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W13 Analgegics

Main use of skeletal muscle relaxant Prevent/interrupt muscle spasm associated with spastic disease, spinal cord damage or overexertion of muscles
Types of muscle relaxants Peripheral and central; Peripherally acting works within the muscle and centrally acting work within the spinal cord;
Muscle relaxants and asthma pt Peripheral acting can be dangerous for patient with asthma because it increase bronchial secretion and produce histamine release
Effects of muscle relaxants on CNS Lethargy, decreased mental alertness, dependence
Where do opioid come from? Naturally occurring plant substance opium OR synthetic substances that produce the same pharmacologic effects as opium
Difference btw opiate and opioid OID is synthetic, ATE is natural
Analgegics OPIATES Hydrocodone, Codeine (antitussive), Morphine (analgesic)
Define, Uses, Cautions, Pt teaching for NSAID’s Aspirin, Ibuprophen, Naproxen, Mild to Moderate pain,anti-inflammatory, Allergy, GI Upset, Take with food, Salicylates are platelet aggregator inhibitors (baby aspirin), prevent Heart attack.
2 elements composing pain localized stimulation of peripheral nerves and recognition of pain within the CNS
Symptoms of pain Subjective, pt said he’s in pain, objective, redness, inflammation, warm to touch
Common psychological responses to pain Grimacing, gardening, not participating in activities with mvt, depression
Pain meds for mild to moderate Non-Narcotics. NSAIDs with Narcotic can be used to reduce inflammation
Pain meds for moderate to severe Narcotics
Describe some concerns about narcotics analgesics Pt seeking meds, CNS depression lead to other pb, constipation, dependence
What schedule are most narcotics used for pain control? Schedule 2, One prescription, no refill w/o new written prescription, Heroin is Schedule 1
Common SE for opiates Rash, respiratory depression (drop respiration rate)
Common pharmacological effects of opiates Change in mental alertness, sedation (μ, κ), Depression of respiratory centers (µ)
Narcotic analgesics: describe why respiratory depression is an important consideration? It is common, can affect oxygenation of pt, drug tolerance, when taking a lot, check respiratory status first.
Naloxone Narcotic Antagonist, Agonist, used for Overdose of opioid
Platelet aggregation inhibition Salicylate cause Platelet aggregation inhibition
Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection Erythema
Capable of relieving or suppressing coughing Antitussive
Reduce elevated body temperature (fever) Antipyretic
Preventing or reducing inflammation Anti inflammatory
A medication that reduces or eliminates pain Analgesic
Occurs as a result of taking a drug and receive less therapeutic effect of the drug over the time Drug tolerance
What to do when drug tolerance occurs Increase the dosage
Combination of psychological and physical factors if the patient doesn’t receive the drug Drug dependency
No more able to perform regular life w/o drug Addiction
Difference between tolerance, dependence, addiction Tolerance = occurs when drug abuse, less therapeutic effect, Dependence = physiological and psychological effect if not receiving drug, Addiction = No more able to perform regular life w/o drug
Use your graph to describe properties of narcotic analgesics Pain relieve, but also antitussives (prevent coughing)
Dextromethorphan: Why is it special? Uses? Only Narcotic OTC antitussive
Food products containing salicylates Peppers, raisins, cherries, Cheese, pt high risk for bleeding shouldn’t use these (hemophilia, surgery pt, esophageal varices)
Why do so many analgesics cause GI Upset? They are prostaglandin inhibitors, they decrease the mucus that the prostaglandin produces
Which non narcotics analgesic is best for asthma clients? Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Platelet aggregation inhibition. Which classes? Salicylates (Aspirin)
Sign of inflammation Heat, redness (erythema), swelling, and pain
Overdose ASA / Tylenol causes what? Assessment findings? Both cause hepatic cqces (liver), acidosis; Reyes syndrome, respiratory depression, listen to weezing in lung, Tinnitus, lethargy, coma. Assess and figure out how much drugs, and what type
Rare disorder occurring primarily in children after a viral illness and associated with aspirin usage, characterized by vomiting, swelling of the brain, and liver dysfunction Reye syndrome
Naproxen (Aleve) and Motrin (Ibuprofen) NSAIDs, Analgesic, Anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory; Naproxen last up to 12 hours, Ibuprofen up to 4 hours
Cox 2 inhibitor NSAIDs used for bones and joins problems (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Analgegic, anti-pyretic, reyes syndrome (ASA too)
Special inflammatory condition in which uric acid deposits in the joint fluid of the toes, knees, or kidneys because uric acid is overproduced or not efficiently excreted Gout
Colchicines Treat gout
Dextromethorphan Only Narcotic OTC as antitussive
Naloxone Narcotic Antagonist, Agonist, used for Overdose of opioid
Motrin/Ibuprophen OTC NSAIDs
Methadone Opiate, to treat addiction to morphine or heroin
Acetylsalicylic acid ASA, 4 A of Aspirin, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-pain, Anti-pyretic, Anti-platelet aggregation
Effects of aspirin and salicylates Reduce fever and pain, increase peripheral blood flow (vasodilation), increase sweating, and prophylactically inhibit clotting (Platelet aggregator inhibitor)
Colchicines Treat gout
Created by: fausfez
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