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Endocrine S. Drugs

Pharm Test 3

What is the Endocrine System's main function? To maintain homeostasis
What happens when too much or too little glandular activity occurs? -disrupts homeostasis -leads to various disorders -interferes with the normal functioning of other endocrine glands
Where do the hypothalamic hormones that stimulate the release of hormones come from? The Hypothalamus (its boss and tells the pituitary what to do)
What is the drug in the classification: Drugs Affecting hypothalamic hormones? Leuprolide
What is the trade name for Leuprolide? Lupron
What route is it only? IM
What is the action of Leuprolide? Blocks action of testosterone, blocks secretion of gonadotropic hormones, mimics estrogen hormone
What is the indication for Leuprolide? Prostate Cancer, Endometriosis, and precoscious puberty (too soon)
What is Leuprolide contraindicated with? Renal impairment, peripheral vascular disease (alters absorption)
What are the adverse reactions of Leuprolide? -increase release of certain sex hormones -in males can become more feminine -in females more hot flashes, mood swings -Fluid retention
What are the drug to drug interactions of Leuprolide? -Estrogens (cancounteract the therapeutic effects)
What are some nursing interventions for Leurprolide? -teach client to take med correctly -that if a man, understands adverse reactions -check vitals -and weigh for fluid retention -monitor PSA and testosterone levels
What is a growth hormone agonist? It means that it acts like the growth hormone
What is the drug in the classification: Growth hormone agonist? Somatropin
What is the trade name for Somatropin? Nutropin
Should this drug be given to adults? No, because it will not work once the epiphesis is closed on the growth plate of a child (usually after 12)
What is the action of somatropin? It is a replacement for growth hormone
What is the indication of Somatropin? To treat growth problems in children who have a lack of growth hormone
What is Somatropin contraindicated with? -closed epiphyses in bone, can't take anymore -anyone that has complications with open heart surgery
What are some adverse reactions with Somatropin? -Bone pain -Joint swelling -can develope insulin resistance (prone to hyperglycemia)
What are some drug to drug interactions with Somatropin? Liver enzymes (many change the metabolism of Somatropin)
What are som enursing interventions for Somatropin? -get patient drug hx -do physical assessment -get medical hx -teach the patient that this can be a very painful medication to take and teach the parents too -get a baseline chem test
What is a growth hormone antagonist? Works against the growth hormone
What is the drug in the classification: Growth hormone antagonist? Bromocriptine Mesylate (pt has to stay on it for the rest of their life)
What is the trade name for Bromocriptine Mesylate? Parlodel
What is the action of Bromocriptine Mesylate? It is a dopamine agonist (acts like dopamine) that inhibits growth hormone secretion, and stops the bones from growing
What is the indication of Bromocriptine Mesylate? Acromegally (gigantism) not limited to children
What is Bromocriptine Mesylate contraindicated with? Diabetes and thyroid problems
What are some adverse reactions of Bromocriptine Mesylate? -GI upset -posteral hypotention -drowsiness
What are some drug to drug interactions with Bromocriptine Mesylate? Phenothyazines (decreases the effect of Bromocriptine Mesylate)
What are the nursing indications for Bromocriptine Mesylate? -physical exam -medical hx -Vitals -medications that the pt is on -client teaching
What is the drug in the classification:Drugs affecting posterior pituitary hormones? Desmopressin
What is the trade name of Desmopressin? DDAVP
What is the action of Desmopressin? Replaces ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and increases plasma osmolarity
What is the indication of Desmopressin? Diabetes insipidus (people don't prodice enough)keeps kidneys from releasing too much H2O and sodium
What is Desmopressin contraindicated with? Fluid and electrolyte imbalances, certain vascula diseases, and hyponatremia
What are the adverse reactions of Desmopressin? water intoxication, N/V, injection site can get irritated
What are drug to drug interactions with Desmopressin? Digoxin, Ace inhibitors, Potassium sparing drugs
What are the nursing implications of Desmopresin? Assessment, labs (electrolytes), medical hx, drug hx
Where are the adrenal gland located? Flattend bodies that sit on top of each kidney
What is the adrenal glands composed of? Adrenal Medulla: an inner core that is part of the SNS Adrenal Cortex: an outer shell that produces hormones called corticosteroids
What are Glucocorticoids? Steroid hormones released from the adrenal cortex; they increase blood glucose levels, fat deposits,and protein breakdown for energy
What drug is in the classification: Glucocorticoids? Prednisone
What is the trade name for Prednisone? Deltasone
What is the action of Prednisone? It stimulates an increase in glucose levels for energy. They also increase the rate of protein breakdown and formation from amino acids, another way of preserving energy
What is the indication of Prednisone? For infalmmatory or immune disorders, and COPD
What is Prednisone contraindicated with? When someone has an infection, diabetics,(cautious use) emphasema, skin infections
