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Haitian Heritage

chapter 15

immigration most were members of upper class
most major industries are owned and operated by the government
2 official languages are french (15%) and creole(100%)
Haiti has on oral culture long tradition of proverbs, jokes and stories used to pass on knowledge
Haitians are very expressive with their emotions
communication patterns include loud, animated speech and touching
pain and sorrow are obvious facial expressions
Haitians will hide their lack of knowledge by keeping to themselves, avoiding conflict and projecting a timid air or attitude
May pretend to understand by nodding of head
private in health matters. may prefer to use professional interpreters instead of friends
voice intonations may appear stressful and hostile
eye contact not generally kept when speaking to a person with authority
direct eye contact may be viewed as rude when dealing with a superior (child speaking to an adult)
greet by kissing with informal encounters, handshaking with formal encounters
children refer to adult friends as "aunt" or "uncle"
temporal relationships balance among the past, the present, the future
future is predetermined and only God can change it
time punctuality is not valued. arriving late is not considered to be rude. flexibility with time is norm
format for names first, middle,last
family roles men prefer to think they make the decisions but the family structure is matriarchal.
machismo prevails in haitian culture
children are expected to be high achievers
madichon term used when children are disrespectful means that their future will have misfortune
physical punishment is used to discipline children and may be viewed as abuse by US standards
Health care appointments may be missed due to bruising and marks on child due to physical punishment
health practices children given laxatives and enemas in the summer to promote health
males receive higher education and indulged more than girls in family
females are to respectable and goal is to marry
family council composed of grandparents and influential family members. will make decisions for the family
family is all encompassing concept. family should be included to promote trusting relationships with health care providers
biological differences dark skin requires assessing sclera, oral mucosa for anemia,cyanosis
diseases high incidence of TB, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS. prone to Diabetes, HTN
diet is high in fat, cholesterol and salt
high risk behaviors tobacco use, drinking,non use of seat belts, non use of helmets
good health is a balance between cho (hot) and fret (cold)
balance is achieved by eating well, attention to personal hygiene, pray and have good spiritual habits
to promote good health one must be strong, be plump and be free of pain
to stay healthy one must eat right, sleep right, keep warm, exercise and keep clean
breakfast consists of bread, butter, bananas and coffee. children drink coffee but not as strong as adults
largest meal eaten at lunch which consists of rice,beans, salad of vegetables,
hot/cold and acid/nonacid major categories of contrast of foods
foods eaten when ill pumpkin soup
haitian diet is high in fat and carbohydrates
nutritional deficiencies many have protein deficiencies
pregnancy is not viewed as a state for preventive care
pregnant women will avoid eating spices that may irritate the fetus
postpartum beliefs include bones "open" and need for woman to stay in bed 2-3 days after delivery. will wear abd binders to "close bones".
3 baths ritual baths done after delivery for healing
lok laxative given to newborn
"thin" breast milk believed to give infant diarrhea and headaches
"thick" breast milk believed to cause impetigo
death practices prefer to die at home.
response to grief male relative makes arrangements. 7 days of prayer. cremation is not acceptable
voudou religion with roots in africa
voudou believers may attribute illness with evil spirits
illness is considered punishment
Gas may provoke pain. can occur in the head where it enters thru the ears, mouth and thought to cause headaches
root work system folk medicine that provides framework to id and cure illness
pain doule
organ donation generally not done due to belief body must remain intact
managing illness self -care first, then spiritual care, folk care and lastly western medicine
Created by: transcxnsg
Popular Nursing sets




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