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med abbrev. nsg 1131

medical abbreviations NSG 1131

a before
aa of each
ac before meals
ADL activities of daily living
ad lib as desired
ax axillary
bid twice a day
B.P.;B/P blood pressure
B.R. bedrest
B.R.P. bathroom priveldges
BSC bedside commode
c with
cap capsule
c/o complains of
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
d day
D&C dialation and curettage
DOA dead on arrival
DOB date of birth
dr gram
dx diagnosis
EEG electroencephalogram
EKG electrocardiogram
elix elixir
ENT ear, nose, and throat
ETOH alcohol
fl.oz. fluid ounce
fx fracture
G.I. gastrointestinal
g gram
gr grain
gtt drops
G.U. genitourinary
gyn gynecology
H/A headache
HEENT head,eyes,ears,nose, and throat
HOB head of bed
h.s. hour of sleep; bedtime
H&P history and physical
ht. height
Hx history
I&D incise and drain
I&O intake and output
inj. injection
I.U. international unit
I.V. intravenous
IVF intravenous fluids
IVPB intravenous piggyback
kg kilogram
L liter
lb,# pound
LLL left lower lobe
LLQ left lower quadrant
LOC level of consciousness
maew moves all extremities well
mEq milliquivalent
mg milligram
mcg microgram
mL milliliter
mod. moderate
NG; N/G nasogastric
NKA no known allergies
noct. nighttime
NPO nothing by mouth
N&V nausea and vomiting
O2 oxygen
OOB out of bed (up and about)
OR operating room
O.T. occupational therapy
OTC over the counter
oz ounce
p after
p.c. after meals
po by mouth
pr by rectum
prn as needed
pt. patient
P.T. physical therapy
q every
qid four times a day
rad radiation absorbed dose
RLQ right lower quadrant
ROM range of motion
R/T related to
RUQ right upper quadrant
s` ( <little cuvre at top) without
SOB shortness of breath
S/P status post
SR siderail
sp. gr. specific gravity
T temperature
tab tablet
tid three times a day
tinct. tincture
t.o. telephone order
top. topically
tx treatment
V.O.; v.o. verbal order
vs, vis vital signs
w/c wheelchair
WD warm and dry
WNL within normal limits
wt. weight, weigh
y/o years old
Created by: kmaclean
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