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OA Test 2

Emotional and Spiritual Health

What are some life events? Births; Deaths; Illness; Stroke; Life events offer a time for expression
What are some developmental tasks of the later years? Adjusting to Later Life changes; Finding purpose - work, volunteering, ect; Relocation; Coping w/ chronic illnesses; Replacing lost friends; Staying active mentally, physically, socially; Anticipation & planning for death.
What are some lossess associated with retirement? losses – mental stimulation, money, sense of purpose, reinforcement, health insurance, structure,
What are some Gains associated with retirement? gains- free time, travel ability, volunteer, family time, take up hobbies, boredom, planning trips
What are some changes that occur when a person retires? changing positions w/ husband/wife after retirement. Don’t know what to do with time, spend more time w/ spouse. People are lost & not sure what they can do.
What do people who retire need? Need something to do, so give them something & Need their own space, and takes adjustment.
When a person retires they might end up being caregivers to who? Care giving roles, taking care of other family member, either older person of children or grandchildren. Babysitting grandchildren is different than raising a grandchild. This is a very different situation & is hard on older adults.
T/F Looking at your children as adults and not as children. Children may take on the parenting role and start to take care of parents. This role switch may be hard for parents to adjust to? True
T/F Some people when they retire get second careers. Work roles can be something that change, but may continue to work to keep busy. True
What are the 7 major reasons for working in retirement? 1. need money 2. desire to stay mentally active 3. need the health benefits 4. desire to stay physically active 5. desire to remain productive and useful 6. desire to do something fun 7. desire to help other people.
Why are volunteer roles so important? similar to work roles except you can say no when you don’t want to work. Very fulfilling, and meaningful. Better cure than any pill you can take.
Where to OAs relocate first? to a fun place
Where to OAs relocate second? Back to family and medical care
Where to OAs relocate lastly? to support housing
How can Nurses help with Relocation Adjustment? orient them; pictures; their own stuff will help them adjust better. Make sure they have a good roommate, or no roommate at all.
Visits from pets will help – makes it homelike. Give them the opportunity to make decisions & do what they like to do. Couples may want privacy; Eden project. All of these will help an eldery with ___? relocation
When a person has a chronic illness what do they face? functional impairments – cant do what I want to do; meds & side effects; dependency; financial stressors; loss of ability to drive; guilt about burden on caregivers
As you age you face loss of friends and family, as this occurs what do you need to do? Need to grieve; Make new friends; Social outings – but lose many friends and family. Reminder of their own mortality; Prepare for own death, make own arrangements.
T/F Losing a mate can be really hard – soul mates, friend, confidant, social partner, sexual partner, dependency, miss the feel of partner, or sleeping alone, paying bills, taking care of self, stress of losing a spouse is hard. High percentage of death True
Inability to cope with the changes and challenges of later life can result in____? Depression
Grief from missed opportunities, unresolved conflicted relationships can result in____? Depression
Terminal illness, unrelieved pain can result in____? Depression
Poor self esteem from multiple losses, unresolved grief can result in____? Depression
Worry about loved ones having to take care of them can result in____? Depression
Beware of the impact of multiple losses in short time for it can result in____? Depression
It there a lot of depression in OAs? Yes
What age group has the highest suicide rate? OAs: high suicide rate – over age 85 is twice the national rate. Highest of all the suicide rate
T/F Men more likely to be depressed, and women more likely to not report depression? False, women are more likely to be depressed, and men more likely to not report depression
T/F Many people who commit suicide have seen a doctor close to when they do it, many even the same day? True
T/F Insomnia and other symptoms show up in people with depression, need to be on antidepressant? True
What else contributes to Psychosocial Functioning? belief in ageism; feeling powerless; not having a confidant; lack of control; many losses in a short time; chronic stressors; poor self esteem; learned helplessness
How can nurses enhance self esteem and psychosocial functioning? eye contact; smiling at them; challenge families that are making decisions about loved ones; story telling; showing pictures; memories; talking to them
What is the role of Religion and Spirituality in OAs? religion – structure and practiced; spirituality – relationship with a higher power, less formal, more of a soul connection. Nature, meditation
How important is Religion to Older Adults? 80% belong to church or synagogue; Many say they became more devout, but not a new thing. Strong social gathering. Different w/ our generation. Many say religion is the way to cope with life challenges.
What is the relationship between Religion or Spirituality and health? lots of research; prayer or being prayed for – mental and physically improve; greater life expectancy, faster recovery from depression, fewer hospitalization, lower rates of substance abuse.
What are the Nursing Implications for the Spirituality of our older adult patients? be sure to assess spirituality on admission; help them connect or tap into spiritual resource center; make phone calls for them; may pray with them if they would like for you to. Help them prepare for death.
Created by: cgwayland
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