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AH- CH 46

Adult Health I

suppresses peristalsis and decreases gastric emptying dicyclomine HCL (Bentyl)
slow peristalsis and segmental contractions, often resulting in constipation opioid analgesics
inhibit gastric acid secretion and depress GI motility. although useful in treating hyperactive bowel disorders,causes constipation anticholinergic drugs such atropine or glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
produce diarrhea by disrupting the normal flora in the GI tract. an increase in the use of fluoroquinolones in recent years has provided a selective advantage for the epidemic of c. diff antibiotics
causes gastrointestincal irritation that > the incidence of bleeding with serious consequneces to older adults nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
a prostaglandin inhibitor, it interfers with the formation and production of protective mucus and causes GI bleeding aspirin
suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid and interfers with the digestion of some foods histamine2 (h2) antagonists
causes discoloration of the stool (black), nausea, vomiting, constipation, and abd cramps iron
normal total bilirubin found in feces 0.1-1.0 mg/dL
normal alkaline phosphatase in feces 30-85 iMU/mL
normal amylase in feces 56-190 internation units/L
normal carcinoembryonic antigen in feces <5 ng/mL
normal color of feces infant=
if feces is white or clay ____ absence of bile
if feces is black or tarry ___ iron ingestion or upper GI bleeding
if feces is red ___ lower GI bleeding, hemorroids
if feces is pale with fat ___ malabsorption of fat
if feces is translucent musus ___ spastic constipation, colitis, excessive straining
is feces has bloody mucus ____ blood in feces, inflammation, infection
normal odor for feces pungent---food type
normal consistancy of feces soft and formed
normal frequency of feces passing varies...infant=4-6 times/day breast fed and 1-3 times/day bottle 2-3 times a week
normal amount of feces 150g/day for an adult
normal shape of feces resembles diameter of rectum
if feces is shaped like a pencil ___ obstruction, rapid peristalsis
insert enema ____ for adult 3-4 inches....7.5-10 cm
removal of secretions and gaseous substances from GI tract; prevention or relief of abd distention decompression (salem sump, levin, miller-abbott
instillation of liquid nutritional supplements or feeding into the stomach for clients unable to swallow fluid enternal feeding (duo, dobhoff, levin)
internal application of pressure by means of inflated balloon to prevent internal esophageal or gastrointestinal hemorrhage compression (segstaken-blakemore)
irrigation of stomach in cases of active bleeding, poisoning, or gastric dilation lavage (levin, ewald, salem sump)
what kind of pump for stomach decompression? salem sump
____ should never be used to irrigate a colostomy enema
absorb most nutrients and electrolytes? small intestine
absorbs most iron, vitamins, and bile salts? ileum
absorbs most of the water, Na, chloride from digested food colon
___ and ____ may cause GI bleeding asprin and NSAIDS
cleansing enemas max amount of fluid used is ___ 750-1000mL
with impaction pt will have ___ bowel sounds continous
opoids may cause ___ constipation
when irrigating a colostomy the nurse uses __ a cone-tipped irrigator
an obstruction high in the small intestine causes a loss of gastric hydrochloride metabolic alkalosis
an obstruction at the end of the small intestine and lower in the intestinal tract causes loss of alkaline fluids metabolic acidosis
obstruction below the duodenum but above the large bowel results ____ loss of both acids and bases so there is typically no imbalance
intestinal blockage in 2 different areas closed-loop obstruction
obstruction with compromised blood flow strangulated obstruction
major risk factor with a stangulated obstruction is ___ peritonitis and septic shock from endotoxin from bacteria in blood supply
telescoping of bowel intussusception
180 degree twisting of the bowel volvulus
#1 mechanical obstruction of the GI adhesions
how long does paralytic ileus usually last? 24-48 hrs
caused by physiologic, neurogenic or chemical imbalance peristalsis from trauma or the effect of a toxin on autonomic intestinal control paralytic ileus
no passage of stool obstipation
in a mechanical obstruction pain is more localized adn steady with ___ strangulation
vomit may contain bile and mucus or orange-brown with foul odor mechanical obstruction s/s
with mechanical obstruction if it is colonic obstruction ___ pain is milder, more intermittent colicky abd pain
ribbon like stools signify __ partial obstruction
high pitched BS signify ___ early mechanical obstruction
later stages of both mechanical and nonmechanical obstruction there will be ___ NO bowel sounds
pain of nonmechanical obstruction is __ severe and constant
decreased bowel sounds is a early sign of ___ nonmechainal obstruction
borborygmi high pitched bowel sounds
mid-abdominal colicky pain or cramping mechanical obstruction
constant pain, diffuse discomfort nonmechainal obstruction
increased WBC may be from strangulated obstruction
hemoglobin, hematocirt, creatine, and blood urine nitrogen (BUN) are elevated in obstruction indicating ___ dehydration
serum Na, chloride, and K concentrations are reduced because of ____ loss of fluid and electrolytes from obstruction
elevated serum venous carbon dioxide concentraion and other values indicative of metabolic alkalosis indicates a __ high obstruction
low serum venous carbon dioxide concentraion and other values indicative of metabolic acidosis indicates a __ obstruction in large intestine
Created by: TayBay15
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