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SOPN Surgical Nursin

SOPN Surgical Nursing 2

nursing care of the patient who requires surgical intervention peri-operative nursing
the period before nursing preoperative
period during surgery intra-operative
the period after surgery postoperative
written permission to perform surgery informed consent
patient may sign informed consent if they are found to be: mentally capable and of legal age
involve a limited body area and short period of time to complete the procedure minor surgical procedure
involve a larger body area and require a longer period of time. RISK IS GREATER Major surgical procedure
performed IMMEDIATLY to save a patients life, to maintain organ function, or to remove a non-functioning organ that may endanger a patient's life or stop hemorrhage Emergency surgery
Performed within 24-48 hours and includes procedures such as removal of a kidney or uretheral calculi Urgent Surgery
surgery that must be performed but is scheduled ahead of time Required Surgery
Surgery that involves a condition which surgery is recommended but if not performed there would be NO ill effects Elective Surgery
surgery is performed on the basis of the patients choice. Cosmetic surgery Optional Surgery
For the love of god before surgery find out if the patient is allergic to LATEX!!!
what herbal supplement is used for depression that could affect surgical outcomes St Johns Wort
Elective Surgery will be postponed of the patient has: elevated temperature, skin leisons, sore throat, cough, or sneezing
would delay wound healing and increase risk of infection Immunosuppressant therapy
Would someone with Chronic infections have their surgery cancelled? Nope
Patients with WHAT condition have an increased risk of complications because the patients ability to adjust to alteration in fluid balance and blood loss is compromised because of their status Cardiac Disease
Patients with unstable angina, recent MI, cardiac dysrthymia , or valvular disease should do what before surgery have symptoms under control
what would cause a risk for fluid and electrolyte imbalance from altered excretion of waste products and fluid retention Impaired Renal Function
Who will require dialysis the day before surgery and as soon as possible after the surgery to reduce accumulation of toxic materials Patients who are on dialysis
what is necessary for detoxification of drugs adn for the production of clotting factors adequate liver function
what disorder must be treated pre-operatively to prevent hormone imbalances triggered by stress or anesthetic agents Endocrine Disorders
what endocrine disorders would place the patients at risk for infection, impaired wound healing, and cardiovascular complications? Patients with Diabetes, chronic thyroid, or adrenal disorders
Disorder increases the risk for impaired respiratory function. Anesthesia and the stress of surgery may exacerbate disorders like epilepsy, MS, myasthenia gravis neurological disorders
what increases the risk of hemmorrhage aspirin and anticoagulants
what increases teh risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalances diuretics
Patient should bring what in a "BROWN BAG" all meds both prescription and non-prescription
withdrawl form what could cause malnutrition and clotting disorders. Platelets may be reduced and cause bleeding problems. Alcohol
bleeding from the GI Tract could be from esophageal varicies, gastritis, or hemorrhoids
what irritates the respiratory passages, destroys cilia, and decreases vital capacity Smoking
Patients unable to cough effectively to clear secretions increases risk for pulmonary tract infections and atelectasis
patients are encouraged to quit smoking how long before surgery 6 weeks
patient with upper or lower respiratory tract infection would have their surgery? postponed due to increased risk of airway obstruction and post-op atelectasis
what would you do for a patient w' a history of pressure ulcers during surgery? Xtra Padding
What period begins with the recommendation for surgery and ends with the patients admittnce into the operating room Pre-operative period
when are diagnostic studies completed, teaching started, and underlying disorders are stabilized. Consent is obtained Pre-Op
NPO at least 8 hours prior to surgery to prevent aspiration
prep cannot begin until what are written ORDERS
Tape to finger and document in record. SIGN Wedding ring
Who is responsible for obtaining consent Doctor and Anesthesiologist
*depress the respiratory and cardiovascular system and decrease gastric motility which can cause N/V* Narcotics
*Reverses respiratory depression and should be available at all times* Narcan or naloxone hydrochloride
*prove sedation and rarely cause post-op N/V. They may help reduce aanxiety & apprehension.* Benzodiazipine ie: Valium
*Benzodiazipine antagonist - reverses respiratory depression* flumazenil
potentiate a sedative effect also given for nausea antiemetics ie reglan, tigan, and compazine
