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Common Disorders

Trombus Blood clot
Phlebitis Inflammation of vein
Anemia Low red blood cells
Atherosclerosis Fatty deposits on walls of arteries that reduce blood flow
Arteriosclerosis Walls of the arteries become thickand harden
Hypertension High blood pressure
Peripheral vascular disease Decrease in flow of blood to extremities and brain
Angina Pectoris Chest Pain
Varicose Veins Enlarged, twisted veins usually in legs
Congestive heart faliure Circulatory congestion caused by weak pumping of the heart muscle
Myocardial Infection (MI) Heart attack due to blockage in coronary arteries
URI- Upper Respiratory Infection Infection of nose, throat, larynx, trachea
Pneumonia Inflamation or infection in the lungs
Emphysema (Cronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - COPD ) Aveoli become streched and stiff preventing adequate exchange of oxegen and carbon dioxide
Asthma Spasma of bronchial tube walls causing narrowing of air passages usually due to allergies
Allergy Reaction to substances that leads to sight or severe response by body
Influenza Highly contagious URI
Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleura surrounding the lungs
Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi
Lung Cancer Malignant tumors in the lung that destroy tissue
Osteoporosis Porous bone that breaks easily
Fracture Break in bone
Simple Bone broken, skin intact
Compound Bone broken, penetrates skin
Comminuted Bone broken, fragments in tissue
Greenstick Incompleate break
Arthritis Inflamation of the joints
Amputation Removal of all or part of limb
Sprain Streched or torn ligaments or tendons
Bursitis Inflammation of bursa causing pain on movement
Paralysis Loss of voulentary movement due to neurological damage such as stroke or trauma
Multiple sclerosis Weakness of muscles due to loss of covering on nerves that control them
Atrophy Muscle mass decreases in size
Contracture Permanent shortening of muscle; joints become ankylosed (frozen)
Muscle Strain Damage caused by trauma
Myalgia Muscle pain
Torn Muscle Tear caused by trauma
CVA - Stroke or Cerebrovascular accident Damage to part of brain due to blood clot or hemorrhage cutting off blood supply
Alzheimer's Disease Common cause of organic disease
Parkinson's Disease Progressive nervous disease associated with distruction of brain cells
Multiple Sclerosis Loss or covering around nerve fibers interfering with nerve impulses to and from brain
Cataract Lens of eye loses its transparency
Glaucoma Increased pressure in the eye due to an excess of aqueous humor
Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the eyelid lining
Sty Tiny abscess at the base of an eyelash
Otitis media Infection of the middle ear
Deafness Partial of complete hearing loss
Created by: Fundamental EC
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