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OA Test 2

Elder abuse/Societal Supports

“The way we treat our children in the dawn of their lives and the way we treat our ___ in the twilight of their lives is a measure of the quality of a nation?” elderly
What are the Abuse trends for adults over 60? Elder Abuse Is increasing over time
Elder abuse is defined as? Maltreatment of vulnerable older people
What are the two types of elder abuse? Intentional – action, inaction, lack of supervision & Unintentional – neglect, failing to provide protection
T/F Elder abuse is found in every social strata? True
T/F Elder abuse is increasing in prevalence? True
Why Elder abuse is seldom reported? Reported only 1/5 of the time – seldom reported because afraid it may get worse, might have to go to a nursing home, or can’t report.
What are some Tip-offs for Nurses/ physical signs of abuse? Bruises, black eyes, welts, lacerations, rope marks, Bone fractures, Sprains, dislocations, internal injuries; Broken glasses, frames, Open wounds, cuts, punctures, cigarette burns, untreated injuries
What are Lab findings that are tip-offs for nurses that an elderly pt is being abused? Lab findings of medication overdose or underutilization of prescribed drugs
What are some other signs of abuse that are tip-offs for nurses (Hint: NOT Physical Ones)? Elder’s report of being hit, mistreated; Elder’s sudden change in behavior - !!!! also important; Caregivers refusal to allow visitors to see an elder alone. – huge red flag!!!; Contradictory statements about history.
What are some of the characteristics of Elder Abuse Victims? Fear; Anxiety, agitation; Anger; Isolation, withdrawal; Depression; Non-responsiveness, resignation; Contradictory statements, stories don’t match or they change; Hesitation to talk openly; Confusion/disorientation
What are the signs of Sexual Abuse? Bruises around breasts, genital area, Unexplained V.D. or infections, Unexplained vaginal bleeding, Torn, stained, or bloody underwear, Elder’s report of sexual abuse.
T/F Sexual abuse of the elderly occurs more frequently in institutions? True
What are some Emotional or Psychological Abuses? Threats, intimidation, insults, verbal assaults, Humiliation, name calling, Harassment, Treating the elder like an infant, Forced social isolation, Silent treatment.
The following are SS of ___: Dehydration, malnutrition, untreated bed sores, poor personal hygiene, Unattended/untreated health problems, Hazardous/unsafe living conditions, Unsanitary or unclean environment – includes fecal/urine smell, soiled bedding, f Neglect
When does Self Neglect Occur? Elder is unwilling or unable to meet physical & mental health & safety needs: Bathing, eating, taking medications appropriately; Depression & confusion common; Desire to die
What are some signs that financial exploitation is occurring? Frequent expensive gifts to caregiver, Personal belongings missing, Numerous unpaid bills, Caregiver’s name on bank accounts, Visits with caregiver to lawyer to change will.
Uncompleted house improvement projects, Telephone scams, Unusual bank account activity, Frequent checks made out to “cash”, Caregiver’s refusal to spend $ on eldery are all SS of ____? financial exploitation is occurring
Signatures on checks don’t resemble elder’s, Signing over deeds to property are all SS of ___? financial exploitation is occurring
What are the two things that are common to all types of abuse? Invisibility of the problem & Vulnerability of the older person
What are some characteristics of the perpetrator? Substance Abuse; Psychiatric Disorder; History of Violence; Dependence on the Victim; High Stress
What are some characteristics of the victim? Characteristics of Victim: Social Isolation; Chronic Illness or Functional Limitation; Cognitive Impairment; Living with Perpetrator
What are some prevention methods for Elderly Abuse? Provide on-going support for caregivers, Respite care, Refer to community based services, ways to decrease burden of caregiving, Anticipatory Guidance, Link with other resources…
Be there for the long haul; On-going assess for risk of ___, Use Caregiver Strain Index, Help set up ER plan, Monitor health & safety of caregiver as well as elder, Discuss in advance the poss. of in-home care helpers/institutionalization to prevent? Elder Abuse
What do you do when you suspect abuse? Home visits if possible to assess situation; Document your findings! We are mandatory reporters; Contact Adult Protective Services; Use your peer support system; Full scale assessmnt w/in 24 hours.
T/F We are Mandatory reporters of Abuse? True
A phrase a nurse could live by when treating an elderly pt? How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because some day in life you will have been all of these-George Washington Carver
Created by: cgwayland
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