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Exam III


Acquired Immunity Body's response to foreign invaders
Innate Immunity Present at birth
Acquired Humoral Immunity Antibodies produced by plasma cells in response to foreign substance -serum proteins called immunoglobins- IgG,IgM,IgA,IgD, IgE
Acquired Cell Mediated Immunity Uses T-cells to defend against bacteria, fungi & viruses
Allergy IgE involved in allergic disorders
Mast Cells When stimulated release histamines
Type I-Anaphylatic Hypersensitivity S&S's vasodilation,smooth muscle contratcion,hypotension,imcreased muscous secretion, pruritus, urticaria-
Pruritus Itching
Urticaria Hives
Systemic Anaphylaxis S&S's Occurs in minutes, initial S&S's edema&itching-then shock, rapid pulse, laryngeal &bronchial edema, angioedema,hypotension,dyspnes,death.
Systemic Anaphylaxis Tx Supine position, recumbant elevate legs,open airway,give high flow O2,start IV-place on cardiac monitior-Give epinephrine and or antihistamines, corticosteroids, aminophylline.-Oxyegne,cpr,epie,benadryl,cortizone or cortisole,volume expanders and vasopres
Type I-Atopic Reactions S&S's 1)Allergic rhinitis- hayfever 2)Asthama 3)Atopic Dermatitis 4) Angiodema
Angiodema Spontaneous swelling of the lips, cheeks, eyelids, tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and glottis, frequently associated with allergy to food or drugs and lasting from several hours to several days. Involvement of the glottis results in obstruction of the airw
Lacrimation The secretion of tears, especially in excess.
Type II-Cytotoxic -IgG & IgM antibody binds to cell bound antigen & destroys it. Body mistakes normal as foreign. Examples:Myasthenia Gravis,Goodpasture's Syndrome, Hemolytic Reactions
Type III-Immune Complex-antigens bind to antibodies& are depositied in tissues and blood Joints and kidney's are susceptible- acute inflamation-RA,Serum Sickness,Nephritis,Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
Nephritis Nephritis is inflammation of the kidney
Type IV-Delayed hypersensitivity or cell mediated immune response 1-3 days after exposure -Contatc Dermatitis & Graft vs Host Disease, S&S's erythema, pruritus, raised lsions occurs after repeated exposure.
Medical Managment of Allergic Disorders Avoidance - skin testing positive response indicates sensitizationto allergen
Latex Allergies More frequent after prolonged exposure- Can be Type I Allergic Reaction-occurs w/in min or Type II Allergic Contact Dermatitis occurs 6-48 hours
Latex Allergy treatment Medic alert braclet & epi kit, non latex gloves, powder free gllves,no oil based hand creams, clean areas that may have latex dust, know S&S's and avoid
Goodpasture Syndrome-TYpe II Cytoxic Lung purpura-glomerulonephritis, pneumorenal syndrome -idiopathic autoimmune disorder most common in young white ♂, S&S's alveolar hemorrhage, lung infiltrates, renal failure, SOB, URIs, fatigue, chest pain, iron-deficiency anemia, acute renal failure Ave
Lichenified Thickening of the skin with hyperkeratosis caused by chronic inflammation resulting from prolonged scratching or irritation
RAST test Radioallergosorbent test-invitro test for IgE antibodies. Safe but expensive and takes longer than skin testing.
Anaphylatic Shock TX 1) recognize S7S's 2) maintane patent airway 3) prevent spread of allergen by using a tourniquet 4) admin drugs 5)treat for shock
Control allergic symptoms Reduce stress & fatigue,sleep in a/c room, give up pet, move, switch jobs,daily damp dusting, covering mattresses.
Antihistamines Best for allergic rhinitis & urticaria-not good for severe alleric reactions.
Immunotherapy 1-2years to reach maximun effect-continue for 5 years then DC- if bee sting may continue reaction larger than size of quarter so allergen dose can be decreased/injections sites rotated-use tourniquet extremity away froma joint, aspirat
Plasmapheresis Plasma replaced with saline or albumin 4L of plasma can pheresed in 2-3 hours
Created by: MacDeC
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