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Fund ch 16

Fundamentals Ch 16 - Pain Management

What is McCaffery's description of pain? “Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing whenever he says it does”
What type of pain is intense and of short duration, usually lasting less than 6 months. Acute
What are the natural morphinelike substances within the body that are activated by pain or stress? Endorphins
Which drug delivery system allows patients to administer analgesics whenever needed. PCA or patient-controlled analgesia
What types of scales are commonly used to qualify the intensity of the pain experience? Categorical scales, numerical scales, and visual analog scales
Which theory suggests that pain impulses can be regulated or even blocked by gating mechanisms located along the central nervous system? Gates Theory
For more than 20 years various studies have shown that the likelihood of addiction occurring as a result of taking opioids for pain relief, even over a long period, is what percentage? Less than 1%
Which system is a pocket-sized, battery-operated device that provides a continuous mild electrical current to the skin via electrodes that are attached to a stimulator by flexible wires? TENS or transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation
What has harmful physical effects, such as increased oxygen demand, respiratory dysfunction, decreased gastrointestinal motility, confusion, and depressed immune response? Unrelieved pain
What are the administrative routes for analgesics? IV administration, IM injection and the oral route
What 2 types of data are collected when assessing a patient's pain? Objective and Subjective
What are acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin), naproxen (Naprosyn), and ketorolac tromethamine (Toradol) in relation to pain management? These are the most common peripheral analgesics and work primarily as peripheral receptors to diminish reception of pain stimuli.
What are NSAIDs? nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
What type of pain creates an autonomic response that originates within the sympathetic nervous system, flooding the body with epinephrine and commonly referred to as the fight-or-flight response. Acute
What administrative route is usually necessary when a quick onset of analgesia is desired or when the patient is unable to take oral medication. IV
What type of pain management are nerve blocks, epidural analgesics, neurosurgical procedures, and acupuncture? Invasive pain management
Who is responsible for the insertion and maintenance of the epidural catheter for the infusion? These are the responsibility of the anesthetist or anesthesiologist.
Which organization requires accredited facilities and organizations to develop policies and procedures that formalize this obligation? JCAHO
What is the standard agent for opioid therapy? Morphine
What is rest? A patient at rest feels mentally relaxed, free from worry, and physically calm. A patient at rest is free from physical or mental exertion.
In guided imagery the patient is encouraged to concentrate on an image that helps relieve pain or discomfort. What type of pain measure would this be? Noninvasive pain relief
What are the three methods of administering epidural analgesia? Bolus dosing, continuous infusion, and patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA).
What is the difference between prn and PCA? With PCA the patient rather than a nurse administers the analgesic, so the delay in waiting for a nurse's response to the request for analgesia is eliminated.
What type of pain is generally characterized as pain lasting longer than 6 months. The pain can be continuous or intermittent and can be intense? Chronic
What is sleep? Sleep is a state of rest that occurs for a sustained period. The reduced consciousness during sleep provides time for repair and recovery of body systems for the next period of wakefulness.
Are Acetaminophen and NSAIDs considered OPIOIDS or NONOPIOIDS? Nonopioids
What protein found in foods such as milk, cheese, and meats, may help induce sleep? L-tryptophan,
What responsibility do nurses have with the epidural catheter? They are responsible for monitoring the patient's level of consciousness, pain intensity, respiratory rate, the infusion rate/volume on the pump and the dressing site is examined for signs of infection or leakage of medication around the catheter.
What does TENS stimulate? Endorphins
Who developed the FACES pain rating scale? Wong and Baker
Which adminstrative route for analgesics is the most optimal route, especially for chronic pain treatment, because of its convenience, its flexibility, and the relatively steady blood levels produced. The oral route
Morphine, meperidine (Demerol), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), and fentanyl (Actig, Duragesic) act on higher centers of the brain to modify perception and reaction to pain and are called what? OPIOIDS
What type of pain is felt at a site other than the injured or diseased organ or part of the body. Referred
Can a patient with impairment of renal or hepatic function use PCA? No
Pain is largely what type of an experience? A subjective experience
Is the lightest level of sleep in REM or NREM? NREM
How many stages of sleep does NREM have? 4
Chronic lack of what can alter the ability to perform daily functions Chronic lack of sleep
Which stage of sleep is vivid, full-color dreaming (less vivid dreaming may occur in other stages) REM
How does the nurse individualize pain therapy? By working closely with the patient, using assessment findings, and trying a variety of therapies.
What are used to objectively evaluate pain intensity and the effectiveness of pain therapies? Pain scales
True or False: Making pain the fifth vital sign ensures that pain is monitored on a regular basis. True
True or False: Pain cannot be viewed as a protective mechanism that warns of tissue injury. False
What is the only Opioid side effect for which the individual does not develop a tolerance? Constipation
Fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depression act in what type of relationship that can markedly change one's perception of pain? synergistic relationship
What is the 24-hour, day-night cycle known also as the diurnal rhythm? The circadian rhythm
What are the 2 phases of sleep? NREM and REM
What are some of the side effects of epidural opioids? Urinary retention, postural hypotension, pruritus, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression.
True or False: When providing teaching on PCA's the nurse must explain the risks of overdose. False, Explain that the pump PREVENTS risks of overdose.
Which method of administration of opioids is associated with wide fluctuations in absorption, including delayed absorption in postoperative patients, making it an ineffective and potentially dangerous method of managing pain. IM or intramuscular
What is the pain mechanism for NSAIDS? Their actions are peripheral (at the site of injury), where they may exert analgesic effects through the inhibition of prostaglandin production.
What is the pain mechanism for OPIOIDS? They relieve pain mainly by action in the CNS, binding to opioid receptor sites in the brain and spinal cord.
What is the pain mechanism for adjuvent analgesics? No one mechanism of action for pain relief can be identified for this analgesic group. This group is composed of diverse classes of drugs that relieve pain by a variety of mechanisms, many of which are not understood.
The risk for gastric and renal toxicity from NSAIDs is increased in older adults or in children? In older adults
Created by: bsmymicareo
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