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Integumentary System

Chapter 12 Medical Terms

Two main parts of Skin: Epidermis and Dermis
adipo fat
cutaneo skin
lipo fat
axillo axilla, armpit
bacteri bacteria
bacterio bacteria
erythemato erythema, redness
folliculo follicle
icthyo fish
kerato horny
onycho nail
unguo nail
pilo hair
tricho hair
sebo sebum
sepso infection
septo infection or septum
xero dry
-static keeping stationary
Pilomotor Muscles causes erection of the hairs of the skin
Sudoriferous Glands Sweat Glands
Sebaceous Glands produce sebum [oily substance that lubricates the skin and inhibits bacteria growth]
Lesion any visible, localized abnormality of the skin
Nodule raised area of the overlying skin
Cyst raised area of the overlying skin filled with fluid or a semisolid material
Macules Small non-raised discolorations [freckles]
Papules small raised discolorations [moles]
Plaque elevated area that appears s a large patch [dandruff]
Vesicles small blisters or fluid-filled legions
Bullae larger fluid filled legions
Pustules Pus filled legions
Wheals elevated and irregularly shaped lesions
Fissure linear cracks in the epidermis
Ulcer deep, irregular erosions that extend into the dermis
Atrophy thinning with the loss of skin markings [stretch marks]
Scales dried fragments of sloughed epidermis that are whitish and irregular in size and shape
Keloid excessive overgrowth of scar tissue
Laceration torn, jagged wound
Incision smooth edged wound produced by a sharp instrument
Puncture a wound made by piercing
Abrasion skin is scraped or rubbed away by friction
Contusion bruise, caused by a blow to the body that did not break the skin
Burn tissue injuries resulting from excessive exposure to heat, electricity, chemicals, radiation, or gases
cyano blue
Furuncle a localized skin infection, boil
5 Functions of the Integumentary System: Cover the Body, Protect Underlying Tissue, Control Body Temperature, Receive Stimuli, Excrete Water and Salts
Bacteriostatic inhibits the growth of bacteria
Bactericidal Kills Bacteria
Wound physical injury involving a break in the skin
Abscess a cavity that contains pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
Albinism an abscence of normal pigmentation
Cyanosis a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes
Lipoma a benign tumor consisting of fat cells
mycodermatitis inflammation of the skin caused by a fungus
Necrosis death of areas of damaged or diseased tissue surrounded by healthy tissue
Pediculosis infestation by lice
Scleroderma Chronic hardening and thickening of the skin
Urticaria Hives
Cryosurgery Use of subfreezing temperatures to destroy tissue
Curettage Scraping of material from a surface to remove abnormal tissue
Debridement Removal of foreign material and/or damaged tissue
Created by: little fattie
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