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Unit 1

MGCCC 2 Diet Therapy dw

What makes up a clear liquid diet? fat free broth, bouillon, coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, clear fruit juices, gelatin, popsicles
Why on a clear liquid diet? Temporary. Surgery, acute illness, dietary rest, prep for procedure.
What is on a Full Liquid diet? Same as clear but w/ smooth textured dairy products (milk and milk drinks) pasteurized eggs, egg substitutes, custards, puddings, refined cooked cereals, veggie juice, pureed veggies, all fruit juices, plain frozed desserts
Why on a Full Liquid diet? Transitional/temporary. For hydration, prepares body for solid food.
Why on a Pureed diet? Difficulty swallowing and chewing
what is on a pureed diet? Clear & Full Liquid plus scrambled eggs, pureed meats, veggies, fruits, mashed potatoes and gravy.
What is mechanical soft diet? "Blender chopped" No restrictions of fiber or spices. Recovering from surgery, chewwing and swallowing probs.
What are some examples of a soft diet? All plus ground or finely diced meats, flaked fish, cottage cheese, cheese, rice, potatoes, pancakes, light bread, cooked veggies, cooked or canned fruits, bannanas, soups, peanut butter
Why on a soft/low residue diet? Recovering from surgery. Swallowing difficulty.
What is on a soft/low residue diet? All plus easily digested food, pastas, casseroles, moist tender meats, canned cooked fruits and veggies. Desserts, cakes,cookies w/out nuts or coconuts
Why a High Fiber Diet? Increase Bulk for stool.
What makes a High Fiber Diet? fresh uncooked fruits, steamed veggies, bran, oatmeal, and dried fruits
What is a low sodium diet? Vary. From no added salt to servere sodium restriction
What is a Diabetic diet? Balance between the intake of carbs, fats, and proteins
What is enteral Nutrition? Nutrition given through GI tube
What are the formulas for enteral nutrition? Polymeric, modular formulas,elemental, specialty
Why is there an increased risk for aspiration with enteral tube feedings? coughing,nasotracheal suctioning, artificial airway, decreased level of consciousness. lying flat
Why aspiration is harmful to pt? Irraties bronchi, decreases blood supply to affected pulmonary tissue, incetions, pneumonia
what are some enteral tube feeding complications? pumonary aspiration, diarrhea, constipation, tube occlusion, tube displacement, abd cramping, nausea/vomiting, delayed gas emptying, fluid overload
What is Parenteral Nutrition? All nutrients through IV.
Why would a pt receive Pareteral Nutrition? Nonfunctioning Gi tract, extended bowel rest, properative TPN
What are some complications of TPN? Insertion probs, Infection, metabolic alterations, fluid, electolyte and acid base imbalances
Parenteral Nutrition initiating tpn with greater than %10 dextrose requires a CVC placed into a high flow central vein
what is coronary Heart disease caused? Impaired blood flow b/c plaque in arteries
If your patient has Atherosclerosis, would you recommend a Quarter Pounder? No. Restrict sodium, Restrict Fat, Restrict Cholesterol, Restrict calories
What can the pt with ateroscleosis do besides monitor diet? Exercise, weight loss
Diabetes Millitus how much Carbohydrates ex? 60-70% of daily diet grains, fruits, veggies, dairy products
Diabetes Millitus How much Protein? 15-20% Low in fat
Diabetes Millitus How much Fat ex:? No higher in 10%low in cholesterol
Which is the better fat: Saturated (animal fat),Polysaturates (soybean, corn)or Monosaturate (Peanut oil, canola)? Monosaturated fat
Diabetes Millitus How much Fiber? 20-35%
Ex of Soluable fiber? Dried beans, oats, barley, peas, corn, califlour, broccoli, prunes, pears, apples, bannans, oranges
EX of insoluble fiber wheat, corn, carrots, brussel sprouts, egg plant, green beans
Diabetes Millitus diet regards to sodium? Restricted.
Diabetes Millitus diet How about Sweeteners? restrict the amount of refined sugars
Diabetes Millitus regarding sick days? Blood glucose increases with illness or surgery.
Diabetes Millitus on sick days remember? monitor bg, test urine for keytones,continue w/meds. call dr if npo for 24 hrs
Besides monitoring their diet, what other ways might the person with hypertension modify their lifestyle? wieght reduction, stress reduction, Phsical activity, avoid tobacco, restrict alcholo use
What is the DASH diet? Dietary Approaches to stop hyperstension. The DASH diet is based on an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy.
What does sodium do to BP? It raises it
What are the goals of the diet plan for Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Meet Nurtitional needs, reduce inflammation, Control Pain, Control Diarrhea
Why would the person with Irratable bowel syndrome be on a diet with High protein? Promotes healing
What kind of diet would the patient with Severe Irritable bowel syndrome expect to be on? Parental Nutrion or Elemental Feedings
What is the healthy amount of weight to loose each week? 1-2 pounds per week
Why would bhe patient with renal failure have a protien restriction? The kidneys are not working correctly and the protein is not being filtered
Does the patient with renal failure have a carb restriction? No. High carb meals. Dont want the body to break down proteins
A patient with renal failure asks if he could eat some asparagus and avacado, would he be able to? No, those are both high in potassium
What are some other potassium rich foods? Note that potassium is found in the skin of many vegetables. Milk products, apples, oranges, Fish
What would to much phosphorus in the blood cause? A high blood phosphorus level may cause you to lose calcium from your bones. This may weaken your bones and cause them to break easily.
What foods are high in Phosphorus? dairy products such as milk, cheese,pudding, yogurt and ice cream,dried beans and peas such as kidney beans, split peas and lentils nuts and peanut butter,beverages such as cocoa, beer and cola soft drinks
How does Argnine (amino Acid) help the body growth hormone releaser
How do carbohydrates and fats help the body? Provide energy
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