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Developmental Stages

Module A & B Galbreath- 103 Calhoun

Birth to 1 yr: This state forms the base of subsequent personality. The quality of the relationship between infant & primary caregiver is important. Trust Vs. Mistrust
Toddler 1 to 3 yrs: With trust, the infant can now discover his own behavior. the toddler becomes assertive & want to explore himself & his evironment. Autonomy Vs. Shame & Doubt
Schoolage 6 to 12 yrs: The schoolage child begins to differentiate between work & play. He learns to enjoy his work for the pleasures he gains from it. Industry Vs. Inferiority
Adolescent 12 to 19 yrs: The adolescent is learning about who he is, where he wants to go & what he wishes to do with his life. He is putting it all together for adulthood. Identity Vs. Diffusion
Early Adulthood 20 to 30 yrs: The young adult is concerned with establishing sexual intimacy which is usually centered around marriage. Final career choices become important. Mutual trust, love, commitment, & corporation. Intimacy Vs. Isolation
Middle Adult 40 to 64 yrs: Contribute to next generation. Adjusting to a change in sexual activity becomes important. Re-evaluate what has been done & what can still be accomplished. Menopause, Self examination, role changes, body image changes. Generativity Vs. Stagnation
Later Adulthood 65 & up: Accepting one's life for what it was & enjoying what has been promotes integrity. Feeling useful & enjoying respect are important. Ego Integrity Vs. Despair
Preschool 3 to 6 yrs: Language & good locomotion gives the youngster ability to expand imagination. The development of conscience begins. Initiative Vs. Guilt
Middle Adult 40 to 64 yrs: Contribute to next generation. Adjusting to a change in sexual activity becomes important. Re-evaluate what has been done & what can still be accomplished. Menopause, Self examination, role changes, body image changes. Generativity Vs. Stagnation
Piaget's: Birth to 2 yrs Sensor motor skills
Piaget's: 2 to 7 yrs Uses sysmbols, people, objects, imitates role model, ego centric, & can't see others point of view. Preoperational
Piaget's: 7 to 11 yrs Use symbols, objects logically, read understands conversations, reasoning is limited because they can't understand abstract ideas, draws conclusions. Concrete Operations
Piaget's: 12 & up Make logical conclusions from evidence. Formal Operations
Social Smile 6 to 8 weeks
3 months old Laughs out loud
4 months old Laughs & enjoys others
4 to 5 months old Two hand grasp
6 months old Babbling
6 to 7 months old Crawl & sits alone
7 months old Imitates others
9 to 11 months old Stands & Walks alone
10 months old Pinches
11 months old Places objects into containers & Assists with feeding & dressing
12 months old Says words & have meanings like "yes" & "no", Walking
15 months old Drops pellets into a small container
18 months old Running
2 yrs old Walk up & down stairs, jump with both feet, & draw straight lines. 200 words, nouns & verbs & word phrases
3 yrs old Complex sentences
3 to 6 yrs old Hops on one foot, uses scissors, can cut on one line.
5 yrs old Skips, jumps rope, string beads, copys a square
Created by: maliakaye5
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