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N130 OLOL Cardio II

N130 OLOL Cardio II Exam II

Hypertension can result from change in cardiac output, change in peripheral resistance or both
What happens to the BP if the vessels constrict? Bp goes up
What happens to the BP when the vessels dialate? BP goes down
Fluid retention and vasoconstriction does what to BP? Raises BP
What is a normal BP? 120/80
What is prehypertension BP? systolic 120-139, diastolic 80-89
When a pt is in the prehypertension stage what is reccomended to help the pt.? Lifestyle changes
What is the pt.'s BP if the pt. is in stage 1 Hypertension? Systolic 140-159, Diastolic 90-99
What is the pt.'s BP if the pt. is in Stage 2 Hypertension? Systolic greater than or equal to 160, diastolic greater than or equal to 100
What % of Adults age 18 and older in the US have normal BP? 54%
What % of adults 18 and older in the US have prehypertension? 22%
What % of adults age 18 and older in the US have Hypertension? 24%
Isolated systolic hypertension is more common in older adults
What happens as we age that causes increased preipheral resistance? decrease in the elasticity of the major blood vessels, which causes increased bp
What is Hypertension know as? The silent killer
When there is an increase in BUN and creatinine what does that tell? That the kidneys are being damaged.
Alterations in vision or speech, dizziness, weakness, a sudden fall, or temporary paralysis on one side of the body are clinical manifestations of CVA or TIAtransient ischemic attack) , Stroke
CVA cerebrovascular accident
Blood volume drops what happens? BP drops, Heart Rate increases.
What is Peripheral resistance? How hard the blood has to pump through the arterials.
What could be the outcome of Endothelial dysfunction? Damage to the inner layer prevents blood vessels from dialating, causes vasoconstriction, leads to target organ damage. Atherosclerosis, Nitric acid release inhibited.
When nitric acid relase is inhibited it causes Vasoconstriction
Pt.s should not ingest caffeine or smoke cigarettes for at least how many minutes prior to an office visit where their BP will be measured? 30 minutes
A pt. should sit quietly for five minutes with arm at heart level prior to what? Having their bp taken.
How long should the nurse wait between taking BP if the need arises to take it again? Two minutes
If protein is found in the urine it indicates damage to what organ? The kidneys
What is an Echocardiogram ultrasound of the heart
How do you treat Prehypertention? lifestyle changes
What is the first med. given to lower blood volume Thiazide Diuretics which lowers bp
What happens when over diuresis happens? BP decreases b/c too dehydrated
What are the nursing considerations when giving a diuretic? Give early in the day, watch for orthostatic Hypotension, Over diueresis = dehydration. If pt has kidney damage teach to watch for K+ and Na substitutes.
What is the difference between the Thiazide and loop diuretics compared to the potassium sparing diueretics? Watch for HYPOKalemia in Thiazide and Loop and Watch for HYPERKalemia in potassium sparing
If pt. has kidney damage what should the pt. watch? Salt subsitutes.
What is an adrenegic peripheral agent? Reserpine ( Serpasil)
What med. can cause constriction, but is supposed to dialate? Inderal
what is the function of adrenergic agents ? ANS controls involuntary functions of the body such as heart rate pupil size and smooth muscle contraction, including in arterial walls
What are the side effects of adrenergic agents> Orthostatic Hypotention, dizziness, nausea, bradycardia, dry mouth, impotence, bronchoconstriction
When giving a pt. beta blockers what should you listen for? crackles
Beta blocker thearapy can mask what s & s in diabetics? Hypoglycemia
What meds are usually given in crisis b/c very potent? Vasodialators
What is a serious side effect of Vasodialators? Reflex Tachycardia, be careful watch BP
What are Ace inhibitors used to treat? hypertension, HR, HFand MI
Which drugs usually end in PRIL? Ace inhibitors
Persistant coughing, postural hypotension and angioedema are side effects of what drugs? ACE INHIBITORS ( The Prils)
The Angiotension II receptor blockers end in? sartan
What does the ARB's ( angiotensin II receptor blockers ) do? Blocks the action of the angiotnsin II after it is formed
What is the function of angiotension II> increase BP causes vasoconstriction
What is the difference between the ace inhibitors and ARB's? ace inhibitors stop angiotension from being formed. ARB's block the angiotension II from binding to the receptors.
What is the side effect of ARB's? Hypotension
What do the nondihydropyridines act on? heart and blood vessels
What do the Dihydropyridines act on? blood vessels only
Which calcium channel blocker reduces MI contractility and can worsen HF? The nondyhidropyridines because they can affect the heart.
What is contraindicated with Calcium channel blockers? Grapefruit juice b/c it increase the absorption which causes greater than expected effects from the dose.
Do NOT D/C BP meds without Dr.'s order b/c of? rebound hypertension
What complications would you look for in pt.s with hypertension> Check eyes and kidneys
What is a hypertensive crisis? a hypertensive emergency and urgency
What should be done in a hypertensive in a hypertensive EMERGENCY? BP must be lowered immediately to prevent target organ damage
What should you do in a hypertensive URGENCY? Lower the BP within a few hours
Created by: 4LSUFootball
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