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fluid balance

Stack #150376

type of edema that is reflection of cellular injury and altered cell membrane peremability intracellular edema
type of edema that reflects a distrubance in normal hemodynamic forces or injury to the vesses intersititial edema
Where does exchange of fluid between plasma and interstitial tissues occur microcirculation/capillary beds
pressure in the interstitial space is referred to as osmotic pressure
They hydrostatic pressure(intravascular) & Osmotic pressure of (interstitial) are influenced by what? sodium content
What does the hydrostatic(intravascular) and osmotic(interstitial) pressures cause fluid to leave the microvascluature to enter the interstitial space
Oncotic pressure(intravascular) is influenced primarly by albumin
the pressure required to prevent osmosis through a semi permeable membrane. osmotic pressure
Osmotic pressure is proportional to the osmolarity of solution
osmotic pressure due to the presence of colloids in a solution oncotic pressure
the tissue fluid pressure against which osmosis has to achieve a positive gradient, if small molecules are to pass the cell membrane and be absorbed hydrostatic pressure
this pressure drives fluid out of capillaries hydrostatic
an increasr in total body Na due to excesive salt intake, body not absorbing or excreating NA increased osmotic pressure of the intersititial fluid.
What can increased osmotic pressure of the intersititial fluid lead to generalized edema
a decrease in the serum albumin can cause decreased oncotic pressure of the plasma protein
A decreased ion serum albuminm will produce what symptom generalized edema
What two fluid pressures could cause generalized edema increased osmotic of intersititial & decreased oncotic of plasma protein
What could cause a decreased oncotic pressure of plasma protein decrease in serum albumin or excessive album loss with glomerulopathy, enteropathy
Pressure gradient that leads to a localized edema and involves increased hydrostatic pressure on venous side of vascular bed. increased hydrostatic pressure of the intravascular fluid
what does increased hydrostatic pressure of the intravascular fluid result from? interference with or obstruction to benous blood flow
Pressure gradient that produces localized edema and is result of lyph obstruction obstruction of lymphatic drainage
type of pressure gradient that is a result of injury to the endothelial cells increased capillary permeability
What is increased capilary permeability in response to inflammation, immunologic reactions or tissue injury with localized edema
What pressure gradient is a blister in resone to increased capillary permeablity.
two types of edema fluid transudate & exudate
Protien poor edema fluid that develops from imbalances in teh normal hemodynamic forces transudate
Type of edema fluid seen with CHF, liver disease, renal disese and GI disorders transudate
Protein rich edema fluid exudate
This type of edema fluid is generally the result of endothelial damage and alteration of vascular permeability. exudate
type of disorder tht refers to decreased blood flow in veins, venules, and capillarys vascular congestion
What is vascular congestion due to impaired venous drainage
A bluish discoloration of tissue due to accumulation of reduced hemoglobin. vascular congestion
What is a common accompainiment of congeswtion edema
Where is the chronic effects of vascular congestion seen? liver, lungs and spleen
Term refered to increased blood flow through dilated arteries, arteroles and capillary beds vascular hyperemica
Clinically, results in incresed warmth and redness in affected tissue vascular hypermia
Term referring to clinical condition manifested by numerous signs and symptoms that arise when the heart is no longer able to maintain normal cardic output heart failure
What are the S&S of heart failure generally due to hypoic and congestive effects on organs and tissues other than the heart itself.
When does left sided heart failure occur when the left ventricle is unable to maintain adequate cardia output
What will be auscultated with left sided heart failure pulmonary rales
What is the cliical manifestation of left heart failure pulmonary in orgin, easy fatigability, SOB DOE and paroxysmal noctural dyspnea, orthopnea and cough
When does right sided heart failure occur when the right side of the heart is unable to maintain adequate bentricular output to the lungs.
What is Right sided heart failure usually due to? inability to overcome an increase in pulmonary arterial pressures.
Distinct sign of Right sided heart failure engorgement and distension of neck veins
What might enforgement and distention of neck veins lead to cerebral congestion and hypoxia, resulting in irritability, restlessness and stupor
Passive congestion of liver is sign of which type of heart failure right
Portal hyypertension is a sign of which type of heart failure right
Dependent pitting edema is a sign of what type of heart failure right
easy fatigability is a sign of what type of heart failure left
SOB is a sign of what type of heart failure left
DOE dyspnea on exertion is a sign of what type of heart failure left
PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea sign of left sided heart failure
Orthopnea sign of left sided heart failure
cough is sign of what type of heart failure left
Heart failure that manifest itself as pulmonary left
Increased body weight is sign of what type of heart failure right
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