What are te drug to drug interactions? A lot, need to look up
What are the nursing interventions for Prednisone? Vitals, physical exam, assess to see if drug is working
What are mineralocorticoids? Steroid hormones released by the adrenal cortex; they cause sodium and water retention and potassium excretion
What is the drug in the classification: Mineralcorticoids? Fludrocortisone
What is the trade name of the drug? Florinef
What is the action of Fludrocortisone? Affects electrolyte levels and homeostasis; replaces aldosterone to prevent loss of sodium and water and excrete potassium by renal tubule
What is the indication of Fludrocortisone? Used to treat adrenal insufficiency, inflammation, and allergic response
What is Fludrocortisone contraindicated with? Conjestive heart failure, people with hypertention because drug makes body retain water, also infections
What are soe adverse reactions of Fludrocortisone? Fluid overload (causes F & E imbalance), headache, confusion, disorientation, hypokalemia, heart irregularities
What are so drug to drug interactions? Aspirin, barbituates, dilantin
What are the nursing implications for Fludrocortisone? Assessment, baseline labs, listen to heart and lung sounds, check for edema
What does the thyroid gland do? It regulates everything
What are the functions of the thyroid hormones? Regulates the rate of metabolism; affects heat production/ body temp; Affects oxygen consumption, cardiac output, and blood volume; Affects enzyme system activity; Affects metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; regulates growth and development
Where is calcium control located? Parathyroid
What is Hyperthyroidism? Makes everything increase, Graves Disease, Increased body temp, tachycardia,thin skin, palpitations, hypertension, flushing, weight loss, goiter
What is Hypothyroidism? Lack of sufficient thyroid hormone; obesity, fatigue,mimics signs of aging (heavy, slow,sluggish)
What is the drug in the classification: Thyroid Hormones? Levothyroxine
What is the trade name for Levothyroxine? Synthroid
What is the action of Levothyroxine? Increases the metabolic rate of fats
What is Levothyroxine indicated for? Hypothyroidism
What is Levothyroxin contraindicated with? Heart attack, acute thyroid toxicity
What are adverse reactions of Levothyroxin? Increased HR,respirations, hypertension
What are drug to drug interactions? Take Levothyroxin 2 hrs apart from any other drug
What are the nursing implications for Levothyroxine? Physical assessment, medical hx, heart problems, vitals, teaching (for the rest of their life), and adverse effect teaching
What are antithyroid agents? Used when there is too much thyroid hormone which is hyperthyroidism
What are the two drugs in the classification: Antithyroid Agents? Propylthiuracil and Potassium iodide
What is the trade name for Propylthiuracil? Athiomide
What is the trade name for Potassium Iodide? Iodine Solution
What is the action for Propylthiuracil? Prevents the formation of the thyroid hormone
What is the action of potassium Iodide? Causes them to stop making it
What is the indication of the drugs? Hyperthyroidism
What are the contraindications of these drugs? Pulmonary edemaand pulmonary tuberculosis
What are the adverse reactions of Prpylthiuracil and Potassium Iodide? Hypothyroidism (slows everything), fetus may develop goiter
What are the drug to drug interactions? Anticoagulants (increase risk for bleeding), and many others, should look up
What are the nursing implications for these drugs? Assessment, effect of drug, and teach pt about the possible adverse effects
What are the two parathyroid dysfunctions? Hypoparathyroidism and Hyperparathyroidism
What is Hypoparathyroidism? absence of the parathormone, accidentalremoval of the parathyroid glands during thyroid surgery
What is Hyperparathyroidism? excessive production of parathormone (genetic or tumor)
What is the drug in the classification: antihypocalcemic agents? (less common) Calcitrol
What is the trade name of this drug? Rocaltrol
What is the action of Rocaltrol? To act like vitamin D, to stimulate calcium absorption from the intestine and restores the serum calcium to a normal level
What is the indication for Rocaltrol? Used to treat Hypocalcemia and osteoporosis, defiiceint levels of PTH result in hypocalcemia
What is contraindicated with this drug? Kidney stones
What are some adverse reactions of Rocaltrol? N/V, constipation, headache, irritability
Drug to drug interactions? Magnesium containing meds (risk for hypermagnesia), and dnt have pt take at the same time as fat soluble vitamins
What are the drugs used in the classification: Hypercalcemia agents? Biphosphonates and Calcitonins
What is the action of Biphosphonates? Blocks reabsorption, slows hypercalcemia
What is the action of Calcitonins? Inhibits reabsorption (doesn't happen)
What is the indication of biphosphonates and calitonins? Treats osteoporosis and Paget's disease
What is contraindicated with these drugs? hypocalcemia
What are some adverse reactions of biphosphonates and calcitonins? GI distress, joint pain
What are some drug to drug interactions? Biphosphonates (any anacid), calcium products, multi vitamins, iron
What are the nurisng implications of the antihypocalcemic agents and antihypercalcemic agents? Monitor calcium levels, past medical hx, assess for adverse reactions, get drug history
Created by: laneygurl6
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