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Male Infections

MAMC exam 8 infections of the male reproductive system

types of prostatis acute or chronic infection
causative organisms of prostatis E coli. Klebsiella Proteus Pseudomonas Streptococcus N. Gonorrhoeae C. Trachomatis
least common but most dangerous form of prostatis acute
chronic prostatitis lasts at least 3 months
diagnostic tests for prostatis culture & sensitivity pH of prostate fluid generally elevated
medical management for prostatis antibiotics (up to 16 weeks) periodic digital massage sitz baths for heat analgesics anti-inflammatories
nursing interventions for prostatis patient education comfort measures bed rest I
epididymitis infection of the epididymous
causative organisms of epididymitis S. aureus E. coli Streptococcus species N. gonorrhea
bilateral epididymitis can cause _____ sterility
symptoms of epididymitis sudden appearance of severe pain pain radiates scrotal edema & tenderness pus in urine chills & fever "duck walk" or "waddling gait"
symptoms of epididymitis can occur after trauma instrumentation physical exertion prolonged sexual activity
diagnosis of epididymitis symptoms & physical exam of scrotum UA- first daily flow
medical management of epididymitis bed rest scrotal support application of cold antiobiotics incision & drainage of scrotum if abscess forms
nursing interventions for epididymitis bed rest during acute phase support of testicular area ice compresses patient education
Created by: ealongo
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