provides sedation, relief of anxiety and decrease nausea. Also increases the action of other meds therefore decreased dose of anagelsic can be administered Antihistamines
help reduce oral, respiratory and gastric secretions to facilitate intubation anticholinergics ie Atropine
used for pre-op for its relaxation effect. Helps reduce anxiety. Normal dose 50-100mg IM Demerol
8-10mg IM or subcutaneous Morphine Sulfate
5-10mg IM or IV anesthesia Valium
includes local, nerve block or epidural or spinal. Temporarily blocks transmission of pain and sensory nerve impulses from specific part of the body Regional Anesthesia
RARE side effects could include spinal headache following spinal anesthesia Complications of Anesthesia
Anesthesia produced by injection of an agent into a vein or by inhalation General Anesthesia
Stage where patient becomes detached from the world. Can experience buzzing in the ears, CAN BECOME AWARE THAT SHE/HE CANNOT MOVE EXTREMITIES Stage 1 anesthesia
stage of excitement when the patient might struggle, shout, laugh, cry, can be avoided through slow even administration Stage 2 anesthesia
stage of SURGICAL ANESTHESIA or the operative stage when a patient is unconscious, has quiet relaxed muscles, sm pupils that still respond to light. Can be maintained for a long time if color good and vitals stable Stage 3 anesthesia
Stage of DANGER reached from too much anesthesia OBSERVE PATIENTS VITALS Stage 4 anesthesia
Produces rapid induction. The advantage is the ability to control the depth of anesthesia by controlling the rate of which the agent enters and exits the lungs. Administered through mask or endotracheal tube Inhalation
Inhalation anesthetics are primarily eliminated though the body via Respiratory System
What causes rapid onset of unconsciousness and may be administered alone or in combo with inhalation agents Intravenous - general anesthesia
They must be metabolized by the liver before they are excreted by the kidneys disadvantage to intravenous meds
Once injected, intravenous meds cannot stopped unless you have........ the ANTIDOTE, Mr. Bond!!!!
Where do you keep your gloved and oh so sterile hands? above the waistline and in front of you
The failure to provide adequate cellular oxygenation accompanied by failure to remove waste products leads to what condition? SHOCK
decreased fluid volume leads to what condition hypovolemic shock
cardiac failure leads to what condition Cardiogenic shock
failure of arterial resistance, neuron, stimulation to blood vessels is disrupted causing dilation leads to what condition neurogenic shock
septicemia leads to what condition septic shock
what must you report immediatly as it may be a sign of pulmonary or cardiac problems Any cardiac complaints
complete return of sensation to what body part indicates that the patient is recovered from expected effects of anesthesia TOES
Most common reason for shock hemorrhage
hemorrhage that occurs at the time of surgery primary
hemorrhage that occurs in the 1st few hours after surgery Intermediary
hemorrhage that occurs sometime after surgery Secondary
capillary hemorrhage slow going
venous hemorrhage bubbles out, dark in color
arterial hemorrhage bright red, appears in spurts
concealed hemorrhage cannot be seen, perineal cavity
evident hemorrhage can be seen
inflammation of the vein femoral phlebitis
clot in the vein thrombosis
how would you treat a femoral phlebitis or thrombosis anticoagulants, elastic stockings, or ligation of the clot
mucous plug closes off one of the bronchi entirely, the pulmonary tissue collapses ateletasis
productive cough, no elevation of pulse or temp, happens 5-6hrs after surgery bronchitis
productive cough with increased temp, pulse, and respiration rate bronchopneumonia
seen in old and weak patients: stagnation of secretions at the base of both lungs, slight cough, slight increase in temp, pulse, and respirations hypostatic pulmonary congestion
(less frequent) no cough, difficulty breathing, chill w' increased temp, pulse, and respirations lobar pneumonia
acute, knife like pain when patient takes a deep breath, slight increase in temp, pulse, and respirations pleurisy
prevention of bronchitis cool mist
prevention of pneumonia fluids, expectorant, antibiotics
prevention of pleurisy analgesics
bleeding beneath the skin, resulting in a clot. Sm clots may be absorbed but lg clots may need to be removed hematoma
Symptoms: increased temp and pulse. WOUND is tender, swollen, and warm Wound Sepsis
excessive growth of a scar, unexplainable, unpredictable, and unavoidable in some individuals keloid
An older patient with a lower basal metabolism and loss of subcutaneous fat is at a higher rish for hypothermia
what drugs can cause confusion and disorientation especially in the elderly Morphine, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates
what simple job after discharge would help reduce anxiety and prevent errors after discharge follow up phone call the answer questions and reinforce instructions
Created by: Beezle
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