nervous system diagnostic study in obtaining CSF for analysis.
When is a lumbar puncture contraindicated? In the presence of increased ICP, or an infection at the site of injection.
Where is this procedure performed at? Patients room
Description and Purpose(DP): CSF is aspirated by needle insertion in ___-___ or ___-___ to assess many CNS diseases L3-4; L4-5
Nursing Responsibilities(NR): Before the start of the procedure what do you check, to make sure the patient does not have? Cerebral tumor.
What is the rationale for the contraindication of a cerebral tumor & LP When a pt has a cerebral brain tumor the removal of CSF can result in herniation.
NR: What position due you make sure your pt assumes and maintains through out the procedure? Lateral recumbent with knees flexed and chin to chest, with back at the very edge of the bed.
What should the patient due before the procedure. Empty bladder
While the physician performs procedure what do you need to make sure is maintained? Strict aseptic technique
Ensure proper labeling of CSF specimens in ___ ___. Proper sequence.
Depending on the physicians preference the patient may have to lay flat for a few hours after the procedure, what is the reasoning? To avoid spinal headache
Spinal Headache: Result of leakage of CSF from puncture site
What position is effective in preventing CSF leakage? Prone
HA intensity may also be reduced by: Increasing fluid intake.
Needle is inserted, below what lumbar vertebra 3rd
Inform patient may cause Local discomfort
A patient may have pain radiating down leg or muscle twitching if needle irritates the spinal root. Inform pt Assure them that it is temporary and they are not in danger of being paralyzed
A manometer is attached to the needle & CSF pressure is determined;When and why. After the patient is asked to relax and extend the legs; If not relaxed pressure is appears abnormally high.
What S/S may develop in some patients after the procedure that they should be informed about. Meningeal irritation (nuchal rigidity) or S/S of local trauma Ex; hematoma, pain
After procedure what is monitored Neuro checks & VS
What is administered prn? Analgesics as ordered
Radiologic study indicated when vascular lesions or tumors are suspected: Cerebral Angiography
A catheter is inserted into what artery? Femoral & sometimes brachial
Cerebral angiography: serial x-ray visualization of intracrainal and extracrainal blood vessels to detect vascular lesions and brain tumors.
Is contrast medium used? Yes
Since it is an invasive procedure what adverse reactions might occur? Allergic reaction to the contrast medium
NR: Assess for stroke risk prior to procedure Thrombi may be dislodged during procedure
Withhold preceding meal
Patient teaching: (PT) Contrast medium Feel hot, flushed in head and neck when contrast medium is injected.
PT/NR: Administer premedication explain the need to stay absolutely still during procedure.
For the 1st 2 hours how often are the VSs and neuro checks performed Every 15-30 minutes
How often for the next 6 hours Every hour
Then they are checked every 2 hours for: 24 hours
Report: Any neuro changes
Maintain bed rest until: Pt is alert and VS are stable.
Most common precaution nurse should take in caring for pt after the return to there room: Observation for bleeding at puncture site usually groin
What is usually applied to the site to promote hemostasis and prevent swelling Pressure dressing and ice
Computed tomography/CT: Computer assisted x-ray of several levels or thin cross section of body parts.
This done to detect problems such as: Cyst, Tumors, Edema, Hemorrhage, Brain atrophy, Infarction, and other brain abnormalities. C/T/E/H/B/I= Mnemonic (CT every humans brain instantly)
Why might contrast be used Enhance visualization of brain structures.
NR: Assess pt for contraindications to contrast media Including shellfish, iodine, dye allergy
PT: Explain Procedure is noninvasive if no contrast is used
PT: Explain/Instruct Explain appearance of scanner Instruct them to remain still during procedure
MRI: Imaging of brain, spinal cord, spinal canal by means of magnetic energy
Used in the detection of: Multiple Sclerosis, Tumors, Strokes, Trauma, Herniation, Seizures. M/T/S/T/H/S: Mnemonic (Magnetic therapy said to help some)
____ contrast media may be used to enhance visualization. Gadolinium
Does a MRI or CT have greater contrast in images of soft tissue structures? MRI
NR: What contraindication should you assess the patient for? Heart pacemaker
NR: Screen the patient for: Metal parts in body
PT: Instruct the need to lie very still for up to one hour.
When might sedation be required If patient is claustrophobic.
What electrographic study measures electrical activity of the brain and is recorded by electrodes placed on the scalp? EEG/ electroencephalography
involves the recording of the electrical activity of the surface __ __ of the brain by 8-16 electrodes placed on specific areas of the scalp? Cortical neurons
Specific test may be done to evaluate the effects of bright lights and loud noises on electrical activity
This test is done to evaluate not only cerebral disease but also the CNS effects of many metabolic and systemic diseases , and to determine brain death
cerebral diseases assessed by EEG are; seizure disorders, mass lesions, cerebrovascular lesions, and brain injury
Give 3 examples of a mass lesion Hematoma, Abscess, Tumor "HAT"
Patients often have misconceptions on this test what should you tell them Procedure is painless and without danger of electric shock.
What should be with held prior to the test, but can be resumed after Stimulants
Determine if any other medications need to be with held for test such as; tranquilizers and anti-seizure drugs
What should you assist patient with after test is complete Washing paste out of hair
Created by: jsande02
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