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ch39 Hemat and Lymph

Mrs. Deneal -med surg hematopoietic and lymphatic disorders

Nutrients involved in erthropoiten iron, B12, folic acid, Vitamin C (inhances absorbtion), B6 (hemoglobin formation), copper (transfer of iron storage to plasma)
Hemoglobin is made from protein
epoetin (Epogen) stimulate production of RBC
Filgrastim (Neupogen) promote proliferation of neutrophils
reasons for anemia 1) blood loss, 2)inadequate or abnormal erythrocyte formation, destruction of normal RBC
hypovolemia large volume loss of blood or chronic blood loss
compensatory mechanisms for hypovolemia rapid HR, rapid respiratory
hypovolemia treatment give blood, treat cause
iron def. anemia iron is insufficient to produce hemoglobin
sickle cell trait only inherited one gene for sickle cell
sickle cell crisis sickle shaped celsss lodge in small blood vessels blocking flow of blood and oxygen
Sickledex test determines the presence of abnormal HbS screeing for sickle cell
sickle cell hemoglobin levels 7-10
hemolytic anemia chronic premature destruction of erythrocytes
causes of hemolytic anemia cardiopul bypass, arsenic/lead poisioning, malria parasite, infectious agents, toxins or chemical exposure
treatment of hemolytic anemia remove cause, corticosteriods, blood trans, splenectomy (when medical treatment fails)
Thalassemias hereditary hemolytic anemia-no cure
Thalassemia treatment supportive-require more frequent blood trans, place on bed rest protect from infection
Pernicious Anemia client lacks intrinsic factor interfere with absorbtion of B12
B12 extrinsic factor needed for maturation of erythrocytes
Schilling test given radioactive B 12 and urine tested to see if it made it through the system. If not there is a intrinsic problem
Pernicious anemia Tx B12
Folic Acid deficiency anemia lack of B9 intake causing immature erythrocytes
S&S sickle cell jaundice, dysfunctional spleen, severe pain, fever, joint swelling, chronic leg ulcers
S&S Hemolytic and Hypovolemic anemia extreme pallor, tachycardia, reduce urine output In hemolytic sever-jaundice enlarged spleen
S&S iron def anemia cold, fatigue, dypnea on exertion, fast HR
S&S pernicious anemia stomatitis, jaundice, irritabolity, confusion, depresion, glossitis diarrhea, numbness and tingling in legs
S&S folic acid def anemia severe fatigue, sore beefy red tongue, dypnea, nausea, anorexia, headached, weakness, light headness
treatment folic acid anemia supplements, diet high in folic acid
polycythemia vera greater then normal erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
problem with polycythemia vera blood gets too thick and clots, more uria from dead cells causing gout like symptoms
S&S plycythemia vera face and lips reddish-purple, fatigue, weakness, headache, pruritus, exertional dyspnea, dizziness, splemomegaly, swollen joints
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
diagnostic findings of polycythemia vera high levels of serum K, high uric acid
Tx polycythemia vera lessen blood volume, lessen viscosity, curb excessive erythrocyte production phlebotomy-500ml several times a week, drink 3 quarts of fluid a day
leukocytosis increased # of leukocytes causing quality to go down
Leukemia malignant blood disorder in which proliferation of leukocytes in immature form is unregulated often acompanied by decrease RBC and platlets
S&S Leukemia prone to bleeding, infections, fatigue from anemia, bruising
Some TX for leukemia supportive care, profilactic antibiotics, transfuse platlets, radiation, bone marrow transplant
neutropenic precautions private room, wash hands , daily shower, mask if leaving room or in crowds, no flowers int he room, no raw fruits or veg
mulitple myeloma malignancy invloving plasma cells which are B-lymph cells in bone marrow- plasma cells invade bone marrow
S&S multiple myeloma pain in pelvis spine ribshigh incidence of infection, anemia symptoms, brusing, nosebleeds
TX multiple myeloma bolld trans for anemia, steroids and anticance drugs, braces for bones, autologus bone marrow and peripheral stem cell transplants, SAFETY
Agranulcytosis decreased # of granulocytes including neutriphils, basophils, eosinophils
leukopenia general reduction in WBC
Most common cause of agranulocytosis toxicity from drugs
Tx agranulocytosis removal of cause
S&S agranulocytosis fatigue, chills, headache, opportunistic infections
pancytopenia # of marrow-produced cells blood cells are reduced
disseminated intravascular coagulation hypercoagulation is followed by diffuse bleeding as clotting factors are exhausted
thrombocytopenia when platlet manufacture by the bone marrow is decreased or platlet destruction by the spleen is increased
thrombocytopenia TX corticosteriods, blood trans
hemophilia disorder of clot factors inherited from mother to son
hemophilia pt teachings no aspirin, med alert bracelet, soft toothbrush
food sources of heme iron meat, egg yolks, oyster, shell fish dark meat
to maximize onheme absorption vitamin c, no coffee or tea during meals
folic acid rich foods enriched breads, fortified cereals, broccoli, green leafy veg, milk , eggs
do no take oral iron with cofee, tea, milk, eggs
do not give sickle cell pt demerol- liver converts it to normeperidine which is toxic and can cause grand mal seizures
sickle cell pt need to avoid hugh altitudes, dehydrating fluids, , cold fluids, cigarettes, tight clothes
hemolytic anemia pt needs to avoid greens/turnips becuase vitamin K
anything that affects bone marrow affects... platlet production
corticosteriods do what? interrupt inflammatory process
HCT count m42%-52% w 37%-47%
Potassium level 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Platlet 150,000-400,000
Na level 136-145
Cr serum level 0.7-1.2 mg/dL
CrCl level 85-135
Hgb level 14-18 g/dL (male)
BUN level 10-20mg/dL
WBC 5000-10,000
RBC 4.7-6.1 (male) 4.2-5.4 (female)
Created by: gdemuth
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