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Male Disorders

MAMC exam 8 disorders of male reproductive system

etiology & pathophysiology of phimosis condition in which the prepuce is too small to allow retraction of the foreskin over the glans penis often congenital may be result of local inflammation rarely severe enough to obstruct uring flow does not permit adequate cleansing
assessment/diagnosis of phimosis inability to retract the foreskin
medical management of phimosis circumcision
nursing interventions for phimosis dressing changes bleeding urine flow
etiology & pathophysiology of hydrocele accumulation of fluid between the membranes covering the testicle & the membrane enclosing the testicle scrotum slowly enlarges pain occurs most occur in males over 21 actual cause unknown
assessment/diagnosis of hydrocele based on physical exam
medical management for hydrocele aspiration surgical removal
nursing interventions for hydrocele bed rest scrotal support with elevation ice to edematous areas frequent dressing changes to avoid skin impairment
etiology/pathophysiology of varicocele veins within scrotum become dilated obstruction & malfunction of the veins often seen in men with low fertility
assessment/diagnosis of varicocele pulling sensation pain edema
medical management for varicocele surgical removal of obstruction ligation of the spermatic cord
nursing interventions for varicocele bed rest scrotal support ice on incision site medication for discomfort as ordered
etiology/pathophysiology of testicular torsion twisting of the spermatic cord resultingin a kinking of the artery, thereby compromising blood flow to the testicle spermatic cords are congenitally unsupported may follow severe exercise may occur duing string may occur after simple maneuver
assessment of testicular torsion sudden, sharp testicular pain n/v chills/fever extremely tender testis with swelling pain intensifies with elevation of scrotum
medical management for testicular torsion immediate surgery
nursing interventions for testicular torsion preop, administer analgesia postop, apply scrotal support inspect dressing administer antiobiotics if ordered report any sudden onset of pain to the physician
prior to surgery for testicular torsion, what occurs if the scrotum is elevated? increased pain
etiology/pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction (ED) functional anatomical neurological abnormalities radical prostatectomy medications illicit/abused substances disease
diagnosis of ED based on client history & physical exam
medical management for ED assessment of causative factors sildenafil citrate (Viagra) hormonal replacement mechanical devices
nursing interventions for ED patient education - meds, implant, infection
androgens group of male sex hormones that mediate the normal development & maitenance of male characteristics through androgenic activity
action of androgens responsible for the normal growth & development of male sex organs mainenance of male secondary sex characteristics
indications for androgen use hypogonadism in androgen-deficient men delayed puberty i nmen inoperable breast cancer androgen-responsive breast cancer in post-menopausal women (palliative)
contraindications for androgens hypersenitivity pregnancy & lactation male patients with breast or prostate cancer severe liver, renal, or cardiac disease
precautions of androgen use DM CAD BPH hypercalcemia sleep apnea chronic lung disease geriatric patients prepubertal males
adverse effects of androgen anxiety confusion depression fatigue headache vertigo deeping of voice fluid retention edema peliosis of the liver ABD cramps changes in appetite drug-induced hepatitis N/V gingivitis gum edema/tenderness bitter taste change in libido
interactions of androgens & other medications may increase action of warfarin, oral hypoglycemic agents, & insulin concurrent use of corticosteriods may increase risk of edema formation
nursing implications of androgens I&O bone age determination assess women for virilism
lab test considerations of androgens monitor H&H, LFTs, PSA, & serum cholesterol monitor electrolyte balance
action of phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), PDE5 inactivates cGMP enhances effects of nitric oxide released during sexual stimulation nitic oxide activates guanylate cyclase cGMP produces smooth muscle relaxation & eventual erection
use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors erectile dysfunction sildenafil (Revatio): pulmonary hypertension
contraindications of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors hypersensitivity concurrent organic nitrate therapy, ritonavir, ketoconazole, & itraconazole pulmonary veno-occlusive diseae newborns, women, children
adverse effects of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors headache, dyspepsia, flushing dizziness, insomnia, abnormal vision, chest pain, hypotension/hypertension, MI, N/V/D, dry mouth, abnormal LFT, priapism, UTI, rash, dermatitis, mylagia
interactions of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors & other medications increased risk of severe hypotension with nitrates increased risk of hypotension with antihypertensives or substantial alcohol
Created by: ealongo
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