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N210 OLOLC Nutritional Metabolic

What components are in gastric juice? 1)pepsin - acts to aid in protein digestion 2) Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) - acts in protein digestion released in response to gastrin 3) Intrinsic factor - used for absorption of B12 which helps w/production of RBC's, w/out it pt can become anemic
What are the 4 parts of the colon in order? ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon
What are the 4 parts of the large intestine in order? cecum, colon, rectum, and anus
What are the 3 parts on the small intestines in order? duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
What are the layers of the gastric mucosa? epithelium, vascular layer (contains bld. vessels), muscular coat (smooth muscles), and serosa coat (outer layer)
What are the 2 layers of the stomach? mucosal barrier (inner-most layer) and the gastric mucosa
What are the 2 layers of the mucosal barrier? mucous gel layer and bicarbonate layer (these protect the gastric mucosa from damage (like HCl acid).)
What does GERD stand for? Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
What are the risk factors for GERD? obesity, age, alcoholism, caffeine, smoking, very spicy food, pregnancy
What are some potential complications of GERD? 1) errosion of esophgagus 2) inflammation could cause bleeding 3) scarring causing lumen to narrow causing difficulty swallowing 4) choking 5) asthma or chronic cough 6) dental erosion
What are some diagnostic studies used in GERD? xray, UpperGI, Barium Swallow,
What is the most important thing to encourage after a Barium Swallow or Enema? encourage the intake of LOTS of fluids to flush the barium out and help prevent it from hardening
What is GERD? it occurs when the lower esophogeal sphincter doesn't close properly, the stomach contents leaks back into the esophogus causing heartburn, irritation
What are the 4 Phases for the therapeutic management of GERD? Phase 1: lifestyle changes Phase 2: drug therapy Phase 3: intensified drug therapy Phase 4: Surgery - Nissen Fundoplication
What are some life style changes recommended for patients diagnosed with GERD? 1) loose wt. 2) stop smoking/drinking 3) eat 6 small meals instead of 3 large 4) stay up 2hrs after eating 5) wear loose fitting clothes 6) raise head of bed 7) avoid tomato products, caffeine, milk, garlic, onions, fried food, mint flavored foods
What are some drugs used in the treatment of GERD? antacids, foaming agents, H2 blockers, Proton Pump Inhibitors, Prokinetics,
What are some H2 Blockers used for GERD? Tagamet HB, Pepcid AC, Zantac
What are some antacids used to treat GERD? Alka-Selter, Maalox, Mylanta, Pepto-Bismol, Rolaids
What are some risk factors for a hiatal hernia? obesity, GERD, injury to the area, heavy lifting, people over 50yrs, women who have had multiple pregnancies, born with a structural weakness,
What is the potential complication for a hiatal hernia? strangulation of the organ
What are the symptoms manifested with a hiatal hernia? shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, constipation, heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation, dysphagia, reflux
What are some diagnostic studies used to find a hiatal hernia? Upper GI, xray, Barium Swallow, Endoscopy
What are the 2 main types of hiatal hernias? Sliding Hiatal Hernia and Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia
What are the medications used to treat a Hiatal Hernia? pain meds., antacids, drugs similar to GERD
What is a Nissen Fundoplication? wrapping a portion of the gastric mucosa around the sphincter area of the esophagus
What is gastritis? inflammation of the stomach mucosa
What are some risk factors for gastritis? 1) contaminated food 2) ulcers 3) stress 4) eating highly seasoned food 5) asprin 6) NSAIDS 7) alcohol 8) smoking 9) H. pylori 10) radiation therapy 11) NG suctioning 12) caffeine
What are some potential complications of gastritis? 1) altered nutrition 2) bleeding/ hemorrhage 3) ulceration 4) long term infection of H. pylori 5) anemia 6) can lead to cancer
What are some clinical manifestations of gastritis? 1) pain in LUQ 2) nausea/vomiting 3) loss of appetite 4) decrease in hemiglobin and hematicrit 5) increase in WBC 6) feeling of fullness after only a few bites
Created by: guarddogha
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