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What is lyme disease? A spirochetal infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi.
How is lyme disease transmitted? Bite of an infected deer tick
Does person to person transmission occur with lyme disease? no
When is the peak season for human infection of lyme disease? summer months
Lyme disease mimics other diseases such as what? sclerosis, mononucleosis, and meningitis
What is the most charcteristic symptom of early localized lyme disease? erythema migrans (EM)
What is erythema migrans? A round lesion with bright red border and central clearing
When is erythema migrans present? 2 to 30 days after exposure to lyme disease
What are the acute symptoms of lyme disease? fever, chills, headache, stiff neck, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, migratory joint and muscle pain
When do initial symptoms of lyme disease occur? Usually within a week but up to 30 days
If lyme disease is not treated, then what are the resulting progressive symptoms? severe headaches, temporary facial paralysis (Bell's palsy), poor motor coordination
What are the symptoms of late lyme disease? arthritis pain and sweeling of the large joints, neurologic disorders such as tertiary neuroborreliosis
What is tertiary neuroborreliosis? results in confusion and forgetfulness
What is the diagnosis of lyme disease determined by? Clinical manifestations such as EM lesion, and a history of exposure in an endemic area
In lyme disease, what are the ESR and CBC? normal usually
Why is the diagnosis for lyme disease not made by serology tests for antibodies in the early disease stage? They may produce false negative results in the early stages, but are reliable for diagnosis in later disease
What testing should be done for individuals with neurologic involvement? cerebrospinal fluid should be examined
What drugs are active lesions treated with? oral antibiotics such as doxycycline (Vibramycin), cefuroxime (Ceftin), and amoxicillin
Which drug has been shown to be effective in preventing lyme disease when given within three days after the bite of a deer tick? doxycycline
What medications are effective for solitary EM? short term therapy of oral antibiotics for 2-3 weeks
What drug therapy does long standing infection require? parenteral antibiotic therapy
Which drug is prescribed for severe cardiac or neurologic problems in lyme disease? intravenous ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
What is the best way to prevent lyme disease? reducing exposure to ticks
Is there a vaccine for lyme disease? no
Are there any repellants for ticks? Yes-DEET on skin and permethrin on clothes
How do you remove a tick? Use tweezers-grasp tick's mouth as close to skin as possible and pull straight out-do not jerk or twist
What do you do if you are bitten by a tick? Wash bitten area with soap and water and apply antiseptic. Wash hands
When should you see a doctor if you have been bitten by a tick? If flu-like symptoms or a bulls eye rash occur within 2-30 days of tick removal
What is the incubation period from exposure to onset of symptoms? 3 to 32 days
What is the number one vector-borne disease in the US? Lyme disease
What are prevention measures to prevent tick infestations in the yard? Ticks are susceptible to dehydration so you want to reduce humidity by pruning trees, clearing brush, and mowing the lawn.
How should you dress to avoid ticks? Wear long sleeves, and long pants. Tuck shirt into pants. Wear light colored clothes to see ticks.
Created by: tmorg581
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